Calls for papers for conferences taking place in September 2023

Australia from the Heart: Envisioning Affective, Environmental, and Material Reparations
University of the Balearic Islands (Palma, Spain), 6 – 8 September 2023
Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2023

Grant PID2021-122249NB-I00 funded by

On 27 May 2017, the Uluru Statement from the Heart issued by Australia’s First Nations  Peoples invited non-Indigenous Australians to participate in a journey towards reparation  and greater empowerment. The Statement called for a First Nations Voice —a  representative body— to be enshrined in the constitution and for the establishment of a  Makarrata Commission for the purpose of treaty-making and truth-telling. The Uluru  Statement asserts First People’s pride and determination, invokes their love of their  ancestors and children, and, in the spirit of Makarrata —“the coming together after a  struggle”— expresses their hopeful plea for a better future.  

In his speech at the Garma Festival in July 2022, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese  announced his government’s plans to implement the Uluru Statement in full and open up  discussions about a national referendum, conducive to the amendment of the constitution  and the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Voice in Parliament.  Albanese argued that now is the right time to ask fellow Australians “a question from the  heart” and assured his audience that he would work in this project with “humility and  hope”. 

In the light of these recent heartfelt pronouncements, with their appeal to individual  and collective notions of hope, pride, sorrow, anger and love, we are interested in  exploring the social and public impact of emotions (Ahmed 2004) in historical or  contemporary processes of nation or identity-building and ongoing struggles for  reparation in Australia. How have hate, fear, disgust or anxiety conditioned historical  articulations of race, national or cultural identity and their ensuing political and social  exclusionary practices? How do “emotional communities” and their “systems of feeling”  (Rosenwein 2002) intervene in endorsing or undermining specific national and cultural narratives? What is the role of pride, love, empathy or hope in negotiating new emotional  regimes and envisioning reparative formulae to Australian’s local and global challenges? Building on the critical work ensuing from the “affective turn” in the humanities and  social sciences, we encourage participants to explore the connections between the  intimate and the public, the individual and the collective, as well as “the epistemic  decolonizing potential in turning to affect as a basis of exploring injustice, conflict, trauma  and reparation” (Antwi et al. 2013, 3). EASA favours an inter- and multidisciplinary  approach to studies on Australia and can host presentations from a wide range of  disciplines and subject areas such as Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Ethnic Studies,  Environmental Studies, Gender Studies, History, Linguistics, Literature, Media and Film  Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Visual and Performing Arts, etc.  

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Affective and effective decolonization in post-apology Australia  
  • Reparative memorialisation and historical revision 
  • Collective remembering and re-storying as affective practices 
  • Emotions in historical perspective and genealogies of emotions 
  • Narratives of regret, grief, loss, sorrow, trauma and mourning  
  • Narratives of empathy, solidarity and identification 
  • Loving Australia, Loving in Australia 
  • The struggle for affective rights and affective citizenship 
  • Affective ecologies and environmental forms of reparation 
  • Diasporic communities and affective dis/connections  
  • E/motional engagements across the Tasman and in the Asia-Pacific region o Etc. 

Please, submit a 250-word abstract and a brief bio note (indicating name, position and  institutional affiliation) and using the subject heading “EASA 2023” to Dr. Astrid Schwegler  ( before 1st March 2023.  

Decisions on proposals will be communicated by 1st April 2023. 

The event will be held in a hybrid format.  

Conference organizers: Astrid Schwegler Castañer & Paloma


(Posted 28 September 2022)

10th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture: Fashion as Material Culture
Gümüşhane University, Turkiye (online conference). 15-16 September 2023
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 July 2023

Event jointly organised by Gümüşhane University, Ankara Science University, and University of Évora

Presentation of the event

This international conference is a peer-reviewed academic event and comprehensive venue for the free exchange and dissemination of ideas on language, translation, literary and cultural studies, aiming to bring together scholars and graduates researching the intersections of these fields in the welcoming atmosphere of the event. All submissions to the conference will be reviewed by at least two independent peers for technical merit and content. Selected papers presented at the conference will be published in either in an edited book or ULAKBIM University Journals.

Keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Stephen Bending, University of Southampton and
  • Prof. Dr. Abby Lillethun, Montclair State University


  • Deadline for submission: July 15, 2023 
  • Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2023
  • Registration: July 31-August 20, 2023 
  • Late Registration: until September 1, 2023



Contact details

Should you need further information, please contact the organizers at 

Conference Chairs

  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Güneş 
  • Dept. of English Language and Literature, Gümüşhane University, Turkiye
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Düzgün 
  • Dept. of Interpretation and Translation, Ankara Science University, Turkiye
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Ana Clara Birrento 
  • Dept. of Linguistics and Literatures, University of Évora, Portugal
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kirca 
  • Dept. of Translation and Interpreting Studies, Çankaya University, Turkiye

(Posted 2 February 2023)

Afterlives of Empire in the Public Imagination
Sapienza University of Rome (Viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo, 82, 00159, Rome RM, Italy), 21-22 September 2023
Abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2023

Event organised by

Sapienza University of Rome (Department of European, American and Intercultural Studies)

Organizing Committee: Riccardo Capoferro, Valerio Cordiner, Alessandra Crotti, Paolo D’Indinosante, Tiziano De Marino, Federica Perazzini

Rationale / Presentation of the event

The resurgence of nationalist ideologies in Europe and the US has reignited interest in the histories and legacies of modern Empires. As of late, this has been strongly visible in the UK. The role of imperial nostalgia in the debates that paved the way for Brexit has drawn the attention of historians and cultural critics to how the memories and myths of Empire informed Europe-free imaginaries. Recent historical works have fruitfully investigated the legacies and memory of Empire in the UK and the unaddressed legacies of colonial rule, such as, in Caroline Elkins’s phrase, its “legac[ies] of violence”.

Taking its cue from the renewed interest in imperial history, this conference will center on the memory of new imperialism (1870-1914) and its immediate aftermath, focusing on key moments from the postwar years to the present moment. It will start from the premise that “Empire” was a cultural, institutional, and political entity that wove together colonialism, propaganda, predatory capitalism, militarism, missionary nationalism, biological racism, martial masculinity, and a heavily ideologized production of knowledge. On this assumption, the conference will investigate uses and reinventions of imperialist figures, myths, and ideas, focusing on fiction, memoirs, poetry, graphic narratives, popular history, TV series, films, and video games, as well as on the cross-fertilization of post-imperial discourses.

Keynote speakers: 

We invite scholars working in modern literatures, literary studies, media studies, cultural studies, and modern history to submit proposals on topics including, but not limited to:

  • The public uses of history in debates on Empire;
  • Memoirs on, and memories of, Empire;
  • Anti-colonial perspectives and post-imperial myths;
  • Imperialism and neo-imperialism;
  • Xenophobia, migrations, and imperial nostalgia;
  • The persistence of “race”;
  • The afterlives of imperialist “classics”;
  • Museums and the imperial past.

Presentations should be in English or French and under 20 minutes. The conference will take place in person.

Please send abstracts of 250-300 words, together with your contact details and affiliation, to: by 15 March 2023. Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2023.


Contact details


(Posted 6 January 2023)

III International Conference Traductio et Traditio Mediaevales: didacticism in literature and the transmission of knowledge
Peñíscola’s Castle (Castelló, Spain), 21-23 September, 2023
Deadline for submissions: 2 March 2023

Event organised by the Research group for Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies (GREMI), from Universitat Jaume I (Castelló, Spain).

Event venue

Peñíscola’s castle (Castelló, Spain) – All participants will have a conference bus to make the trip to Peñíscola (Castelló, Spain) at their disposal. The bus leaves from Castelló to Peñíscola on the 6th of September and it returns to Castelló on the 9th of September.

Presentation of the event

The members of the Research group for Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies (GREMI), from Universitat Jaume I, are pleased to announce the III International Conference Traductio et Traditio Mediaevales: didacticism in literature and the transmission of knowledge, to be held at Peníscola’s castle (Castelló, Spain) on the dates from 21st-23rd  September, 2023. Information about this mediaeval fortress may be found in the following links:

Participants will be invited to a 20-minute paper, which will be organised in sessions of one hour approximately, plus some extra time for discussion among participants and attendees (10 minutes approximately). The main languages of the Conference will be Catalan, Spanish and English. Exceptionally, papers in other languages will be accepted provided the contents of the work require so.

