Book Announcement: Stalwart Peasants, Undesirables, Refugees: Central and Eastern European Immigration to Canada

Title: Stalwart Peasants, Undesirables, Refugees: Central and Eastern European Immigration to Canada
Edited by: Balázs Venkovits
Publisher: Sciendo
Volume in the series: HJEAS Books
ISBN: 978-83-67405-46-1

The collection of essays in this volume of HJEAS Books explores the history of immigration to Canada from Central and Eastern Europe, spanning a period of approximately one hundred years and adding fresh perspectives and methodological approaches that enrich scholarly discourse in the field. The chapters written by authors from the USA, Canada, Belgium, France, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary highlight differences in the migration trajectories of people from various countries of the region, while also shedding light on the shared experience of immigrants of different time periods. The chapters provide valuable insights for migration studies, as well as the history of the Americas and Europe, and study the topic of immigration to Canada from a broad array of vantage points, among others, exploring the complex migration pathway from the places of emigration to Canada, the impact of race, ethnicity, and religion on migration, inter-American aspects of immigration to Canada, the contributions of immigrants to the evolving image(s) of Canada in Central and Eastern Europe, and the representations of immigration in literature, arts, and music. 

Open-Access link:

More about the series:

Job Announcement: two full-time tenure-track faculty positions in English language and linguistics

Contact person: Cristiano Broccias <>
Subject: Assistant Professor in English Language and Linguistics, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

University or Organization: University of Genoa
Department: Modern Languages and Culture
Job Location: Genoa, Italy
Web Address:
Job Title: Assistant Professor in English Language and Linguistics
Job Rank: Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
Required Language(s): English (eng)
Deadline for applications: 16th May 2022 at noon

Prospective candidates must have:

  • a PhD in English linguistics or a related field:
  • at least 3 years’ experience as a post-doc or at least three years’ experience as an assistant professor;
  • a strong research record and an excellent potential for future research 
  • a basic competence in Italian.

ESSE Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine

The Board of the European Society for the Study English expresses its shock and dismay at the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine and the devastating escalation of violence. We fully support the statements published by UNESCO and by FILLM, the Fédération Internationale des Langues et Litératures Modernes, of which ESSE is a member association. We would like to convey our sympathy and solidarity to the people of Ukraine.

New book: Anglo Saxon Women: A Florilegium

Anglo-Saxon Women: A Florilegium, ed. by Emily Butler (John Carroll University), Irina Dumitrescu (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) et Hilary E. Fox (Wayne State University).

This book is a collection of short, interpretive pieces (600-800 words) on a range of women in Anglo-Saxon England. These women include not only those long-recognized and studied, but those who occupy the background of texts. This florilegium of women from across the textual and material record reveals the obvious and obscure roles women played in Anglo-Saxon culture and their often overlooked presence in texts and art. The collection will be a resource for teachers to use in the classroom and for students to use while selecting research topics. It is also designed to be a pleasure to read, both for Anglo-Saxonists and for those curious about the field. This survey is intended to provide the editors with more data for placing the book with a suitable press.

In case you might be interested to use or recommend this book, could you please fill in the short questionnaire (only 4 questions) to be found at:

Book Announcement: Shakespeare on Screen: The Tempest and Late Romances

Sarah Hatchuel and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (eds.), Shakespeare on Screen: The Tempest and Late Romances

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

The series

The second volume in the re-launched series Shakespeare on Screen is devoted to The Tempest and Shakespeare’s late romances, offering up-to-date coverage of recent screen versions as well as new critical reviews of older, canonical films. An international cast of authors explores not only productions from the USA and the UK, but also translations, adaptations and appropriations from Poland, Italy and France. Spanning a wide chronological range, from the first cinematic interpretation of Cymbeline in 1913 to The Royal Ballet’s live broadcast of The Winter’s Tale in 2014, the volume provides an extensive treatment of the plays’ resonance for contemporary audiences. Supported by a film-bibliography, numerous illustrations and free online resources, the book will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars and teachers of film studies and Shakespeare studies.

