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This list can only be preliminary and it is very selective. Its aim is, for a start, to highlight Anglicist contributions, as the field is immense due to the strong interdisciplinary character of Gender Studies and due to the size of Europe. (ESSE currently has more than 30 member states.) A maximum of three sites is given per non-native speaker country. First choice are associations, journals or programmes with an explicit Anglicist GS orientation. If they are missing, GS associations, journals or book series have been chosen in which scholars from English Studies play an important role or whose emphases are particularly close to English Studies. Finally, further interdisciplinary research centres, courses of study or projects are also included, especially if they provide very useful links. For additions and corrections please contact Renate Haas haas@anglistik.uni-kiel.de
(Please don’t forget to consult the homepages of the ESSE constituent associations.)
European Association for American Studies Women’s Network http://women.eaas.eu/
EUTERPE – European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective https://gender.ceu.edu/euterpe-european-literatures-and-gender-transnational-perspective
GEMMA, Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Gender and Women’s Studies http://masteres.ugr.es/gemma/
ATGENDER, The European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation https://atgender.eu/
WINE – Women’s Information Network of Europe https://winenetworkeurope.wordpress.com/
EIGE, European Institute for Gender Equality http://eige.europa.eu/
European Commission, She Figures 2021: Gender in Research and Innovation https://op.europa.eu/en/web/eu-law-and-publications/publication-detail/-/publication/67d5a207-4da1-11ec-91ac-01aa75ed71a1
Department of Gender Studies, Central European University https://gender.ceu.edu/
Gender Alliance for Development Center (GADC) https://gadc.org.al/
Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN) https://awenetwork.org/?lang=en
Center for Gender and Leadership Studies at Yerevan State University www.ysu.am/gender/en/1383045644
Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA) https://aiwainternational.org/
Gender Studies Association Austria https://www.oeggf.at/
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Ariadne – das frauen- und genderspezifische Wissensportal https://www.onb.ac.at/bibliothek/ariadne.htm
DiGeSt – Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies www.digest.ugent.be
Sophia, Réseau belge des études de genre / Belgisch netwerk voor genderstudies www.sophia.be
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
University Gender Resource Centre https://unigerc.unsa.ba/en/naslovna-english/
100 žena – 100 ulica po ženama (100 Women –100 Streets Named after Them) https://dwp-balkan.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/100-zena-100-ulica-po-zenama-WEB22_compressed_1651813903.pdf
European MA in Gender Studies, MATILDA, Program at Sofia University https://www.uni-sofia.bg/index.php/eng/the_university/faculties/faculty_of_philosophy/degree_programmes/master_s_degree_programmes/faculty_of_philosophy/cultural_studies/european_master_in_women_s_and_gender_history
The Bulgarian Association of University Women http://bauw-bg.com/en/
Centre for Women’s Studies Zagreb http://zenstud.hr/english/
Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik https://iuc.hr/
Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies https://medinstgenderstudies.org/
Czech Republic:
Gendera výzkum / Gender and Research https://www.genderonline.cz/artkey/inf-990000-0200_About-the-journal.php
Charles University, Gender Studies https://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-707.html
NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=swom20#.VqN9HVKEJ_k
Coordination for Gender Research https://koensforskning.soc.ku.dk/english/
KØN – Gender Museum Denmark https://konmuseum.dk/english/#
ENUT, Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre http://www.enut.ee/en/
Ariadne Lõng (Ariadne’s Clew) http://www.enut.ee/en/publications/ariadne/
SUNS, The Association for Gender Studies in Finland https://sukupuolentutkimus.fi/in-english/
HILMA https://blogs.helsinki.fi/hilma-verkosto/in-english/
SAGEF, Société des anglicistes sur les femmes, le sexe et le genre https://sagef.hypotheses.org/
Institut du genre https://institut-du-genre.fr/
Des idées et des femmes, L’Harmattan, Paris https://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=collection&no=204
Gender Forum: An Internet Journal for Gender Studies http://www.genderforum.org
Gender e.V., Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien / Gender Studies Association http://www.fg-gender.de/
