The ESSE Messenger (ISSN: 2518-3567) is the online publication of ESSE (the European Society for the Study of English). Its main purpose is to disseminate information about English Studies in Europe and to foster intellectual and scholarly cooperation and development. The ESSE Messenger is a forum for academic research in Europe, a forum where ESSE members are invited to share their work and their findings with the academic community of the whole of Europe. The ESSE Messenger is a publication at the service of the academic community, it is open to those who have something to show and to share with the rest of the community.
The range of contributions welcomed by the Editor includes scholarly articles and notes, book reviews, conference reports, announcement of forthcoming events and other matters of interest to university teachers of English language and literature and to those engaged in English Studies research. The contributions sent to the Editor are distributed along the two platforms, the Blog, called The Newsletter and The Journal as shown below.
All material published in The ESSE Messenger is copyright of ESSE and of individual contributors, unless otherwise stated. Requests for permissions to reproduce such material should be addressed to the Editor.
The Newsletter
Materials such as news, info and notes about current ESSE matters, conference announcements and reports, academic publications and events, book announcements or in memoriam articles are published as they are received on the The ESSE Messenger website’s Blog page called Newsletter. The materials are published as blog posts and are associated with several categories listed in the Newsletter menu; if the mouse is hovered above it, the specific posts associated with them are displayed.
The Journal
Professional articles, book reviews, literary excerpts from guest authors, interviews are published in PDF issues (downloadable from: Journal > ESSE Messenger > Issues) twice a year – (i) in July (the Summer issue) and (ii) December (the Winter issue). These issues are open access.
The journal is indexed in / listed at:
The professional articles published in The ESSE Messenger are assessed by external experts not affiliated with the same institution as the article’s author. The final screening and decision of publication belongs to The ESSE Messenger Academic Editorial Board.
All contributions to The ESSE Messenger should be original work and observe the Editorial Code and the Stylesheet and should be sent to the Editor at the email address inserted below. The opinions expressed by the contributors are their own responsibility.
Click here for further details.
The ESSE Messenger at a Glance
Planned Issues

Dr. Laura Esteban-Segura
University of Málaga, Spain
Email address: esse.messenger [ at ]
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