The European Journal of English Studies is inviting proposals for special issues in volume 30 (2026).

EJES takes an interest in topics that investigate the borders and intersections between different research fields in English studies, including, but not limited to, literary analysis, linguistics, critical and cultural theory, and gender and sexuality studies. This expansive focus allows the journal to encompass the plurality of English studies in Europe, a reflection of its affiliation with the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE). Topics of special issues feature high-level scholarship as well as a reflection on the argumentative strategies behind ongoing work and emerging directions in the study of Anglophone language and culture.
Guest editing teams should consist of two or three scholars who work in different locations within Europe and who have some previous editorial experience. In some cases, EJES publishes issues that have grown out of a conference or a conference panel. Such issues can be considered if the resulting CFP also appeals to scholars who did not participate in the original event. All submissions undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
Proposals for topics for volume 30 (2026) should be sent to the editors before 30 November 2024:
- Isabel Carrera Suárez (University of Oviedo):
- Katerina Kitsi-Mitakou (Artistotle University of Thessaloniki):
- Frederik Van Dam (Radboud University, Nijmegen):
- Aspiring guest editors submit a CFP of 300-500 words to the general editors. This document includes a list of leading questions (for examples, see the current CFPs on the ESSE website), and brief biographies of the guest editors.
- The general editors select new topics for the issues before the end of 2024. The chosen CFPs are edited to cohere with EJES’s aims.
- During the following calendar year, the resulting CFPs are distributed widely. Abstracts for potential submissions are collected in the spring of 2025 and are reviewed by the guest editors and general editors. 4. Selected authors are then invited to submit full-length essays of between 6,000 and 8,000 words by November 2025. These essays are peer-reviewed and appear in the EJES issues scheduled for 2026.