Alicante Journal of English Studies (Volume 39, July 2023) – Special issue: Morphology through the Prism of Exemplars
Submission of proposals: 15 October 2022
Special Issue Morphology through the Prism of Exemplars Alicante Journal of English Studies (Volume 39, July 2023)
Edited by Elizaveta Tarasova & Natalia Beliaeva
On the Journal
Alicante Journal of English Studies/Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI), is pleased to announce its Call for Papers for Volume 39 (Special Issue), whose date of publication is July 2023. RAEI is published biannually by the University of Alicante, and is currently indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, ErihPlus, Latindex. Since its creation in 1988, its aim has been to provide a forum for debate and an outlet for research involving all aspects of English studies. Articles are double-blind peer-reviewed by external evaluators. For more information on RAEI: You can also follow us on Twitter:
On the Special Issue
Inflectional morphology, derivational morphology, morphological productivity, language variation and change, word formation, word recognition
Exemplar theory, exemplar dynamics, frequency effects, morphological productivity, inflection, derivation, individual differences
Research question:
Frequency, similarity, recency and analogy effects in inflection and derivation – how do insights from Exemplar Theory complement research in morphology?
Exemplar theory came to linguistics from cognitive psychology, as a cognitive model of categorization and concept learning. Exemplar Theory is not a stand-alone theory, but a set of (usage-based) approaches which assume that linguistic knowledge is not necessarily generalized, but is instead comprised of exemplars, i.e. specific tokens of experience, with overlapping properties that are grouped together in memory. Each individual linguistic unit, e.g. a word, encompasses a number of real life exemplars we may have come across.
At the core of Exemplar Theory lies the idea that every time we encounter a linguistic unit (through production or perception), there appears a trace in memory, or an exemplar. Further encounters with the same (or similar) linguistic unit cluster in memory, and form a cloud of memories of this unit. The size and the density of this cloud is dependent on the amount and quality of the exposure to this linguistic unit, as well as influencing the speaker’s future use of it in communication. This makes the notions of similarity, frequency, and recency central to the Exemplar theory. As Walsh et al. (2010) explain it: “… similarity between percepts and stored exemplars facilitates categorization, frequency of occurrence influences exemplar access for production, and recency of occurrence has an impact on both categorization and production.”
Exemplar-based approaches seem to be majorly associated with formalist research on phonology (Pierrehumbert 2001a, 2001b, 2006, Bybee 2001, 2006), and sociolinguistics (Abramowicz 2007, Doherty and Foulkes 2014). Yet, the intuitively appealing, usage-based assumptions of the Exemplar Theory have also attracted researchers from other fields, including syntax (Bod 2006, Hay and Bresnan 2006), word recognition (Pierrehumbert 2016, Sumner et al. 2014), and language acquisition (Gertner et al. 2006, Savage et al. 2003, Childers & Tomasello 2001).
With all this interest in the possibilities that Exemplar Theory may open for linguistic analysis, the domain of morphology, especially derivational morphology, seems to be largely avoided by the researchers. Morphological research that demonstrates application of at least some of the principles of Exemplar Theory is mainly focused on inflectional morphology, e.g. prediction of past tense verb forms (Albright & Hayes 2003, Rumelhart & McClelland 1986) or on phonology-morphology interface, e.g. prediction of stress patterns in NN compounds (Plag 2010), predicting the choice of linking morphemes (Krott et al. 2007).
This is not surprising since derivation, when compared to inflection, is more haphazard, less frequent and less predictable. Yet, as Bauer (2019) notes, applying Exemplar Theory approach will allow for a new look at morphology, with no necessity for the division into inflection and derivation: “Inflection and derivation may not even be relevant categories, but rather a proxy for highly frequent and predictable versus less frequent and less predictable” (Bauer 2019, p.109). Applying the principles of Exemplar theory will expand the domain of morphology to make it “… the domain of generalizable structure within words rather than the analysis of those elements of words which can be said to contribute to meaning in a consistent and predictable way” (Op cit., p.120).
