The Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, Debrecen University Press, and
The Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Debrecen
a New Series of Peer Reviewed, Open Access scholarly books by HJEAS Books to be published by the Debrecen University Press in English.
The series will debut 21 June 2022 with It’s Time: What Living in Time Is Like by Donald E. Morse, Oakland University, USA and University of Debrecen.
To be followed by: “A wretchedness to defend”: Reading Beckett’s Letters by Erika Mihálycsa, Babes Bolyai University, Romania in November 2022, Negotiating Age: Aging and Ageism in Contemporary Literature and Theatre edited by Maria Kurdi, University of Pécs, Hungary in April 2023, and Central European Immigration to Canada, edited by Balazs Venkovits, University of Debrecen.
Future books will include: “COVID19: The Crisis in Care,” edited by Eszter Ureczky, University of Debrecen, “Perceiving-Thinking-Writing: Merleau-Ponty and Literature” by Donald Wesling, University of California, USA. Other titles in preparation include: “Coetzee and Dostoyevsky,” “The Female Detective,” “Ecocritism,” “American Free Verse,” and “Contemporary Irish Literature.”
All HJEAS Books are Open Access and are Peer Reviewed.
HJEAS Books will feature monographs, single author studies, and edited editions.
For further information see the HJEAS website: https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/hjeas/aboutbooks Send all proposals to the relevant editor: https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/hjeas/bookseditorialteam