Book Review Editor: Dr. Ana Chapman at achapman [ at ] |
For reviewers
Please contact the Book Review Editor at the address above, indicating the title(s) in which you are interested.
The Book Review Editor will in turn contact you back and indicate the steps to follow next.
The deadlines for reviews are 31 May (for the Summer issue) and 31 October (for the Winter issue) of each year. Reviews received after these dates will be considered for publication in the next issue following after these dates.
When submitting a review, please provide full details of the book, followed by your name and affiliation:
- Name and surname of the author/editor of the book,
- Title of the book.
- Place of publication: name of the publisher, year of publication.
- Number of pages, price(s), ISBN(s).
- Name and surname of the reviewer (affiliation, country)
Please provide your contact details if requested by the book review editor.
For publishers or authors
Publishers or authors who want their books reviewed are invited to send the book titles to the Book Review Editor (see above); the titles will be duly posted on the ESSE Messenger site.