As of October 2019, EJES has appointed a new Editorial Advisory Board. The Board is composed of persons proposed by the ESSE associations as well as former editors of EJES and other selected scholars. The Board reflects the journal’s efforts to encourage interdisciplinary work from linguists, literary, cultural and media scholars on English Studies as well as to encourage disciplinary and gender diversity. The new Board is composed as follows:
Alexandra Bagasheva, Sofia University (Bulgaria) | Işil Baş, Istanbul Kültür University (Turkey) |
Yan Brailowsky, Paris Nanterre University (France) | Teresa Bruś, University of Wrocław (Poland) |
Ivan Callus, University of Malta (Malta) | Anna Despotopoulou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) |
Martina Domines Veliki, University of Zagreb (Croatia) | Fernando Galván Reula, University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain) |
Ananya Jahanara Kabir, King’s College London (UK) | Nikolaos Lavidas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) |
Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Paris Nanterre University (France) | Angela Locatelli, University of Bergamo (Italy) |
Liliane Louvel, Poitiers University (France) | Belén Méndez-Naya, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) |
Ansgar Nünning, University of Giessen (Germany) | Pahta Päivi, University of Tampere (Finland) |
Sara Polak, Leiden University (the Netherlands) | Virginia Richter, University of Bern (Switzerland) |
Andrea Sand, University of Trier (Germany) | Stephanos Stephanides, University of Cyprus (Cyprus) |
Bledar Toska, University of Vlora (Albania) | Lieven Vandelanotte, University of Namur and University of Leuven (Belgium) |
Alison Waller, University of Roehampton (UK) |