List of Books for Review

Suggested Titles

If you are interested in reviewing any of these titles, unless otherwise specified, please contact the Book Review Editor, Dr. Ana Chapman at
achapman [ at ], indicating the title(s) in question.

Karoulla-Vrikki, Dimitri, and Lucilla Lopriore, eds. Young Learners’ Oracy Acquisition and Development in International Foreign Language Learning Contexts, Multilingual Matters, 2025. To request a copy for review, please send an email to:  Flo Mclelland,

Laura Colombino. Kazuo Ishiguro and Ethics. Routledge, 2025. To request a copy for review, please visit:

Piller, I., Butorac, D., Farrell, E., Lising L., Motaghi Tabari, S., and V. Williams Tetteh. Life in a New Language. Oxford University Press, 2024. To request a review copy, please follow the instructions at

Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. Edited By Heather Alberro, Emrah Atasoy, Nora Castle, Rhiannon Firth, Conrad Scott. Routledge, 2024.

Anti-Heroes in the Works of Easton Ellis, Coe, Martel and Tsiolkas: Masculinity in Crisis. By Panos Gerakis. Cambridge Scholars, 2024. Copies will be sent to reviewers via:

Mental Health in English Language Education. Ludwigm Summer, Eisenmann, Becker, Kruger Des., Marr France. Attempto Verlag, 2024. Copies will be sent to reviewers either as a PDF file or a hard copy upon request: Kerstin Fasel mMail:

Pennant, April-Louise. Baby Girl, You’ve Got This!: Experiences of Black Girls and Women in the English Education System. Bloomsbury, 2024. Copies will be sent to reviewers either as a PDF file or a hard copy upon request:

Blackness at the Intersection. Crenshaw, Andrews, Wilson (eds.). Bloomsbury, 2024. Copies will be sent to reviewers either as a PDF file or a hard copy upon request:

Amadiume, Ifi. African Possibilites: A Matriarchitarian Perspective for Social Justice. Bloomsbury, 2024. Copies will be sent to reviewers either as a PDF file or a hard copy upon request:

Dogmas in Literature and Literary Missionary: Text, Reader and Critique. Ed. Önder Çakırtaş. Vernon Press, 2023. To review this book, please send an email request at the following address:

George Moore: Spheres of Influence. Eds. Kathryn Laing, Mary Pierse. Liverpool University Press: 2023.
To review this book, please send an email request at the following address:

Shakespeare’s First Folio Revisited: Quadricentennial Essays. Ed. Remedios Perni. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2023.

Dennis Henneböhl, ‘Taking Back Control’ of the Nation and Its History? Contemporary Fiction’s Engagement with Nostalgia in Brexit Britain. Brill, 2023.
To review this book, please send an email request at the following address:

Derek Attridge, Forms of Modernist Fiction. Edinburgh UP, 2023.
To review this book, please click the link above and then select “Request a review copy” link under the cover.

Wieland Schwanebeck. Comedy on Stage and Screen: An Introduction. Tübingen: Narr, 2022.

Martha Ostenso, The Young May Moon. Ed. Faye Hammill. Borealis Press, 2022.

New Perspectives on Academic Writing: The Thing That Wouldn’t Die. Ed. Bernd Herzogenrath (Anthology Editor).

Andreas Fischer. James Joyce in Zurich. Palgrave Macmillan: 2020.

Walter Macken, Critical Perspectives. Ed. Sandra Heinen and Katharina Rennhak. Cork University Press. May 2022. 252 pages.

Val Nolan. Neil Jordan: Works for the Page. Cork University Press, May 2022. 286 pages.

Diversity in Narration and Writing: The Novel. Kornelia Horvath, Judit Mudriczki and Sarolta Osztroluczki (ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022.

Analyzing Multimodality in Specialized Discourse Settings. Innovative Research Methods and Applications. Veronica Bonsignori, Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli, Denise Filmer (Eds.). Vernon Press, 2022.

Donna R. Miller. Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics. Equinox Publishing, 2021.

Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual, eds. Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative. Routledge, 2021. Taylor & Francis PDF Preview.

Bouso, Tamara. Changes in argument structure. The transitivizing Reaction Object Construction. (Linguistic Insights 277). Bern: Peter Lang, 2021.

Emilio Amideo, Queer Tidalectics: Linguistic and Sexual Fluidity in Contemporary Black Diasporic Literature. Northwestern University Press.
Year: 2021

Manfred Markus, English Dialect Dictionary Online: A New Departure in English Dialectology. Cambridge University Press.

Kirsten Sandrock, Scottish Colonial Literature: Writing the Atlantic, 1603-1707. Edinburgh University Press.

Mary Ann Caws and Michel Delville, The Edinburgh Companion to the Prose Poem. Edinburgh University Press.

Oana-Celia Gheorghiu, British and American Representations of 9/11: Literature, Politics and the Media.

Oana-Celia Gheorghiu (ed.), Shifting Twenty-First-Century Discourses, Borders and Identities. Preview here.

Arleen Ionescu and Maria Margaroni (eds.), Arts of Healing: Cultural Narratives of Trauma.

Ema Jelinkova and Rachel Summer (eds.), Literary Art of Ali Smith.

Mary Ann Caws and Michel Delville, The Edinburgh Companion to the Prose Poem. Details here:

Bhoil, Shelly and Enrique Galvan-Alvarez, eds. Tibetan Subjectivities on the Global Stage: Negotiating Dispossession. London: Lexington, 2018.

Borg Ruben, Paul Fagan and John McCourt, eds. Flann O’Brien: Problems with Authority. Cork: Cork University Press, 2017.

Buchenau, Barbara, Virginia Richter, Marijke Denger, eds. Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2015.

Caws, Mary Ann and Michel Delville. Undoing Art. Lavis: Quodlibet, 2017.

Hammill, Faye and Michelle Smith. Magazines, Travel, and Middlebrow Culture. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2015.

Murphy, Richard. The Kick: A Memoir of the Poet Richard Murphy. Cork: Cork University Press, 2017.

Stephanides, Stephanos and Stavros Karayanni. Vernacular Words, Cosmopolitan Imagination. Cross Cultures 182. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi, 2015.