British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture
Viareggio, Palazzo Paolina
4-9 July 2018
AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica) is pleased to announce its forthcoming Summer School, which will be held in Viareggio (not far from Pisa), a special place for the British romantics as Shelley’s dead body was burnt to ashes there and a monument and a square are dedicated to him.
As you can see from the programme, there will be lectures by renowned international and Italian experts on Romanticism, and workshops for hands-on approach to the topic. The Summer School will be paralleled by a “Festival Shelley” with evening talks and events meant for the community at large and the tourists in Viareggio.
The Summer School fee is very low as we mainly want to attract PhD students, and we are looking forward to welcoming students from all over Europe.
Summer School Programme
Didactic programme
[1] Lectures
Lilla Maria Crisafulli, Bologna, Italy: Reading Shelley’s Poetry: the Language of Music and the Arts
Nora Crook, Cambridge, UK: Mary Shelley and Shakespeare: Frankenstein and Theatricality
Franca Dellarosa, Bari, Italy: Teaching and Researching Romanticisms: Race, Slavery and Abolition
Marina Dossena, Bergamo, Italy: Ideologies of Linguistic Representation in Late Modern Times and Beyond
Alan Rawes, Manchester, UK: Romantic Poetry: An Introduction Diego Saglia, Parma, Italy: The Gothic Orient and the Global: Telling Romantic (Hi)Stories
[2] Seminars
Mirella Agorni, Milan, Italy: Translating Science in the Early Romantic Period and the Birth of the Female Reader
Serena Baiesi, Bologna, Italy: Varieties of Romantic Fiction and Prose Writing: Gothic, Sentimental, Historical and Political
Rocco Coronato, Padua, Italy: Thoughts on Translating Coleridge’s Rime
Giuliana Ferreccio, Turin, Italy and Elena Spandri, Siena, Italy: “Unknown modes of being”: Wordsworth reinventing the sacred in The Prelude and in Memorials of a Tour in Italy
Greg Kucich, Chicago, US: Romanticism and Women’s Historical Drama
Alan Rawes, Manchester, UK: Lord Byron: Passion, Politics and Popularity
Annalisa Sandrelli, Rome, Italy: Adapting Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice for the screen: a challenge for Italian dubbing
Key-note lectures
Pamela Church Gibson, London, UK: Romanticism, Film, New Media
Michael Bradshaw, Worcester, UK: Disabling Romanticism
Tim Fulford, Leicester, UK: Romantic Masculinities and Heroic Science