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Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies

CFP for Vol. 3 (2024)

Annual deadline: 15 September

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies welcomes research articles and reviews related to all subjects in the field of English Language and Literature. The journal is an international, double-blind peer reviewed journal which offers open access to all. The scope of the journal covers theoretical, critical and thematic contexts regarding English Studies, including English literature, linguistics, translation, cultural studies and all other related subjects. Authors are to submit complete, original and full length articles (4000-8000 words) and reviews (1000-2000 words) which have not been published or under evaluation elsewhere. Please use the submission template uploaded on the journal website before sending the article for submission. All articles will be scanned for plagiarism via Ithenticate. If any instances of plagiarism are found during any of the stages of publication (reviewer evaluation, editorial reading and typesetting) the article will be rejected and the author will be notified immediately. Citation manipulated articles, or in other words, articles that are submitted to increase the citation number of a specific author will be rejected directly.

Overtones Ege Journal of English Studies is currently indexed in MLA.

Please submit your manuscript using the link below.

For further information:


Dr. Begüm Tuğlu Atamer
Overtones: Ege Journal of English Studies
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Letters
Ege University
35100 Bornova / Izmir/ Turkey

Further details in the CFP below.

European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology”

The European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology” will be held from 24.07 – 4.08.2023 at its new home at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The programme of the Summer University consists of: intensive Workshops, Hands-on sessions, Teaser Sessions, Lectures, Project Presentation Sessions, Round Table Discussions, Poster Sessions. The summer university is directed at an international audience. Students in their final year, graduates, postgraduates, doctoral students, postdocs, teachers, librarians and technical assistants from all over Europe and beyond who are involved in the theoretical, experimental or practical application of computational methods in the various areas of the Humanities, in libraries and archives, or wish to do so are the target audience of the courses. To learn more about ESUDH, visit our site:

Postdoctoral research contract (2023-2024)

“Translating and Expressing the Experience of Extreme Violence since 1945”

Duration: from 2023/10/01 to 2024/09/30
Annual gross salary: € 33,600
Application deadline: 9 June 2023
Host institution: IMAGER (Université Paris-Est Créteil, France)

This postdoctoral project is designed as an interdisciplinary endeavour that seeks to combine literary and social science (history, sociology) perspectives. It aims to study how a very peculiar experience—that of extreme violence—is translated into discourses that condition both their intelligibility and their very unintelligibility. A starting point is that the Holocaust has durably altered the discursive modes whereby such testimonies may be expressed. Hence the need to explore the problematic conditions that allow such discourse to emerge by resorting to a multilingual, interdisciplinary perspective—as such testimonies after 1945 are indeed characterised by the multiple languages and disciplines to which they pertain.

Contact: Daniel Meyer

See details:

Vacant Academic Position: University Professor of English Linguistics at The University of Innsbruck

The University of Innsbruck invites applications for the position of 
University Professor of  English Linguistics 
at the Department of English at the Faculty of Philology and Cultural Studies. 

In accordance with § 98 of the Austrian Universities’ Act (Universitätsgesetz – UG) this position is based on a civil-law employment contract with the University according to the Salaried Employees  Act (Angestelltengesetz). The contract is for a permanent full-time position. 

Continue reading “Vacant Academic Position: University Professor of English Linguistics at The University of Innsbruck”

ANGLES: Call for Guest Editors

Angles is seeking guest editors for the thematic sections of its upcoming issues, due to be published in 2025 and 2026

Angles is an international online peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur).
It is indexed by MLA, EBSCO, ERIH Plus, etc.
Each thematic issue contains 8–12 articles selected by a guest editor after a double-blind peer-review process.

The journal fosters scholarly risk-taking and experimentation by junior and senior researchers. Angles accepts academic contributions partly, or wholly, in non-traditional forms (documentary film, short story, comic book, manifesto, pamphlet…). Angles also encourages proposals from specialists wishing to explore a different field of study than their own.

This interdisciplinary journal has a triple aim:

  1. to encourage innovative interdisciplinary research;
  2. to make cutting-edge research freely available through an open access policy;
  3. to make full use of the possibilities offered by digital publication and different modes of expression: text, image, video, podcasts, hyperlinks…
Continue reading “ANGLES: Call for Guest Editors”

Nabokov Society Prizes and Grants 2023

The International Vladimir Nabokov Society is currently seeking submissions for its 2023 Prizes, generously funded by the Vladimir Nabokov Literary Foundation, for excellence in undergraduate and graduate-level work, published articles, and books. Work can be self-nominated. Instructors are invited to nominate students. The deadline for nominations is April 30th, 2023. The list of prizes can be viewed here:

Founded in 1978, the IVNS exists to promote the study and appreciation of Nabokov’s work and awards prizes each year for outstanding essays and books in the field of Nabokov Studies.

