The PJES is looking for submissions about the latest English language literature for our 2023 issue! Pick a book that is so new that no one has written about it yet and write the first scholarly paper about it. You don’t need time to check the critical bibliography because your paper will be the very first on the list. We are expecting your submissions by March – don’t be late or somebody else will write about that perfect book first!
Polish Journal of English Studies – – is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars working in the literature, history, and culture of the English-speaking world, as well as theoretical and applied linguistics. The journal is intended as a forum for the exchange of scholarly and scientific thought, ideas, and proposals within the broadly understood discipline of English studies. We invite our colleagues to contribute articles which would reflect their field of research and expertise. The articles will be blindly reviewed by two independent scholars prior to their publication. We publish general issues as well as specific, topic-oriented ones. The first fifteen issues are now available at as well as through a number of online data-bases such as ProQuest or DOAJ. Prospective contributors will find all the necessary details at . If you have any questions, please, contact the editors at
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