META: Digital German Women’s Archive (Catalogue) https://www.meta-katalog.eu/
Centre for Gender Studies, Panteion University, Athens https://www.genderstudies.panteion.gr/en/
Gender Equality Plan, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki https://www.auth.gr/en/gender-equality-plan-en/
TNTeF: Interdisciplinary eJournal of Gender Studies http://gender.ieas-szeged.hu/2020/06/30/tntef-interdisciplinary-ejournal/
Gender Studies Centre, Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen https://ieas.unideb.hu/en/node/556/
Irish Women’s Writing (1880-1920) Network https://irishwomenswritingnetwork.com/
Women’s History Association of Ireland http://womenshistoryassociation.com/links/
The Irish Sexualities and Genders Research Network https://irishsexualitiesandgendersresearchnetwork.wordpress.com/
Motherhood Project https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/motherhood-project
Orlando – Associazione femminista e di donne https://orlando.women.it/
La Camera blu – Rivista di studi di genere http://www.serena.unina.it/index.php/camerablu
Queer and Feminist Studies Working Group, European University Institute Florence https://www.eui.eu/research-hub?id=queer-and-feminist-studies-working-group
Vilniaus universitetas, Lyčių studijų centras (Vilnius University, Gender Studies Centre) https://www.lsc.vu.lt/en/
Department of Gender & Sexualities, L-Università da Malta https://www.um.edu.mt/socialwellbeing/genderstudies
Medfeminiswiya – Mediterranean Network for Feminist Information https://medfeminiswiya.net/about-us/?lang=en
Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies https://graduategenderstudies.nl/
Atria – Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History https://institute-genderequality.org/
Athena’s Angels – 4 Women in Academia https://www.athenasangels.nl/en/
Kilden genderresearch.no https://kjonnsforskning.no/en
Nordic Information on Gender https://nikk.no/en/home/
Applied Gender Studies Master Programme in English, University of Opole http://hello.uni.opole.pl/gender/
Language & Gender & Sexuality Research Group, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań http://wa.amu.edu.pl/wa/lages
APEM, Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres http://www.apem-estudos.org/pt/
Diacrítica: Revista do centro de estudos humanísticos http://www.scielo.mec.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0807-8967&lng=pt
Gender Studies https://sciendo.com/journal/GENST
AnALize: Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies https://www.analize-journal.ro/
Gender Studies Program, European University at St Petersburg https://eusp.org/en/gender-studies/about
Serbian Anglo-American Studies http://serbianamericanstudies.ff.uns.ac.rs/
Centar za ženske studije, Beograd (Women’s Studies Centre) https://www.zenskestudie.edu.rs/
Bachelor’s Study, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Kosiče https://www.upjs.sk/en/university/fields-of-study/bachelors-study-faculty-of-arts/
AspektIN http://www.aspekt.sk/aspektin/title
Center for Gender Studies, Comenius University, Bratislava https://fphil.uniba.sk/en/katedry-a-odborne-pracoviska/odborne-centra/centrum-rodovych-studii/
Gearing Roles (EU Project) https://gearingroles.eu/project/
AUDEM, Asociación Universitaria de Estudios de las Mujeres http://audemasociacion.es/
Atlántica – Revista Internacional de Estudios Feministas https://revistas.udc.es/index.php/ATL
Enlaces, Centro de Investigaciones Feministas (CIFEM), Universidad de Oviedo, https://genero.uniovi.es/enlaces
Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research https://www.gu.se/en/nsfg
KvinnSam – National Resource Library for Gender Studies http://www2.ub.gu.se/kvinn/
Gender Campus – Gender Studies, Equality and Diversity an Schweizer Hochschulen https://www.gendercampus.ch/en/
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung (SGGF) https://www.gendercampus.ch/en/sags
Think Tank Gender & Diversity (Forum der Schweizer Hochschulen) https://www.gendercampus.ch/en/ttgd
IDEA Gender Studies Network serhat.uyurkulak@fbu.edu.tr
Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation http://www.kadineserleri.org/
Lesley Hall, Women’s History, Useful Links http://www.lesleyahall.net/womlinks.htm
Contemporary Women’s Writing Association https://thecwwa.org/
FLA Network: UK Feminist Archives & Libraries https://fla-network.com/directory/directory-of-uk-feminist-archives-libraries/
Fawcett Society https://www.fawcettsociety.org.uk/
Feminist Critique – East European Journal of Feminist and Queer Studies https://feminist.krytyka.com/en
KIGD/UGN – Ukrainian Gender Network https://ugn.org.ua/en/Ukrainian Association for Research in Women’s History http://www.womenhistory.org.ua/