See the attached file for more details on each prize and on grants.

Vacant Academic Position: 3-year fully funded PhD position in Linguistics at the University of Lille, France

Call for Applicants

We offer a 3-year PhD position in Linguistics at the University of Lille, France (Research Lab STL: Savoirs, Textes, Langage) on the topic of metaphor and neologisms. This position is funded by the French Research institution ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) within the framework of a research project entitled “Words Fail Me”: Naming the Unnamable (project acronym: PERINAT). PERINAT ( is a collaborative project involving three Universities (Birmingham, Lille, Naples) and it focuses on the discourse surrounding perinatal loss. Through the lens of cognitive linguistics and discourse analysis, the PERINAT research team will be observing the metaphors and neologisms used in the narrative of bereaved parents. The project is based on interviews with parents in France and Dutch-speaking Belgium. The PhD candidate will be responsible for the corpus of interviews in Dutch.

Continue reading “Vacant Academic Position: 3-year fully funded PhD position in Linguistics at the University of Lille, France”

Book Series Announcement

Forthcoming Series: Global Historical Fictions

In what way do historical fictions shape our sense of history and for what purpose?
Defining historical fictions as encompassing many media forms, the series fosters an
interest in the impact of popular historical forms, and challenges the continuing Western
dominance in studies of historical fictions.

Series Editors: Ingibjörg Ágústsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland, Jerome de Groot,
University of Manchester, UK, Dorothea Flothow, University of Salzburg, Austria,

Siobhan O’Connor, Holy Cross College Bury, UK, and Stephanie Russo, Macquarie University, Australia

Call for Topics for the European Journal of English Studies (Volume 29 and Volume 30, to be published in 2024 and 2025)

The European Journal of English Studies is calling for proposals for the topics of special issues of the journal that will be published in 2024 or in 2025. EJES presents work of the highest quality in Anglophone critical theory, literary, linguistic, cultural, media, and sexuality studies. This coheres with the plurality of English and Anglophone studies in Europe and relates to the journal’s association with the European Society for the Study of English.

Pronounced “edges,” the journal takes an interest in topics that investigate borders and overlaps between interdisciplinary scholarship in English and Anglophone Studies. We take a broadly questioning stance towards “English” and “English Studies” and wish to promote dialogue between the disciplines and cultural traditions of inquiry relating to these studies. “European” then describes situations in which “English” is studied and taught in a variety of Anglophone and non-Anglophone contexts. 

The general editors encourage proposals for special issue topics that span divides between critical and cultural theory, literary analysis, and linguistics as well as gender and sexuality studies. Ideally, these topics will also reflect on English and Anglophone Studies within Europe. Guest editing teams should be comprised of two or three persons working in different localities within Europe who have significant editing experience. 

In some cases, EJES publishes volumes that result out of conferences. These proposals can be considered if the resulting CFP is opened up to scholars who did not participate in the original conference. Suggestions for topics can be made to the editors at any time. 


  1. Potential guest editors submit a Call for Papers of 300 to 500 words for their topic to the general editors. This includes a list of leading questions. See the current CFPs or the example here for a suggested form. Brief bios of the guest editors should be included that demonstrate their editing experience.
  2. The general editors select new topics for the issues. The chosen CFPs are edited to cohere with EJES’s aims.
  3. During the following calendar year, the resulting CFPs are distributed widely, and potential submissions are collected by the end of November of that year and are reviewed by the guest and general editors.
  4. Selected authors are then invited to submit full-length essays of between 6,000 and 8,000 words. These essays are peer-reviewed and appear in the EJES issues that are published in the following year. 