The authors

Sarah Hatchuel is Professor of English Literature and Film and Head of the Groupe de Recherche Identités et Cultures (GRIC) at the University of Le Havre, as well as President of the Société Française Shakespeare. She has written extensively on adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays, including Shakespeare and the Cleopatra/Caesar Intertext: Sequel, Conflation, Remake (2011), Shakespeare, from Stage to Screen (Cambridge, 2004), and A Companion to the Shakespearean Films of Kenneth Branagh (2000), and has also written on television series, including Lost: Fiction vitale (2013) and Rêves et séries américaines: la fabrique d’autres mondes (2015). She is Co-editor-in-chief of the online journal TV/Series.

Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin is Professor in Shakespeare studies at Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier and Director of the Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières. She is co-editor-in-chief of the international journal Cahiers Élisabéthains and Co-director (with Patricia Dorval) of the Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia Database ( She has published The Unruly Tongue in Early Modern England, Three Treatises (2012) and is the author of Shakespeare’s Insults: A Pragmatic Dictionary (2016). She is Co-editor of the online journal Arrêt sur Scène/Scene Focus.

Details here:

14th ESSE Conference, Brno (Czech Republic), 29 August – 2 September 2018

Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
Czech Association for the Study of English (CZASE)

look forward to welcoming you to

the 14th ESSE Conference
in Brno, Czech Republic,
Wednesday 29 August – Sunday 2 September 2018

Conference site:  Continue reading “14th ESSE Conference, Brno (Czech Republic), 29 August – 2 September 2018”

Conference Report: ESSE 13 Conference, 22-26 August 2016, Galway, Ireland

The 13th ESSE Conference

22-26 August 2016, NUI Galway, Ireland

Patrick Lonergan and Aoife Leahy

galway2016-logo We were delighted to host the 13th ESSE conference at National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland.  There were 3 plenary lectures, 17 sub-plenary lectures, 80 seminars, 10 round tables, 5 special PhD sessions and a poster session as well as the ESSE General Assembly and book awards ceremony.

esse-13-photoApproximately 800 delegates attended this very busy conference. Special events included the Welcome Reception, a Sean Nós Song and Dance Performance from The Centre of Irish Studies, readings by the novelist Mike McCormack and the poet Mary O’ Malley, the conference dinner in the Radisson Hotel (including Irish music and dancing performances), three plays by the Fishamble theatre company, and a special closing seminar on women and contemporary theatre from the Druid Theatre Academy. Delegates could enjoy a tour of the library and special collections on any day of the conference and the exhibition “Shakespeare Lives through Kenneth Branagh on Stage and Screen” was on display in the library.

Emma Smith, the Cultural Studies plenary speaker, entertained us with “The Biography of a Book: Shakespeare’s First Folio.” Since the theme of this issue of the ESSE Messenger is Shakespeare Lives, Emma Smith has kindly published her lecture. Paul Baker was the Linguistics plenary speaker, delivering a fascinating lecture entitled “Divided by a Common Language? A Comparison of Recent Change in American and British English.” Colm Tóibín, the Literature plenary speaker, captivated the audience with “As Things Fall Apart: The Response to Violence in the Work of W.B. Yeats and James Joyce.”

Liliane Louvel, ESSE’s President, addressed the ESSE membership at the General Assembly. There was applause for Alberto Lazaro and Smiljana Komar, who have been re-elected as ESSE’s Treasurer and ESSE’s Secretary for another three year term. The prestigious ESSE book awards were presented to the prize winners.

Photographs of the General Assembly and book awards can be seen on the ESSE Facebook page at  Important decisions made at the ESSE Board meeting can be seen on the ESSE Messenger blog at

We look forward to the next ESSE conference in Brno in 2018!

