Anglicist GS have much to be proud of. The variety and complexity of the achievements is impressive, but most of them have not obtained the recognition they deserve. Very few are known beyond national borders. There are also enormous differences in the degree of academic institutionalisation. A number of countries are extremely hostile, but even within single countries conditions may vary greatly. Gains cannot be taken for granted. The purpose of the Gender Studies Gallery is therefore to present bigger or smaller landmarks to a European readership with the aim of greater visibility, self-reflection and reassurance (including a bit of self-celebration), encouragement, inspiration and practical help.
Members of the Gender Studies Network and colleagues from Anglicist GS in general are invited to contribute such brief characterisations. Subjects may be (but are not limited to):
- Anglicist GS journals or book series
- Anglicist GS research projects
- Anglicist GS associations
- Anglicist GS MA or PhD programmes / single modules / well-established summer schools
- Interdisciplinary journals / book series / projects / associations / programmes with particularly close connections to English Studies and with English as the language of communication.
(Normally, single books – apart perhaps from GS classics – should not be chosen, because the Messenger has a separate reviews section.)
For first ideas please cp. also the “Basic Links“.
The contributions may have up to 1000 words. They should go beyond what can already be retrieved from the Internet by being more focused and specific (which may occasionally entail some degree of subjectivity). The following features recommend themselves for special consideration:
- Relevance, influence, innovation, aspects of particular interest to GS colleagues
- European elements and connections
- Practical suggestions, helpful hints
- In the case of interdisciplinary examples: accent on Anglicist components.
Submissions to Renate Haas
The “Pictures”
Contemporary Women’s Writing Association, Renate Haas (posted 26 June 2017 as a pdf document)
Contemporary Women’s Writing Association, Renate Haas (posted 27 June 2017 as a WP html page)