Posting Calls for Papers

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Conference organisers, and editors of collective publications (in volumes or journals), can send their calls for conference papers, and calls for contributions to collective publications to the ESSE Webmaster for posting on the ESSE website and on our social media pages.

Please make sure your CFPs include essential information, such as:

  • event name;
  • organisers;
  • venue and dates;
  • clear deadlines;
  • contact details.

Our post will contain the relevant information extracted from your call. If you want your call to be published in full, please also send it as PDF.

Alternatively, to make your calls more efficient and functional, we recommend that you use one of the following announcement request forms:

Once complete, please send yours to the Webmaster. Your original call (if sent as PDF) will also be included in the post.


The only calls for papers that are published on the ESSE website must:

  • be related to English studies;
  • have English as their language of communication;
  • be academic;
  • be run by academic institutions or academics with academic affiliations;
  • refer to events taking place in Europe, or closely connected with European universities;
  • be non-commercial.

Please also note:

  • We only publish calls for papers, not the programmes of conferences, the tables of contents of journals or complementary announcements or information;
  • We only publish first calls and don’t repeat them as event reminders – the exception is if dates or deadlines change.
  • Logos and posters are welcome for inclusion in the CFP.
  • Please send your call attached as separate formatted document. The best format for us is Word. PDF is also suitable particularly if you want your call to be attached to the published entry.
  • It may take a few days for your calls to get published but, in case you do not receive any acknowledgement from the ESSE Webmaster within a week or so, do not hesitate to get in touch again – your message may have disappeared in cyberspace.