Recognising that it is difficult in some situations to obtain access to books necessary for research without purchasing them, and recognising also that some ESSE members have financial difficulties, ESSE has in 2018 awarded some small grants to its members for the purchase of books in connection with specific research projects. The total amount of money provided for these grants this year was € 1,865.
Patricia Álvarez Sánchez (AEDEAN) Audiovisual Translation Exercises: A Unique English Learning Tool
Anna Cholewa-Purgał (PASE), Logos and Agape or the matter of the Inklings
Sandra García Corte (AEDEAN), “Don’t Ask Where I’m from, Ask Where I’m a Local”: Spatial Textuality in 21st-Century Afropolitan Narratives
José Goris (BAAHE), Effects of English-medium Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in European mainstream secondary education. A longitudinal study
Paula Barba Guerrero (AEDEAN), Cartographies of historical trauma: Reinscribing memory to create hospitable spaces in African American fiction
Katarzyna Kozak (PASE), Traditionalists and progressives: Literature and political propaganda in the early 18th century England
Zsuzsanna Lénárt-Muszka (HUSSE), The Representation of Maternal Subjectivities and the Black Maternal Body in 20th century and Contemporary Fiction Written by African American Female Authors
Nóra Máthé (RSEAS), The Post-Modern American Essay: Joan Didion’s Essays
Michaël Roy (SAES), Frederick Douglass and the Book, 1845-2018