Conference Report: Borders and Crossings Kielce, Poland, 12-14 September 2016

Borders and Crossings: An International and Multidisciplinary Conference on Travel Writing,

Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland, 12-14 September 2016

Eva Oppermann, Kassel

Picture credit: Pjotr Burda

Held for the second time in former Eastern Europe, this conference, which is the 13th Borders and Crossings Conference since 1998, was hosted by the Department of Modern Languages of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland. Dr. Agnieszka Szwach and associate professor Magdalena Ożarska, as its main organizers, did an excellent, extremely supportive, job. In eighteen sessions, more than fifty speakers from nearly twenty countries and about fifteen disciplines have covered a wide range of topics concerning travel writing of all ages. The two keynote lectures, “Illusion, immediacy, and the “vehicle of description” in travel writing and travel illustration” by Benjamin Colbert (university of Wolverhampton) and Ludmilla Kostova’s (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria) “Intercultural mediation in travel writing and its (dis)contents: the cases of Mary Wortley Montagu and Rebecca West” introduced various topics of wider interest in the field: Colbert discussed the concepts of both the picturesque and subjectivity in connection with travel writing, especially with description and illustration. Kostova introduced xenophilia, interpretation and mediation as means of understanding the “other” in women’s travel writing. The topics of the sessions included a concentration on various national literatures (e.g. Polish, French, Russian and British), gender (women’s travels), non-human travel (esp. animals; the space travel of science fiction was not represented), or travel in important works of literature. Continue reading “Conference Report: Borders and Crossings Kielce, Poland, 12-14 September 2016”

PhD Scholarship

Applications are invited for a full-time PhD scholarship at the Department of Literary Studies at KU Leuven (Campus Brussels). The successful applicant will participate in the project on ‘Cultural Transfer and Translation in Scottish Romantic Periodicals, 1817-1829’, funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO, and supervised by dr. Tom Toremans. The project will involve archival research at the University of Edinburgh/National Library of Scotland and is co-supervised by dr. Tom Mole (Centre for the History of the Book, University of Edinburgh).

More information at

ESSE-13 (2016) Conference – Space on S17

galway2016-logoESSE-13 conference, August 22 to August 26 2016, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland. There is still space on this seminar – please send an immediate expression of interest to the co-convenors.

S17 “Contact, Identity and Morphosyntactic Variation in Diasporic Communities of Practice”


This seminar aims to look at issues of language maintenance and shift in heritage communities of practice. Specific attention will be paid to discussing their longstanding migration, cultural heritage and identity construction. Mobility, contact and exchanges are increasing, social and communicative networks are becoming more complex, and the sociolinguistics of diaspora is beginning to address new issues. Diasporic communities are constantly increasing in size and number in the urban centres, making them sites of diversity. What happens to single heritage languages as they are relocated into new settings, creating new dialect contact situations? Papers resulting from ethnographic fieldwork and observation with a focus on language use, morphosyntactic variation and heritage identity are of particular interest

ESSE-13 (2016) Conference – Seminar looking for contributions

galway2016-logo The following ESSE 2016 seminar is still looking for contributors. Please send an immediate expression of interest to the co-convenors.

The Neo-Victorian Antipodes


From arguably the earliest example of Neo-Victorian fiction (Patrick White’s Voss, 1957) to recent Man-Booker winner The Luminaries (2013) by way of Peter Carey and Kate Grenville, the antipodes are a favoured setting for Neo-Victorian novels. This seminar explores how Neo-Victorian fiction constructs Australia, New Zealand and the Southern Pacific as, variously, the site of uncanny domesticity, an Other to Britain, a landscape to be colonised or scientifically appropriated, a frontier for the testing of masculinity, an occasion for re-writing of canonical texts. We aim to investigate the intersection of Neo-Victorian preoccupations with nineteenth-century discourses with post-colonial theorising of settler colonialism.

Please send proposals to:

Editorial code

The submission of articles offered for publication implies acceptance of the following rules.

1. The contributor grants ESSE exclusive rights to publish his/her contribution in electronic form (as a pdf file, downloadable from the ESSE Messenger website). The contribution is understood to include all material submitted for publication, i.e. text, figures, tables, graphs, abstracts, references, and all supplementary material accompanying the contribution.

2. Provided that the author gives a full bibliographical reference for his/her contribution when it is published (see below), the author may:

  • share print or electronic copies of the contribution with colleagues;
  • use all or part of the contribution, without revision or modification, in personal compilations or other publications of his/her own work;
  • use the contribution within his/her institution for educational or research purposes.