Book Announcement: “A wretchedness to defend”: Reading Beckett’s Letters, by Erika Mihálycsa

Title: “A wretchedness to defend”: Reading Beckett’s Letters 
Author: Erika Mihálycsa (Babeș-Bolyai University
Cluj-Napoca / Kolozsvár, Romania)
Publisher: University of Debrecen Press
Series: HJEAS Books 
Date of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-963-615-047-1

Open-access e-book:

“A wretchedness to defend”: Reading Beckett’s Letters is an in-depth study of the correspondence of Samuel Beckett, selected and published by Cambridge University Press between 2009 and 2016. The volume treats the letters as inroads to Beckett’s poetics, stressing that, apart from their value as key documents to the Beckett canon, these are of a literary quality consubstantial with the output of one of the most radical modern writers. Reading Beckett’s pronouncements on works of literature and art, his first-hand accounts of grappling with his own writerly material, as well as his—invariably reserved—clarifications to theater-makers, translators, and interpreters of his work, in the context of his published fiction and plays and in light of recent advances in archival Beckett studies, the present book focuses on Beckett’s sustained self-education in literature, the visual arts, and philosophy, which imbricates his writerly choices, his lifelong commitment to critical reading, as well as his dilemmas in the practice of writing, self-translating, and theatrical performance. It points at the multiple ways in which this vast and many-faced correspondence reveals previously unknown contexts, over- and undertones of the work, and illuminates the processes of knowledge and “unknowing” on which Beckett’s singular aesthetics of impoverishment, of the low, of finitude, of ethical blank writing and achievement lessness is premised. Given its multiple foci on Beckett the reader, the self-translator, and the self director, the book is of potential interest to Beckett researchers, scholars working in the field of modernism and translation studies, as well as readers of Beckett.

“‘A wretchedness to defend’: Reading Beckett’s Letters” is the first book-length study to take the full measure of Samuel Beckett’s correspondence. As Mihálycsa’s assured writing highlights, this multilingual correspondence provides an essential insight into Beckett’s life and work. Along the way, profound insights into one of literature’s greats are yoked to recent developments in Beckett Studies, which has emerged as a leading sub-discipline in the study of modern literature. For scholars of Beckett Studies, and indeed modern literature more generally, this monograph is an assured guide to the wit, insight, and stoicism offered in Beckett’s letters.” 

—Matthew Feldman, editor of Samuel Beckett’s ‘Philosophy Notes’ (2020) and author of Falsifying Beckett: Essays on Archives, Philosophy and Methodology in Beckett Studies (2015), and Beckett’s Books (2006) 

Conference Report: “Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements in Contemporary Literature and Culture”

“Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements in Contemporary Literature and Culture” (University of Málaga, 21-23 September 2022)

Beth Roberts, University of Surrey

The concepts of orientation, reorientation and disorientation have been increasingly examined in contemporary literature and culture following the pioneering work of Sara Ahmed in Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others (2006). Indeed, the call for papers for the University of Málaga’s “Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements in Contemporary Literature and Culture” conference makes clear reference to Ahmed, quoting her definition of orientations – “[o]rientations are about the direction we take that puts some things and not others in our reach” (2006: 56) – and posing questions regarding the directions, configurations and affects of and within contemporary texts.

Continue reading “Conference Report: “Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements in Contemporary Literature and Culture””

PJES (Polish Journal of English Studies)

The PJES is looking for submissions about the latest English language literature for our 2023 issue! Pick a book that is so new that no one has written about it yet and write the first scholarly paper about it. You don’t need time to check the critical bibliography because your paper will be the very first on the list. We are expecting your submissions by March – don’t be late or somebody else will write about that perfect book first!

Polish Journal of English Studies – – is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars working in the literature, history, and culture of the English-speaking world, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics. The journal is intended as a forum for the exchange of scholarly and scientific thought, ideas, and proposals within the broadly understood discipline of English studies. We invite our colleagues to contribute articles which would reflect their field of research and expertise. The articles will be blindly reviewed by two independent scholars prior to their publication. We publish general issues as well as specific, topic-oriented ones. The first fifteen issues are now available at as well as through a number of online data-bases such as ProQuest or DOAJ. Prospective contributors will find all the necessary details at . If you have any questions, please, contact the editors at

Contact Email:


Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Vol 27 (2023)

Contributions are invited for the 27th Volume (2023) of Revista de Estudios  Norteamericanos

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is an international scholarly peer-reviewed  English-language journal which publishes papers and reviews on diverse  aspects of U.S. Studies, mainly literary, cultural, historical, artistic, or critical,  and which has been instrumental in furthering research and publication in U.S.  Studies since 1992. The journal, published annually by the University of Seville  and supported by the Spanish Association for American Studies welcomes  papers from scholars whose research meets the scientific criteria established by  the journal and summarized in the Guidelines for Authors. Contributions  should follow the formal instructions for submission included in these  Guidelines and will be subject to double-blind peer review according to the  criteria specified in the Guidelines for Referees; a third expert may be consulted  if advisable. Authors will receive a full report of the referees’ reasons for their  decision. 