The main lines of research for the III Conference Traductio et Traditio Mediaevales will be the following:

  • Exempla and didactic literature
  • Religious and exemplary literature
  • The Latin tradition in mediaeval literature and culture
  • Anglo-Latin literature
  • Material philology
  • From the manuscript to the website

The Organising Committee will accept proposals regarding these lines of research or any other topic related to philology in the Middle Ages.

Submission of proposals

The deadline for submission is 21st March 2023. Those interested should submit a proposal via e-mail to provided as an attached file document (preferably in Word or RTF formats) with the following information:

  • Author
  • Academic affiliation
  • E-mail
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Title of the proposal
  • Short abstract (100-200 words)


All the information about this International Conference will be conveniently updated and available at:

Contact details

(Posted 28 January 2023)

Anglistentag 2023: Early Modern Futures
University of Siegen (Germany), 24-27 September 2023
Proposal submission: 15 January 2023

Early Modern texts continually express both anxiety about and expectation of the future, thereby reflecting on the period as a time of social, political, and religious transformation and conflict. From the concerns with ephemerality and immortality found in the sonnets of William Shakespeare to the anticipations of a growing number of known seventeenth-century female writers like Hester Pulter, Margaret Cavendish, and Lucy Hutchinson, each writer idiosyncratically spoke to the futures they imagined out of the upheavals of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 

This section at the Anglistentag 2023 seeks to bring to the fore how Early Modern literature prophesied, speculated on, theorised and projected possible futures. As many of today’s conflicts find their analogues and, in some cases, their origins in the religious and socio-political conflicts of the Reformation and the English Civil War, it has become a project of urgent necessity to look to the past in order to devise new perspectives and strategies for the future. We want to explore how Early Modern responses to the pressures of the time and conceptualizations of possible futures may challenge us today. 

This section welcomes abstracts for 20-minute papers on Early Modern Futures. Potential questions and topics include, but are not limited to:

  • How are concepts of the future and progress conceived in early modern texts? 
  • How do genres, modes, and forms of knowledge model, elaborate, or perform futurity? 
  • How do political, economic, or theological futures interact with literary accounts of what is to come?
  • How do later texts (18th to 21st century), through their engagement with early modern texts, create futures of early modern literature and culture? 

One of the panels  will consist of shorter ‘lightning talks’ (10 mins.) for a workshop session on forward-looking didactic and methodological approaches to working with Early Modern texts, contexts, and language. Potential questions and topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • What relevance does studying Early Modern literature, history, or culture have for students today? How can this significance be communicated in the classroom? 
  • How might one use digital tools to engage students with Early Modern literature and its socio-political, historical, or linguistic contexts?
  • What are the futures of Early Modern Studies in English language, literature, and didactics?

Please submit a 300-word proposal (for a 20-min paper) and short author bio (3-4 sentences) to by 15 January 2023.

For the lightning talks, please submit a 150-word proposal and short author bio to by 15 January 2023.


  • Dr Nikolina Hatton
  • Dr Cord-Christian Casper
  • Dr Lara Ehrenfried 
  • Department für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

(Posted 8 December 2022)

10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE)
University of Alicante, Spain, 26-28 September 2024
Submission of proposals: 31 July 2023

For nearly 20 years, BICLCE conference has been a forum for researchers who are interested  in the linguistics of contemporary English. It is open to different theoretical and methodological  perspectives. We’d like to invite researchers to submit their workshop proposals on the syntax,  morphology, sociolinguistics, semantics, pragmatics and phonology of contemporary English. 

In consonance with the interdisciplinary and holistic spirit of BICLCE, suitable topics might  include, but are not certainly limited to:  

  • Variation in English. 
  • Second language acquisition and development. 
  • Discourse analysis and metadiscourse. 
  • Constructions. 
  • Metaphor. 
  • Politeness. 
  • Formulaic language. 
  • Academic writing. 
  • Language contact. 
  • Corpus-based studies. 
  • Statistical models.  

For those interested in historical topics, please note that your proposal should be related to the  study of present-day English. 

Confirmed Keynote Speakers  

We are delighted to announce the following plenary speakers:  

  • Monika Kavalir (University of Ljubljana) 
  • Bernd Kortmann (University of Freiburg) 
  • Elisa Mattiello (University of Pisa) 
  • Tony McEnery (Lancaster University) 

Submission of proposals of thematic workshops 

We’d like to invite you to submit a proposal for a thematic workshop featuring up to 6  individual papers. The organizers of the workshops are responsible for reviewing and selecting  the papers. If they wish to submit a proposal with an open CfP, they should let us know so that  we include the title of the potential workshop in the general CfP in September.  

How to submit the proposal? 

The proposal should conform to the following template:  

The proposal should be sent to

The deadline for the submission of the proposal is July 31, 2023
The deadline for the notification of acceptance of the proposal is September 15, 2023.  

Conference email: 


You can also follow us on Twitter: @biclce2024


(Posted 1 April 2023)

Language MOOCs and OERs: new trends and challenges
University of Naples L’Orientale, Naples (Italy), 28-29 September 2023
Abstracts deadline: 17 June 2023

The University of Naples L’Orientale together with Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di  iniziativa per l’Europa (FENICE), as one of the partners of the project “Romance Languages for Slavic Speaking University Students” (LMOOC4Slav) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, invite you to  attend the Second International Conference on “Language MOOCs and OERs: new trends and challenges”, to be held in Naples (Italy) on 28-29 September 2023. 

The conference aims to bring together higher education professionals, applied linguists, and language  technologists working on issues related to language learning and teaching, namely: MOOCs, OERs,  new approaches in language teaching and learning, academic mobility, linguistic description of  languages, linguistic diversity, language for specific purposes, digital transformation in Education and  new educational technologies, new collaboration projects, multiculturalism, and initiatives and  developments related to these areas supported by European and national programmes. 

Call for Abstracts (deadline: June 17th, 2023

We particularly encourage proposals on, but not limited to, the following areas related to the conference themes: 

  • MOOCs – design, learning, teaching, quality assurance, etc. 
  • OER / OEP for language learning and teaching 
  • Pedagogical approaches in LMOOCs and OERs 
  • MOOCs and OERs for language teachers: new tools for professional development
  • LMOOCs and skills development 
  • MOOCs to support multilingualism and international Mobility 
  • LMOOCs and learners’ motivation and achievement 
  • Validation and certification of language skills acquired through MOOCs 
  • Monitoring and evaluating of language learning with technologies 
  • Assessing students’ linguistic meta-competences in MOOCs 
  • Assessing LMOOCs 
  • Mobile-assisted language teaching and learning 
  • Informal language learning and technologies 
  • Virtual classrooms, eLearning, and ePortfolio 
  • Technologies and/or Multimedia for Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) • Learning strategies development through online environments/platforms 

Contributors are invited for a 20-minute presentation or poster. The submitted contributions will be  selected through a double-blind review based on their originality, technical quality and correspondence.  Conference presentations and posters can be in Italian, English or Portuguese. The conference will  take place in Naples at the Congress Centre of the University L’Orientale, in via Chiatamone, 61.  Participation is free of charge for all participants, with or without communication. Yet, registration on  the conference is mandatory for all. 

More information about the call for proposals, the conference team, the important dates, the submission  guidelines, the contribution template and the conference venue, can be found in the website in three  languages (EN, IT, PT) at: 

Submitted abstracts within the deadline June 17th, 2023 will be selected in double-blind peer review  mode based on originality, technical quality, and presentation. Abstracts may be submitted in English,  Italian or Portuguese. Interested parties will be contacted by 15 July 2023.  

The works selected by the Scientific Committee will be considered for publication in the Proceedings  of the Conferences LMOOC4Slav, to be published at the Perugia Foreigners University Press  ( in an open access volume equipped with an ISBN. The volume is valid as a scientific publication for all authors. Any queries, contact us at


(Posted 18 March 2023)

Fifth International Conference on English Language, Literature, Teaching and Translation Studies (CELLTTS): The Art and Craft of Humour in Anglophone Studies
Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 29-30 September 2023
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: 15 April 2023

The Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, in cooperation with the Society for the Study of English in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is pleased to announce its 5th International Conference on English Language, Literature, Teaching and Translation Studies (CELLTTS) which will take place on September 29-30, 2023. For the fifth time we invite scholars and experts in their respective fields of research to present and discuss their research findings and exchange experience and ideas with their colleagues from the region and the world.

The 5th conference is a small jubilee for CELLTTS and we decided to mark it by making humour our central topic. An ever-inspiring trait of human creativity, humour has been present in every corner of human existence, be it as an everyday means to entertain, ease the hardships, or as a creative attempt at expressing an opinion regarding different social issues in different forms of art. This year, our goal is to observe humour in the anglophone studies: How has it evolved historically or culturally? What are the latest humour research trends in linguistics? How is humour positioned in literature and culture studies in the world today, a world dominated by hardships, wars, inequality, climate crisis and health hazards? How have subversive and transgressive humour in their various guises been used in drama, poetry, prose, film, TV serials, comics, graphic fiction, popular genres and popular culture and what narratives may become its target? What are the possibilities/limitations of humour translation? How is humour used in the teaching practice? These are some of the questions we intend to explore within this year’s CELLTTS. 

We invite researchers and scholars working in the broad area of anglophone studies to submit abstracts for oral presentations based on the (non-exhaustive) list of areas of interest below:

  • Phonetics/Phonology
  • Morphology
  • Syntax
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Semantics
  • Pragmatics
  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • (Critical) Discourse Analysis
  • Stylistics
  • Semiotics
  • Psycholinguistics
  • History of English
  • Contrastive Analysis
  • Corpus Linguistics
  • Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language
  • Language Acquisition
  • Translation Studies
  • Interpretation Studies
  • Literary Theory/ Literary Criticism/ Literary History
  • Cultural Studies
  • Film and Theatre Studies

Venue: Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo

The conference language is English for 15-minute presentations.

Submission guidelines

Abstracts within 200–250 words should be submitted via or sent electronically, as email attachments (using application form) in Microsoft Word for Windows (.doc or .docx formats) to the Conference’s email address:, with the word ‘Abstract’ as the subject.

Abstracts will be evaluated according to the originality of the theme, clear methodology and theoretical framework, and scholarly contribution of the research.

  • Deadline for the submission of abstracts: April 15, 2023 
  • Deadline for the notification of acceptance: May 3, 2023 

Further details in the attached CFP.


(Posted 18 February 2023)

III International Postgraduate Seminar in English Literature and Linguistics (IPSELL).
University of Granada, Spain. 29 September 2023.
Abstracts deadline: 30 June 2023.

The III International Postgraduate Seminar in English Literature and Linguistics (IPSELL) organised by the Master’s in English Literature and Linguistics of the University of Granada aims to provide a forum where postgraduate students/researchers can present the results of their current research projects (preferably MA dissertation or early PhD work). This event intends to allow master’s and early career research students to share their research interests with national and international young scholars and get acquainted with the critical visions and methodological approaches that will be leading academic research in the years to come. IPSELL welcomes submissions reporting original research results related —though not restricted to— any of the following academic interests:


  • Comparative literature 
  • Contemporary literature 
  • Cultural studies 
  • Ecocriticism 
  • Gender studies, Feminisms, Masculinities, LGTBQ+ studies
  • Inter-, trans-, and multimediality
  • Literary translation 
  • Disability studies 
  • Postcolonial studies 


  • Adaptation studies 
  • Computational linguistics 
  • Corpus linguistics 
  • Genre analysis 
  • Historical linguistics 
  • Pragmatics and discourse analysis
  • Psycholinguistics 
  • Second language acquisition
  • Sociolinguistics 
  • Stylistics 

IPSELL will be held face-to-face at the University of Granada on September 29th, 2023. The presentations will be grouped into theme sessions based on the research field. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present their work.


Seminar fees: FREE for both presenters and attendees. 

Registration: Both presenters and attendees must REGISTER HERE by September 15th, 2023


All abstracts need to meet the following requirements: 

  • 300 words in English (excluding references). 
  • Typeset in Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.15 spacing. 
  • Please use THIS TEMPLATE to ensure that all abstracts follow these requirements. ● Name the attachment “LING” or “LIT” according to your field, followed by the author’s initials. 
  • Abstracts should contain thesis statement, aims, critical approach, methodology, analysis, results (where applicable), and conclusions. 

Abstracts must be uploaded HERE by June 30th, 2023 (included). Participants will be notified during the first half of July, 2023. If you have any queries, please contact us via the following email address:


(Posted 3 June 2023)