EJES has moved to online submissions for contributions to special issue topics as well as book reviews book reviews at the Taylor & Francis EJES website. No unsolicited manuscripts for essays are accepted.
Current Call for Papers
Volume 29 (2025)
The Poetics and Politics of Gender, Mobility and Migration in the New Anglophone Literature, eds. Nadia Butt (University of Giessen, Germany), Radhika Mohanram (Cardiff University, Wales) and Michelle Stork (University of Frankfurt, Germany)
Wasted Lives in Contemporary Fiction: Bodies That Do Not Matter, eds. Maria Isabel Romero-Ruiz (University of Málaga, Spain) and Simonetta Falchi (University of Sassari, Italy)
The Place of Race in Law & Literature, eds. Andrew Benjamin Bricker (Ghent University), Elise Wang (California State University, Fullerton) and Cedric Essi (Osnabrück University)
The general editors encourage proposals for special issue topics that span divides between critical and cultural theory, literary analysis, and linguistics as well as gender and sexuality studies. Ideally, these topics will also reflect on English and Anglophone Studies within Europe. Guest editing teams should be comprised of two or three persons working in different localities within Europe who have significant editing experience. In some cases, EJES will publish volumes that result out of conferences. These proposals can be considered if the resulting CFP is opened up to scholars who did not participate in the original conference. Suggestions for topics can be made to the editors at any time. A selection of new topics is made at the end of each calendar year.
- Potential guest editors submit a Call for Papers of 300 to 500 words for their topic to the general editors. This includes a list of leading questions. See the current CFPs or the example here for a suggested form. Brief bios of the guest editors should be included that demonstrate their editing experience.
- The general editors select new topics for the issues at the end of each calendar year. The chosen CFPs are edited to cohere with EJES’s aims.
- During the following calendar year, the resulting CFPs are distributed widely, and potential submissions are collected by the end of November of that year and are reviewed by the guest and general editors.
- Selected authors are then invited to submit full-length essays of between 6,000 and 8,000 words. These essays are peer-reviewed and appear in the EJES issues that are published in the following year.
Calls for Papers
EJES operates a two-stage review process.
- Contributors are invited to submit detailed proposals (up to 1,000 words) for essays on the open CFP as well as a short biography (max. 100 words) to the guest editors by 30 November. Please consult the open call.
- Following review of the essay proposals by the editorial panel, selected authors are invited to submit full-length essays (between 6,000 and 8,000 words) for review with a spring deadline in May or June.
- Full-length essays undergo a second round of review, and a final selection is made. Suggestions for revisions are made to the selected authors, and they resubmit their essays during the same year.
EJES employs Chicago Style (T&F Chicago AD) and British English conventions for spelling. See a recent example essay.
Book Reviews
Book review proposals should be directed to Frederik Van Dam f.vandam@let.ru.nl.