Call for Topics for Three Special Issues of EJES

Call for Topics for Three Special Issues of European Journal of English Studies

(Volume 26, to be published in 2022)

The European Journal of English Studies is calling for proposals for the topics of three special issues of the journal that will be published in 2022. EJES or the European Journal of English Studies is the official journal of the European Society for the Study of English. The journal is published by Routledge, a division of the Taylor and Francis Group. EJES is peer reviewed, and several recent issues have been reprinted as hardback books by Routledge (Routledge Special Issues as Books). During 2018, EJES received 29,713 full-text downloads from the T&F platform.

The journal’s acronym “EJESreflects its editors’ aspiration to publish cutting-edge research that questions boundaries between literary research, linguistics, and cultural and media studies. Pronounced “edges,” the journal takes an interest in topics that investigate edges of and overlaps between interdisciplinary scholarship in English Studies. “European” does not describe a geography, but a situation in which “English” is studied and taught, across a wide range of disciplines. We are particularly interested in seeing work that addresses crossovers between political and aesthetic issues, also as they are reflected in language use. See for Aims and Scope.

Proposals for themed issues are welcome at any time. Yet a selection of three new topics is made at the end of each calendar year. The current call is for Volume 26, to be published in 2022. Guest editing teams are ideally comprised of two or three individuals who are working in different localities within Europe. They should also have significant editing experience. The general editors ask that suggestions for new topics be proposed in the form of a 300 to 500 word call for papers and be submitted to all three general editors, who are listed below. Proposals should be submitted by 15 December.

To get an impression of the scope of the journal, it is helpful to see the special issue topics of EJES in the current volume:

Volume 23 (2019)

23.1 Narratives of Religious Conversion from the Enlightenment to the Present, eds Ludmilla Kostova (Turnovo) and Efterpi Mitsi (Athens)

23.2 Fact and Fiction in Contemporary Narratives, eds Jan Alber (Aachen) and Alice Bell (Sheffield)

23.3 Shame and Shamelessness in Anglophone Literature and Media, eds Katrin Röder (Potsdam), Christine Vogt-William (Berlin) and Kaye Mitchell (Manchester)

And in the upcoming one:

Volume 24 (2020)

Representing Trans, eds Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Berlin), Anson Koch-Rein (Grinnell) and Jasper Verlinden (Berlin)

Neo-Victorian Negotiations of Hostility, Empathy and Hospitality, eds Rosario Arias (Málaga) and Mark Llewellyn (Cardiff)

‘Decentering Commemorations’: Literary, Cultural, Historical and Political Commemorations across and beyond the British Isles, eds Jeremy Tranmer and Céline Sabiron (Lorraine)

The current call for special topic proposals runs simultaneously to the final call for papers for the three EJES issues that will be published in 2021. These are for

 Volume 25 (2021)

“Brexit and Academia,” eds Sibylle Baumbach (Stuttgart) and Andreas Maurer (Innsbruck);

“Feminist Responses to Populist Politics,” eds Mónica Cano Abadía (University of Graz), Sanja Bojanić (University of Rijeka), Adriana Zaharijević (University of Belgrade)


“Disseminating Knowledge: The Effects of Digitalized Academic Discourse on Language, Genre and Identity,” eds Rosa Lorés Sanz (Universidad de Zaragoza), Giuliana Diani (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

See for details on how to submit and to contact the guest editors of these issues.