Title: The English Verb Equation – An Easy Six-Step Logic to Get Your Verb Forms Right
Author: Cécile Cosculluela, Ph.D. (University of Pau, France)
Publisher: ESL Academy
Date of publication: 2022 (April)
Link to the book online (paperback, hardcover, and ebook): https://www.amazon.fr/English-Verb-Equation-Six-Step-Logic-ebook/dp/B09ZPW3TM6/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1653391299&sr=8-1
How to get your verb forms right in English?
By understanding the simple and fundamental logic inherent in all verb forms.
This book shows that any time we put a verb in a sentence, we intuitively follow a basic six-step process that can be referred to as the English Verb Equation. It consists of a short sequence of operators that combine to create all possible verb forms in English. The Equation is simple because it is logical, and it is fundamental because it is at the core of any verb form. Once we know what the Equation is, we know for sure whether any of the verb forms we produce is correct or not, and it also gives us the keys to turning any incorrect verb form into a correct one. Applying the Equation is all it takes: either the verb form matches it, or we make it match it by following the steps.
The English Verb Equation is the fruit of more than two decades of research and practical applications with students of E.S.L. (English as a Second Language) in French Universities. It has been designed with and for those language learners who want to get clarity on how to give a form to a verb in order to produce only correct verb forms. It is also a didactic tool devised for teachers and professors of E.S.L. who lead their students towards understanding how to deal with verbs. Indeed, the Equation is a tool that exposes at a glance the simple logic behind any verb form in English, thereby offering a synoptic overview of the creation of any possible verb phrase. It is an easy-to-grasp fundamental logic summed-up in a holistic six-step formula that presides over the creation of finite verb phrases in English.
The English Verb Equation is ready for you to master your verb forms! Are you ready for it?
The English Verb Equation is book 1 of an English verb triad of books.
Book 2: The English Verb Formulas
Book 3: The English Verb Matrix
For further information, contact Cecile Cosculluela at semeiolinguistics@gmail.com
and watch her videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Lbn96dGFgOsicCRuGva1Q/playlists