Published on 18th October 2021 in ESSE Matters
Here is the list of ESSE research support schemes for 2022:
- ESSE bursaries for both senior and junior scholars, for study trips: The deadline for application 1 March 2022.
- ESSE bursaries for Gender studies within English studies, a newly introduced type of bursary for 2022, similar to regular bursaries: The deadline for application 1 March 2022.
- ESSE book and resources grant, the old support scheme which is now expanded to include not only books but other research resources as well: . The deadline for application 1 May 2022.
- ESSE collaborative project workshop scheme, for groups of researchers: . The deadline for application 31 March 2022.
- ESSE Doctoral Symposium, for PhD students working on their dissertations: The deadline for application 15 February 2022.
- ESSE Book Awards, a biannual competition for the best books by ESSE members, published in 2020 or 2021, in the fields of English language and linguistics, Literatures in the English language, and Cultural and area studies in English. At: . The deadline for submission of books is 1 February 2022.
There are also two newly established support schemes for the national associations:
- Conference plenary speaker support, to invite plenary speakers to their national associations’ conferences,
- ESSE conference parallel speaker support, to co- fund the trips of the parallel lecturers from national associations at the ESSE-16 conference in Mainz
Please also note the details of ESSE-16 conference in Mainz, from 29 August to 2 September 2022. More details at The call for individual papers at various seminars, round tables and poster sessions is now open with the deadline January 31, 2022. More details at: