Cover: Blake’s Europe, Plate 11.
“The bellman, in dark costume, passes three people stricken with the plague” – Peter Ackroyd’s Blake, now a Minerva Paperback.
ESSE Matters
President’s Column:Research and Resourcing, Helmut Bonheim, 2
ESSE/4 in Debrecen, 6
ESSE Executive Report for 1996-97, Norman Blake, Helmut Bonheim, Carmelo Cunchillos Jaime, 9
Subjection and Subjectivity: Writing Women in the European Renaissance , Verena Lobsien, 11
Interview: Paula Meehan, Inez Praga, 14
The New Globe in Practice, Andrew Gurr, 21
Uses and Abuses of Theory: Teutonic Hypotheses, Ansgar Nünning, 25
Computer Corner
Web and Us, Adam Piette, 33
Briefing 14: Crises of Identity in Postcolonial Criticism, Bart Moore-Gilbert, 35
English (Fiction) and Europe
Texts Misrepresented: Jane Austen in France and Isabelle de Montolieu, Valérie Cossy, 45
Dickens and Foreign Languages, Matthias Bauer, 48
(En)Gendering a European Periphery: Images of the Balkans in Nineteenth Century British Fiction, Ludmilla Kostova, 53
Review Essay
How To Be (or Not to Be) a Cultural Materialist, Richard Waswo, 59
Edging Ahead, Adam Piette and Neil Forsyth, 68
Arnold’s Alternative Anthology, Russell West, 72
The Mushrooming of Philology, Helmut Bonheim, 74
Shakespeare in the New Europe, Peter Holland, 75
Shakespeare and Ireland, John Joughin, 78
Anthropological Perspectives on Theatre, Klaus Peter Müller, 81
Whatever Happened to the British Council?, Hilary Jenkins, 83
Conference Announcements, 84
Journals, 93
ESSE Board Members, 96