The journal will also occasionally publish thematic/special sections  foregrounding subjects of particular relevance in the field of US studies. These  Special Sections will be guest edited and contributions may be either by direct  invitation from the Guest Editors or by public call. All papers will undergo the  same rigorous process of double-blind peer review as for the miscellaneous  section. 

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos can be accessed at: /index 

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos is included in the following databases and  indexes: SCOPUS, DIALNET, LATINDEX, CINDOC (IEDCYT), DICE, CIRC, MIAR,  RESH, ISOC, Dulcinea, IN-RECH, ULRICHSWEB, ERIH PLUS, MLA, and  ProQuest. 

Please note:  

Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos publishes in “post-print”: papers are  uploaded to the webpage following their acceptance after double-blind peer  review, and the volume corresponding to each year is closed in December. Due  to this, submissions are welcome all year round. This system speeds up the  process of publication and helps us to maintain the standards of the FECYT  certificate of excellence. Papers must be submitted through the Open Journal System webpage.

For any queries, please contact the Board of Editors at

TransCanadian Networks – ESSE Workshop (ESSE Collaborative Project Workshop Scheme)

TransCanadian NetworksES – SE Workshop
(ESSE Collaborative Project Workshop Scheme)
November 9-11, 2022
Universidad de las Islas Baleares

Event Report

The workshop took place in the terms articulated in our original application for funding. Designed for the research team of the funded project TransCanadian Networks (RED2018-102643-T) to meet with a selected group of European scholars in the field of contemporary Literatures and Cultures of Canada and articulate the research axes of a new application for a larger grant, the workshop had three key objectives: a) to expand the size of the present research team, inviting prominent Europe-based Canadianists, b) to define, refine and organize the work around crucial areas of research within the field and c) to write the first draft of the application for the larger grant. These objectives were fully achieved. The event was highly successful and provided the necessary time and space to work out practical and intellectual details of this new expanded project. 

Continue reading “TransCanadian Networks – ESSE Workshop (ESSE Collaborative Project Workshop Scheme)”

5-year lecturer (postdoc) position in English Linguistics (teaching and research) at the University of Salzburg, Austria

5-year lecturer (postdoc) position in English Linguistics (teaching and research) at the University of Salzburg, Austria (GZ A 0235/1-2022) 

The Department of English and American Studies at the University of Salzburg intends to appoint a postdoctoral lecturer (teaching and research) in English Linguistics with a specialization in (Variationist) Sociolinguistics.  

  • Salary: € 4,061.50 before tax (14 times a year) 
  • Closing date: 7 December 2022 
  • Start date: 1 March 2023 (if desired 1 October 2023) 
  • Duration of contract: 5 years 
  • Hours per Week: 40 
  • Reference: GZ A 0235/1-2022 

Duties will include: Independent research in English Linguistics; contributions to departmental administration and grant writing in the area of English Linguistics; independent teaching in English Linguistics (4 hours per week), especially in (Variationist) Sociolinguistics 

Person specification – essential: Doctorate/PhD in (English) Linguistics; record of publication/research in (Variationist) Sociolinguisticsexperience in the acquisition of external or internal project funding; good record of teaching in the core areas of English Linguistics, particularly Sociolinguisticsexcellent English proficiency

Person specification – desirable: 

Experience abroad; experience and interest in Educational Linguistics (in the widest sense), particularly regarding diversity, inclusion, gender, interculturality and multilingualism; evidence of the ability to successfully engage in collaborative work as part of a team; reliability and commitment  

Further details: 

For more information, please contact Erik Schleef at

Closing date: 7 December 2022 

Unfortunately, the University of Salzburg does not pay for interview-related travel and accommodation; however, an online interview may be arranged. 

Please quote reference code GZ A 0235/1-2022 when applying and send your application to Please include a cover letter, your CV, BA and MA certificates, a writing sample and name and address of two academics who may be contacted for letters of recommendation. 

Conference Report: “The ‘Second World’ in Contemporary British Writing”

Conference Report: “The ‘Second World’ in Contemporary British Writing” International Conference at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
16-18 September 2022

Florian Gieseler
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

The main objective of the conference ( was to investigate contemporary British writing published after the fall of the Iron Curtain, but imaginatively located in Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War – the so-called ‘Second World’. A particular focus – and relatively new angle within the larger context of global Cold War literature and postsocialist perspectives – was the retrotopian potential of such narratives, as conceptualised by Zygmunt Bauman. Scholars from the United Kingdom, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, and Germany attended to investigate whether more recent British writing was indeed expressing, as the CFP had proposed, “the apparent desire to review and imaginatively revisit past ‘utopias’ […] as retrotopia, the desire to retrieve – through creatively engaging with ‘genuine or putative aspects of this past’ – the utopian potential that it represented”.