If ESSE receives any request to reproduce material first published in The Messenger, the request will be forwarded to the original author, and if the author agrees to reproduction no objection will be raised by ESSE, provided proper acknowledgement of the original publication is made. ESSE will normally ask the following text to accompany republished material: “Copyright ESSE and [Author’s Name]. First published in The ESSE Messenger XX/Y 20ZZ”. Any fee paid for reproducing the material will go to the author, but ESSE will not negotiate fees on behalf of authors. If the author wishes to re-publish such material elsewhere, then ESSE will raise no objection, provided acknowledgement of original publication is given as stated above.

3. In submitting a contribution the author warrants that:

  • it is original work, has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere in its final form either in printed or electronic form;
  • the author has obtained permission from the copyright holder to reproduce in the contribution (in all media including print and electronic form) material not owned by the author, and that the author has acknowledged the source;
  • in the case of a multi-authored contribution, the person who submits it is authorized to answer on behalf of all the co-authors.If material is submitted to the Messenger for publication which is copyright, in whole or in part, it is the responsibility of the person submitting the material to obtain permission to reproduce the material and to find out what form of acknowledgement should be printed and/or what fees should be paid. Under no circumstances will ESSE be held responsible for the payment of such fees.

If material submitted to the Messenger for publication is not already copyright, as will normally be the case, then copyright will be claimed upon publication and will normally then be held jointly by the author and ESSE, unless otherwise agreed and stated in the Messenger.

Issue XXIV/2 – Winter 2015



A password is required to open these PDF documents. The password is to be found in the printed issue of The Messenger.


Liliane Louvel, The ESSE President’s Column, p. 2
Hortensia Pârlog, Editorial Note. Password for the online version, p. 3
ESSE Book Awards 2016, p.4
ESSE Bursaries for 2016, p. 5
Call for applications for the ESSE positions of Secretary and Treasurer, p. 7
13th ESSE Conference, Galway 2016, p. 7
Günther Sigott, In Memoriam: William Nemser, p. 31
Martin A. Kayman: In Memoriam: Helmut Bonheim, p. 31

Download pp. 1-39


Pia Brînzeu, Post-postmodernism: An Ugly Wor(l)d?, p. 39
Maria Aline Ferreira, The Posthumanist and Biopolitical Turn in Post-Postmodernism, p. 42
Slávka Tomaščíková, Cultural Heritage and Food — New Media Narratives — New Meanings and New Identities, p. 49

Download pp. 39-57


Elena Doobenko, Poetics of Flexible Personification Gestalts in Anglo-American Literary Tradition, p. 57
Claire Chaplier, Anne-Marie O’Connell, ESP / ASP in the Domains of Science and Law in a French Higher Education Context: Preliminary Reflections, p. 61

Download pp. 57-76


Cristina Băniceru and Cristina Chevereșan, “You Have to Face Your Past” —- An Interview with Paul Bailey, p. 76

Download pp. 76-82


Leah Fritz, p. 82

Download pp. 82-85


REVIEWS, p. 89

Download pp. 86-103


The European English Messenger Archives 2006-2015

The records below refer to to The European English Messenger published in print between 2006-2015 and contain in each case the table of contents of the issue and offer downloadable material in PDF.

Back numbers are available on loan from two sources:

  • Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Lettres et de Sciences Humaines, 5 parvis René-Descartes, BP 7000, 69342 Lyon Cedex 07, France
  • the University Library (UBVU), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105, NL-1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


book-32_bw Winter 2015, XXIV/2

book-32_bw Summer 2015, XXIV/1


book-32_bw Winter 2014, XXIII/2

book-32_bw Summer 2014, XXIII/1


book-32_bw Winter 2013, XXII/2

book-32_bw Summer 2013, XXII/1


book-32_bw Winter 2012, XXI/2

book-32_bw Summer 2012, XXI/1


book-32_bw Autumn 2011, XX/2

book-32_bw Spring 2011, XX/1


book-32_bw Autumn 2010, XIX/2

book-32_bw Spring 2010, XIX/1


book-32_bw Autumn 2009, XVIII/2

book-32_bw Spring 2009, XVIII/1


book-32_bw Autumn 2008, XVII/2

book-32_bw Spring 2008, XVII/1


book-32_bw Autumn 2007, XVI/2

book-32_bw Spring 2007, XVI/1


book-32_bw Autumn 2006, XV/2

book-32_bw Spring 2006, XV/1