ANGLES: Call for Guest Editors

Angles is seeking guest editors for the thematic sections of its upcoming issues, due to be published in 2025 and 2026

Angles is an international online peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur).
It is indexed by MLA, EBSCO, ERIH Plus, etc.
Each thematic issue contains 8–12 articles selected by a guest editor after a double-blind peer-review process.

The journal fosters scholarly risk-taking and experimentation by junior and senior researchers. Angles accepts academic contributions partly, or wholly, in non-traditional forms (documentary film, short story, comic book, manifesto, pamphlet…). Angles also encourages proposals from specialists wishing to explore a different field of study than their own.

This interdisciplinary journal has a triple aim:

  1. to encourage innovative interdisciplinary research;
  2. to make cutting-edge research freely available through an open access policy;
  3. to make full use of the possibilities offered by digital publication and different modes of expression: text, image, video, podcasts, hyperlinks…

Prospective Guest editors are invited to send the following data to the editors (see contact info on our website):

  • name(s), email(s), affiliation(s), short bio(s);
  • proposed topic for the thematic section, with a rationale or a sample Call for Papers (500-750 words max.);
  • list of prospective contributors (if applicable).

All topics should relate to the Anglophone world (e.g. in the choice of corpus, theoretical framework, etc.), without limitation on the discipline or the approach chosen. We particularly welcome proposals that include different sub-disciplines, periods, geographic areas, etc. All submissions must be in English only.

Prospective guest editors should be willing to submit their introduction to their thematic issue in a non-traditional format, typically in the form of a video. The journal’s Editorial Team usually assists guest editors in this regard, and you do not need prior video-making skills to submit a proposal.

Proposals are examined on a rolling deadline. Decisions will be made within 45 days.

Thematic issues are published within 6 months to 3 years maximum after acceptance, with an average of 12 to 24 months (the detailed calendar is discussed with prospective guest editors).

Please note that proposals stemming from conference proceedings will be considered only if guest editors are willing to expand and rework the prospective issue in line with the editorial policy of the journal (see above, notably concerning risk-taking and experimentation). Additionally, as all contributions will be submitted to the usual double-blind peer review process, it is common to expect a certain number of rejections.

Guest editors do NOT need to be members of the SAES to submit a proposal. International guest editors and contributors are welcome. Proposals by early career researchers are equally welcome.

For more information on the journal, along with submission guidelines, see

