Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
Czech Association for the Study of English (CZASE)
look forward to welcoming you to
the 14th ESSE Conference
in Brno, Czech Republic,
Wednesday 29 August – Sunday 2 September 2018
Conference site:
- Submission of proposals for Parallel Lectures (nomination by national associations): 20 May 2017
- Submission of proposals for Seminars and Round Tables (proposals from prospective convenors): 20 May 2017
- Submission of individual papers for Seminars and the Doctoral Symposium, as well as proposals for Round Tables and Posters: 31 January 2018
- Registration will begin on 1 March 2018
ESSE members are invited to submit proposals for seminars and round tables on topics related to our fields of study: English Language (including Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies), Literatures in English, and Cultural and Area Studies. Proposals for seminars and round tables should be submitted directly to the Academic Programme Committee (APC) at National Associations are invited to nominate potential lecturers. Suggestions for lecturers should be sent to the presidents or representatives of the national associations, who will send the nominations to the APC.
Programme Format
SEMINARS – Proposals for seminars on topics within the three fields mentioned above should be submitted jointly by two ESSE members from two different national associations. The degree of international appeal will be one of the selection criteria used by the APC. In exceptional cases, the APC may permit one of the two convenors not to be an ESSE member (e.g. because they come from outside Europe), if it is argued that their presence is especially important for the seminar. Seminar proposals must include the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of the convenors and a 100-word description of the topic. Unlike round tables, seminars are not pre-constituted events and will therefore be included within the APC’s future call for papers, although convenors may take an active role in approaching potential participants. The seminar format is intended to encourage lively participation on the part of both speakers and members of the audience. For this reason, papers should be orally presented rather than read. Further directions will follow in the call for papers.
NB: proposals for individual papers should NOT be submitted at this stage. The deadline for individual papers will be 31 January 2018.
ROUND TABLES – The aim of round tables is to present topics and problems currently seen as shaping the nature of the discipline. At a round table a pre-constituted panel discusses issues of fairly general scholarly or professional interest in front of (and subsequently with) an audience. In other words, round tables are not sequences of papers, but debate sessions. Proposals should include a 100-word description of the topic and the names and affiliations of at least three participants (including the convenor), who must be drawn from more than one national association. The maximum number of speakers will be five.
PLENARY LECTURES – A number of distinguished keynote speakers, including at least one representing each of the three main fields covered by ESSE (English Language, Literatures in English, and Cultural and Area Studies), will give plenary lectures by direct invitation of the organizers.
PARALLEL LECTURES – In addition to the plenary lectures, there will be approximately 12 parallel lectures given by ESSE members nominated by their national associations. These parallel lectures are expected to have a wide appeal and to reflect recent developments in scholarship in one of the three areas mentioned above. They will be fifty minutes in length. National associations should forward a description of their nominee’s proposed topic together with a brief summary of his or her CV. Each national association can propose up to three lecturers, each of them in one of the three main fields mentioned above, so that the APC can have a wide range of options for the final selection. Please note that ESSE will not finance the parallel lecturers’ costs of attending the conference, but that their conference fees will be waived.
POSTERS – Posters will be devoted to research-in-progress and project presentations. The aim is to provide additional opportunities for feedback and personal contacts. Further details will appear on the ESSE Messenger website; the deadline for posters will be 31 January 2018.
DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM – Young scholars who are writing their PhD theses in English studies may apply to make a brief presentation of their work-in-progress at one of three workshops in the fields of English Language, Literatures in English, and Cultural and Area Studies respectively. These presentations should deal with the issues/hypotheses addressed in the thesis, the results so far obtained and above all the methodology applied, with the purpose of getting feedback from peers and established scholars in the field. Each workshop will be coordinated by two international experts, who will select from the applications and convene the corresponding sessions. Enquiries about this feature should be addressed to Emeritus Professor J. Lachlan Mackenzie (VU University Amsterdam, NL): Further details will appear on the ESSE Messenger website; the deadline for the submission of applications will be 31 January 2018.
- Associate Professor Jana Chamonikolasová (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- Professor María Socorro Suárez Lafuente (University of Oviedo, Spain)
- Professor Gašper Ilc (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Dr Aoife Leahy (Independent Scholar, Ireland)
- Professor Lieven Buysse (University of Leuven, Belgium)
- Professor Ondřej Pilný (Charles University, Czech Republic)
- Associate Professor Michael Kaylor (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)
- Dr Renáta Tomášková (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)