Welcome to the Gender Studies Network!
Women’s and Gender Studies have established themselves as a vibrant, highly innovative field of English Studies and contribute decisively to the crucial role the discipline plays among the humanities in Europe. The plethora of achievements makes it difficult to get an overall picture, particularly as the strong interdisciplinary orientation of Women’s and Gender Studies encourages co-operation in smaller local or regional units. Much can therefore be gained from European exchange and synergies. Women’s and Gender Studies cut across all sectors of English Studies and a network can help to bring them together for focussed work, greater international visibility and well-deserved prestige.
During ESSE 12, a first panel gathered together colleagues from all over Europe, and there was general consensus that a broad exchange of information is basic. A great opportunity is now open through this “corner” in the Messenger. In another panel during this year’s conference, RT11 <http://www.esse2016.org/roundtable.html>, we will be able to discuss the next steps and further initiatives. Even before Galway suggestions are most welcome, including additions to the Basic List of Links particularly relevant to Anglicist Women’s and Gender Studies <Basic_List_of_Links>. For instance, we also envisage a directory of Anglicist researchers and research in the field.