EJES 2026

The European Journal of English Studies is inviting proposals for special issues in volume 30 (2026). 

EJES takes an interest in topics that investigate the  borders and intersections between different  research fields in English studies, including, but not  limited to, literary analysis, linguistics, critical and  cultural theory, and gender and sexuality studies.  This expansive focus allows the journal to  encompass the plurality of English studies in Europe, a reflection of its affiliation with the European  Society for the Study of English (ESSE). Topics of  special issues feature high-level scholarship as well  as a reflection on the argumentative strategies  behind ongoing work and emerging directions in the  study of Anglophone language and culture. 

Guest editing teams should consist of two or three scholars who work in different locations within Europe and who have some previous editorial experience. In some cases, EJES publishes  issues that have grown out of a conference or a conference panel. Such issues can be  considered if the resulting CFP also appeals to scholars who did not participate in the original  event. All submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review process. 

Proposals for topics for volume 30 (2026) should be sent to the editors before 30 November  2024: 

  • Isabel Carrera Suárez (University of Oviedo): icarrera@uniovi.es 
  • Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou (Artistotle University of Thessaloniki): katkit@enl.auth.gr
  • Frederik Van Dam (Radboud University, Nijmegen): frederik.vandam@ru.nl 


  1. Aspiring guest editors submit a CFP of 300-500 words to the general editors. This document includes a list of leading questions (for examples, see the current CFPs on  the ESSE website), and brief biographies of the guest editors. 
  2. The general editors select new topics for the issues before the end of 2024. The chosen  CFPs are edited to cohere with EJES’s aims. 
  3. During the following calendar year, the resulting CFPs are distributed widely.  Abstracts for potential submissions are collected in the spring of 2025 and are  reviewed by the guest editors and general editors. 4. Selected authors are then invited to submit full-length essays of between 6,000 and  8,000 words by November 2025. These essays are peer-reviewed and appear in the  EJES issues scheduled for 2026.

Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST), Fall 2024 General Issue

An international biannual print and online publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey, the Journal of American Studies of Turkey operates with a double-blind peer review system and publishes work (in English) on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography and related subjects.

The Editorial Board welcomes articles which cross conventional borders between academic disciplines, as well as comparative studies of the United States. The Board also welcomes movie and book reviews for each issue. Standard Book Reviews should be no longer than 1500 words although depending on the book being reviewed. They may be shorter or longer. Book reviewers should discuss the length of the review with the editors before writing. 

The Journal of American Studies of Turkey is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and the Classificazione ANVUR delle riviste scientifiche (Italy). It also appears in the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory and the MLA Directory of Periodicals. It can be accessed online (see the sidebar), in print, and through the EBSCO and Dergi Park databases.

The copyright of all material published will be vested in the Journal of American Studies of Turkey unless otherwise specifically agreed. This copyright covers exclusive rights of publication of printed or electronic media, including the World Wide Web. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material for which they do not own copyright.

The deadline for the Fall 2024 issue is September 20, 2024.

Please see our submission guidelines for more information.
Please use the following link for general submissions: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/jast

Correspondence should be directed to:

Nisa Harika Güzel Köşker
Ankara University, Turkey

Tarık Tansu Yiğit
Başkent University, Turkey

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies

CFP for Vol. 4 (2025)

Annual deadline: September 15

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies welcomes research articles and reviews related to all subjects in the field of English Language and Literature. The journal is an international, double-blind peer reviewed journal which offers open access to all. The scope of the journal covers theoretical, critical and thematic contexts regarding English Studies, including English literature, linguistics, translation, cultural studies and all other related subjects. Authors are to submit complete, original and full length articles (4000-8000 words) and reviews (1000-2000 words) which have not been published or under evaluation elsewhere. Please use the submission template uploaded on the journal website before sending the article for submission. All articles will be scanned for plagiarism via Ithenticate. If any instances of plagiarism are found during any of the stages of publication (reviewer evaluation, editorial reading and typesetting) the article will be rejected and the author will be notified immediately. Citation manipulated articles, or in other words, articles that are submitted to increase the citation number of a specific author will be rejected directly.

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies is currently indexed in MLA and ERIHPLUS and under evaluation for TR Dizin.

Please submit your manuscript using the link below. 


For further information: overtonesege@gmail.com


Dr. Begüm Tuğlu Atamer
Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Letters
Ege University
35100 Bornova / Izmir/ Turkey

For details about Procedure and Stylesheet, please check the original call inserted below.

Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST), Spring 2024 General Issue

An international biannual print and online publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey, the Journal of American Studies of Turkey operates with a double-blind peer review system and publishes work (in English) on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography and related subjects.

The Editorial Board welcomes articles which cross conventional borders between academic disciplines, as well as comparative studies of the United States. 

The Journal of American Studies of Turkey is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and the Classificazione ANVUR delle riviste scientifiche (Italy). It also appears in the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory and the MLA Directory of Periodicals. It can be accessed online, in print, and through the EBSCO and Dergi Park databases.

The copyright of all material published will be vested in the Journal of American Studies of Turkey unless otherwise specifically agreed. This copyright covers exclusive rights of publication of printed or electronic media, including the World Wide Web. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material for which they do not own copyright.