Continue reading “Conference Report: “The ‘Second World’ in Contemporary British Writing””

BRILL DQR Studies in the Lyric Book Series

A leading academic publisher in the humanities, Brill gladly invites authors to contribute to their book series DQR Studies in the Lyric ( / Headed by a diverse editorial board, representing the most fruitful schools of thought on the theory of poetry, lyric and verse, this series welcomes bold investigations which deepen or revise traditional approaches and especially encourages studies that advance fresh, transdisciplinary frameworks. DQR Studies in the Lyric is a subseries of DQR Studies in Literature, a longstanding book series which covers the field of Anglophone literature(s) in its historical, cultural, national and ethnic complexity.

Authors are cordially invited to submit book proposals or enquiries to the Acquisitions Editor at BRILL, Masja Horn (

L’Epoque Conradienne

L’Epoque Conradienne, the academic review of the French Société Conradienne, invites papers (normally 5000 to 8000 words) on all aspects of Joseph Conrad’s writings.

The articles published in L’Epoque Conradienne will be submitted to blind peer-reviews.

Published yearly by Pulim (Presses Universitaires de Limoges), the journal is indexed in EBSCOhost.Papers should be sent to the general editor: or

L’Epoque Conradienne vol. 43
Energy in Conrad and Hardy

Nathalie Martinière & Peggy Blin-Cordon eds. (+ introduction), 
Limoges: Pulim, 2022, 116 pp.
ISBN10 : 2-84287-854-2
ISBN13 : 9782842878542

The age of Thomas Hardy and Joseph Conrad saw the discovery of many new forms of energy: steam, gas and electricity contributed to reshaping the environment as well as the social and economic organization of the world. How did these new energies compete or interfere with older ones, like those of the human body and of nature in general? And how did the two writers accommodate, or render in prose or verse the power of these new energies, the fascination/repulsion for their chemical/physical impulses? Aside from pure epistemology, can the notion of energy help us read the two authors differently?

This volume contains papers given in the panel “Energy in Conrad and Hardy” during the 15th ESSE International Conference held online (Lyon, France) on 01-02 September, 2021. 

Table of contents
In Memoriam – Claude Maisonnat (1945-2019)


– I – Energy 

  • Dynamis and Energeia in Joseph Conrad’s Under Western Eyes 
  • Degeneration and regeneration in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles and Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent 
  • “There is, from that point of view, a deplorable lack of concentration in coal”: New Energies and the Crisis of Adventure in Conrad’s Insular Fiction.
    Julie GAY
  • Energy and “the stillness of the stones” in Tess of the d’Urbervilles
    Annie RAMEL
  • “Trimming”, Fellatio and Cross-Dressing: Sexual Innuendo and Subversive Energy in Thomas Hardy’s “The Distracted Preacher” 
    Jane THOMAS

– II – Varia 

  • Defending Duplicity: Reading Against Writing in Joseph Conrad’s “The Secret Sharer” 
  • Ludmilla VOITKOVSKA
  • « Falk » : un proto-Koh-ring
    Patrick TOURCHON

Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness, edited by John G. Peters, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Broadview Press, 2019, 240 p.P
Price: 18 euros (+ shipping fees) 

The volume may be ordered from:

Nathalie Martinière
Société Conradienne française – FLSH
39E rue Camille Guérin
87036 Limoges Cedex

Journal of American Studies of Turkey (JAST), Spring 2023 General Issue

Spring 2023 deadline: December 31, 2022

An international biannual print and online publication of the American Studies Association of Turkey, the Journal of American Studies of Turkey operates with a double-blind peer review system and publishes work (in English) on American literature, history, art, music, film, popular culture, institutions, politics, economics, geography and related subjects.

The Editorial Board welcomes articles which cross conventional borders between academic disciplines, as well as comparative studies of the United States. 

The Journal of American Studies of Turkey is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, TÜBİTAK/ULAKBİM TR Dizin, and the Classificazione ANVUR delle riviste scientifiche (Italy). It also appears in the Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory and the MLA Directory of Periodicals. It can be accessed online, in print, and through the EBSCO and Dergi Park databases.

