Issue VII/1 – Spring 1998


Cover: ‘Geography Bewitched! or, a Droll Caricature Map of Scotland, 1794


Editorial 2

esse Matters

President’s Column: Testing, Helmut Bonheim 4

The Joys and Sorrows of TQA, Gordon Campbell 8

Some Thoughts on Teaching Quality Assessment in Europe, Norman Blake 11

Database Update 15


Devolution and Scottish Culture: Setting a New Agenda, Richard J. Finlay 18

Postcolonial Subjects? Language, Narrative Authority

and Class in Contemporary Scottish Culture, Roderick Watson 21

Three Pieces, Tom Leonard 32

Three Articles and a Poem

Standard English: What It Isn’t, Peter Trudgill 35

Postmodern Woman In Search of a Self:

Julia Kristeva’s Strangers to Ourselves, Judit Friedrich 40

Poem Tony Harrison 43

The State of Art in the Cognitive Theory of Metaphor

and Metonymy and its Application to English Studies, Antonio Barcelona 45


The Cognitive Theory of Metaphor and Metonymy, Antonio Barcelona 49

International Englishes and Language Policy, Robert Phillipson &

Tove Skutnabb-Kangas 51


Global English, Robert Phillipson 53

Electronic Dictionaries, Robert Clark 57

Henry James editions, Russell West 61

Teaching Literary Analysis, Isabel DurĂ¡n 52

Computer Corner, Adam Piette 65


English Language and Literature in the Netherlands, J. Lachlan Mackenzie 68

The New British Library, Tim Armstrong 72

Reports from ESSE/4:

The European History of English Studies, Renate Haas & Baltz Engler 74

Postcolonial Ireland: Hyperreal Europe, Claire Connolly 76

The West and Its Others, Yonka Krasteva 79

Nomads, Immigrants, Exiles, Maria Teresa Chialant & Judith Molnar 81


Conference Announcements 82

Journals 90

ESSE Board Members 96