Please see our submission guidelines for more information: https://www.asat-jast.org/index.php/jast/submission-guidelines

Spring 2024 deadline: March 1, 2024

All general submissions and correspondence should be directed to:

Selen Aktari Sevgi
Başkent University, Turkey

Tarık Tansu Yiğit
Başkent University, Turkey

Literary Druid Journal

Literary Druid is a journal that fosters research and creative writing in English. It welcomes all nationals to contribute for learning and research purposes. The perspective of Literary Druid is to create a niche platform for academicians and patrons to share their intellect to enrich the English language and Literature. I welcome all to learn and share.

Literary Druid is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal. It is published twice a year and covers all areas of English such as the History of the English Language and Culture, ELT, Linguistics, Criticism, Literature, Creative writing in the English Language, Literature and Psychology, Women in English Literature, Eco-criticism, Comparative Literature, World Literatures in English Translation and all relevant areas related to the core area. In India, English Studies are on a brighter plane and the need for knowledge in the English language and literature for non-native academicians, research scholars and students is needed to enrich the scholarly quality and to create such a platform Literary Druid gives the opportunity to the deserving aspirants to share their critical and creative outlook through the journal.

See instructions @ http://literarydruid.com/instructions.html

Our journal is indexed in MLA, MIAR, ASI, ROAD, MIR@BEL, Publons, ERIHPLUS, and ICI.



Contact details


Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies

CFP for Vol. 3 (2024)

Annual deadline: 15 September

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies welcomes research articles and reviews related to all subjects in the field of English Language and Literature. The journal is an international, double-blind peer reviewed journal which offers open access to all. The scope of the journal covers theoretical, critical and thematic contexts regarding English Studies, including English literature, linguistics, translation, cultural studies and all other related subjects. Authors are to submit complete, original and full length articles (4000-8000 words) and reviews (1000-2000 words) which have not been published or under evaluation elsewhere. Please use the submission template uploaded on the journal website before sending the article for submission. All articles will be scanned for plagiarism via Ithenticate. If any instances of plagiarism are found during any of the stages of publication (reviewer evaluation, editorial reading and typesetting) the article will be rejected and the author will be notified immediately. Citation manipulated articles, or in other words, articles that are submitted to increase the citation number of a specific author will be rejected directly.

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies is currently indexed in MLA.

Please submit your manuscript using the link below. 


For further information: overtonesege@gmail.com


Dr. Begüm Tuğlu Atamer
Overtones: Ege Journal of English Studies
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Letters
Ege University
35100 Bornova / Izmir/ Turkey

Further details in the CFP below.

PJES (Polish Journal of English Studies)

The PJES is looking for submissions about the latest English language literature for our 2023 issue! Pick a book that is so new that no one has written about it yet and write the first scholarly paper about it. You don’t need time to check the critical bibliography because your paper will be the very first on the list. We are expecting your submissions by March – don’t be late or somebody else will write about that perfect book first!

Polish Journal of English Studies – http://pjes.edu.pl/ – is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars working in the literature, history, and culture of the English-speaking world, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics. The journal is intended as a forum for the exchange of scholarly and scientific thought, ideas, and proposals within the broadly understood discipline of English studies. We invite our colleagues to contribute articles which would reflect their field of research and expertise. The articles will be blindly reviewed by two independent scholars prior to their publication. We publish general issues as well as specific, topic-oriented ones. The first fifteen issues are now available at http://pjes.edu.pl/issues/ as well as through a number of online data-bases such as ProQuest or DOAJ. Prospective contributors will find all the necessary details at http://pjes.edu.pl/for-contributors/information/ . If you have any questions, please, contact the editors at pjes@pjes.edu.pl

Contact Email: pjes@pjes.edu.pl

URL: http://pjes.edu.pl/

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Vol 27 (2023)

Contributions are invited for the 27th Volume (2023) of Revista de Estudios  Norteamericanos

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is an international scholarly peer-reviewed  English-language journal which publishes papers and reviews on diverse  aspects of U.S. Studies, mainly literary, cultural, historical, artistic, or critical,  and which has been instrumental in furthering research and publication in U.S.  Studies since 1992. The journal, published annually by the University of Seville  and supported by the Spanish Association for American Studies welcomes  papers from scholars whose research meets the scientific criteria established by  the journal and summarized in the Guidelines for Authors. Contributions  should follow the formal instructions for submission included in these  Guidelines and will be subject to double-blind peer review according to the  criteria specified in the Guidelines for Referees; a third expert may be consulted  if advisable. Authors will receive a full report of the referees’ reasons for their  decision. 

The journal will also occasionally publish thematic/special sections  foregrounding subjects of particular relevance in the field of US studies. These  Special Sections will be guest edited and contributions may be either by direct  invitation from the Guest Editors or by public call. All papers will undergo the  same rigorous process of double-blind peer review as for the miscellaneous  section. 

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos can be accessed at: 

https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/ESTUDIOS_NORTEAMERICANOS /index 

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is included in the following databases and  indexes: SCOPUS, DIALNET, LATINDEX, CINDOC (IEDCYT), DICE, CIRC, MIAR,  RESH, ISOC, Dulcinea, IN-RECH, ULRICHSWEB, ERIH PLUS, MLA, and  ProQuest. 

Please note:  

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos publishes in “post-print”: papers are  uploaded to the webpage following their acceptance after double-blind peer  review, and the volume corresponding to each year is closed in December. Due  to this, submissions are welcome all year round. This system speeds up the  process of publication and helps us to maintain the standards of the FECYT  certificate of excellence. Papers must be submitted through the Open Journal System webpage.

For any queries, please contact the Board of Editors at ren@us.es