The copyright of all material published will be vested in the Journal of American Studies of Turkey unless otherwise specifically agreed. This copyright covers exclusive rights of publication of printed or electronic media, including the World Wide Web. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material for which they do not own copyright.

Please see our submission guidelines for more information:

Spring 2023 deadline: December 31, 2022

All general submissions and correspondence should be directed to:

Defne Ersin Tutan 
Başkent University, Turkey

Selen Aktari Sevgi
Başkent University, Turkey


American Studies Association of Turkey

The death of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

Queen Elizabeth II

The European Society for the Study of English mourns the death of Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8, 2022, aged 96. She was the longest serving monarch the United Kingdom has ever seen. Her death ended a rule of 70 years that saw 15 prime ministers from Winston Churchill to Boris Johnson and, finally, to Liz Truss, whom she formally invited to become prime minster only two days before her death. Her son Charles succeeds her on the throne and will now be known as King Charles III. In a statement, he called the death of his mother “a moment of the greatest sadness for me and all members of my family,” adding that “her loss will be deeply felt throughout the country, the Realms and the Commonwealth, and by countless people around the world.” ESSE is saddened by the news and wishes to express its deepest condolences to the Royal Family, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

2022 Book Awards Shortlists and Winners

ESSE Book Awards 2022

For books first published in 2020 and 2021 (date on imprint page of published book)

  • Category A is open for all books
  • Category B is for the first book only

ESSE Book Awards Ceremony

Monday, August 29, 2022, 14.00,  Mainz
ESSE-16 Conference opening 13.30


The lists below are in alphabetical order with the winners highlighted in bold. Details here .

1. English language and linguistics

Category A

  1. Calle-Martín, Javier. 2020. John Arderon’s De judiciis urinarum: A Middle English Commentary on Giles of Corbeil’s Carmen de urinis in Glasgow University Library, MS Hunter 328 and Manchester University Library, MS Rylands Eng. 1310. Liverpool University Press.
  2. Perez-Llantada, Carmen. 2021. Research Genres across Languages. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Pilliere, Linda. 2021. Intralingual Translation of British Novels: A Multimodal Stylistic Perspective. Bloomsbury Academic.

Category B 

  1. Bouso, Tamara. 2021. Changes in argument structure. The transitivizing Reaction Object Construction. Peter Lang.
  2. Fernández-Pena, Yolanda. 2020. Reconciling Synchrony, Diachrony and Usage in Verb Number Agreement with Complex Collective Subjects. Routledge.
  3. Gandón-Chapela, Evelyn. 2020. On Invisible Language in Modern English: A Corpus-based Approach to Ellipsis. Bloomsbury Academic.

2. Literatures in the English language

Category A

  1. Haschemi Yekani, Elahe. 2021. Familial Feeling. Entangled Tonalities in Early Black Atlantic Writing and the Rise of the British Novel.  Palgrave Macmillan.
  2. Lynall, Gregory. 2020. Imagining Solar Energy. The Power of the Sun in Literature, Science and Culture. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  3. Martínez García, Ana Belén. 2020. New Forms of Self Narration. Young Women, Life Writing and Human Rights. Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Schwanebeck, Wieland. 2020. Literary Twinship from Shakespeare to the Age of Cloning. Routledge.
  5. Talairach, Laurence. 2021. Animals, Museum Culture and Children’s Literature in 19th century Britain. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Category B

  1. Dinter, Sandra. 2020. Childhood in the Contemporary English Novel. Routledge.
  2. Gebauer, Carolin. Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2021.
  3. Gill, Josie. 2020. Biofictions: Race, Genetics and the Contemporary Novel. Bloomsbury Academic. 
  4. John, Stefanie. 2021. Post-Romantic Aesthetics in Contemporary British and Irish Poetry. ‎ Routledge.
  5. Pelayo Sañudo, Eva. 2021. Spatialities in Italian American Women’s Literature: Beyond the Mean Streets. ‎ Routledge.

3. Cultural and area studies in English

Category A 

  1. Borham-Puyal, Miriam. 2020. Contemporary Rewritings of Liminal Women. Echoes of the Past. Routledge.
  2. Katsarska, Milena. 2021. Parapositions: Prefacing American Literature in Bulgarian Translation 1948-1998. Plovdiv University Press.

Category B

  1. Bowers, Will. 2020. The Italian Idea: Anglo-Italian Radical Literary Culture, 1815–1823. Cambridge University Press.