We are inviting contributions to discuss the implications of exemplar theory in the field of inflectional and derivational morphology. The topics include but are not limited to:
- morphological productivity
- inflection and derivation
- exemplar dynamics in language variation and change
- word-formation patterns
- developmental morphology research
- the role of morphology in word recognition
Important deadlines:
- Submission of proposals (October 15, 2022): approx. 250-300 words. Please email your proposals to and
- Acceptance of proposals (November 15, 2022)
- Submission of manuscripts (February 15, 2023): to submit your manuscript (once your proposal is accepted), go to Please make sure your manuscript conforms to the Author Guidelines. Should you have any trouble submitting your paper, please contact or
- Acceptance of manuscripts (April 15, 2023)
- Copyediting & typesetting (May-June)
- Publication of special issue (July 2023)
- Abramowicz, Ł. (2007). Sociolinguistics Meets Exemplar Theory: Frequency and Recency Effects in (ing). University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 13. Retrieved from
- Albright, A. and Hayes, B. (2003). Rules vs. analogy in English past tenses: a computational/experimental study. Cognition, 90, 119–161.
- Bauer, L. (2019). Rethinking morphology. Edinburgh University Press.
- Bod, R. (2006). Exemplar-based syntax: How to get productivity from examples. The Linguistic Review, 23, 291–320.
- Bybee, J. (2006). From usage to grammar: The minds response to repetition. Language, 84, 529– 551.
- Childers, J., and Tomasello, M. (2001). The role of pronouns in young children’s acquisition of the English transitive construction. Developmental Psychology, 37, 739–748.
- Docherty, G.J., and Foulkes, P. (2014). An evaluation of usage-based approaches to the modelling of sociophonetic variability. Lingua, 142, 42–56.
- Gertner, Y., Fisher, C., and Eisengart, J. (2006). Learning words and rules: Abstract knowledge of word order in early sentence comprehension. Psychological Science, 17, 684–691.
- Hay, J., and Bresnan, J. (2006). Spoken syntax: The phonetics of ‘‘giving a hand’’ in New Zealand English. The Linguistic Review, 23, 321–349
- Krott, A., Schreuder, R., Baayen, R. H., and Dressler, W. U. (2007). Analogical effects on linking elements in German compounds. Language and Cognitive Processes, 22, 25–57.
- Pierrehumbert, J. (2001a). Exemplar dynamics: Word frequency, lenition and contrast. In . J. Bybee and P. Hopper (Eds.), Frequency and the Emergence of Linguistic Structure, 137– 158. John Benjamins.
- Pierrehumbert, J.B. (2001b). Word-specific phonetics. Northwestern University. Pierrehumbert, J.B. (2006). The next toolkit. Journal of Phonetics, 34, 516–530.
- Pierrehumbert, J.B. (2016). Phonological representation: Beyond abstract versus episodic. Annual Review of Linguistics 2, 33–52. DOI: 030514-125050
- Plag, Ingo. (2010). Compound stress assignment by analogy: the constituent family bias. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 29, 243–282. DOI:
- Rose, Y. (2017). Child Phonology. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. DOI:
- Rumelhart, D., and McClelland, J. (1986). On learning the past tense of English verbs. In D. E. Rumelhart & J. L. McClelland (Eds.), Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition: Vol. 2. Psychological and biological models, 272–326. MIT Press.
- Savage, C., Lieven, E., Theakston, A., and Tomasello, M. (2003). Testing the abstractness of children’s linguistic representations: Lexical and structural priming of syntactic constructions in young children. Developmental Science, 6, 557–567.
- Sumner, M., Kim, S.K., King, E. and McGowan, K.B. (2014). The socially weighted encoding of spoken words: A dual-route approach to speech perception. Frontiers in Psychology 4, 1– 13. DOI:
- Walsh, M., Möbius, B., Wade, T., and Schütze, H. (2010). Multilevel Exemplar Theory. Cognitive Science, 34, 537–582.
(Posted 21 May 2022)
Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies – The Digital Environmental Humanities. Towards Theory and Praxis
Deadline for abstracts: 31 October 2022.
All HJEAS’ archived issues are available on JSTOR, the largest, most available website for humanities journals, current issues are also accessible electronically on ProQuest, including the most recent indexed by the SCOPUS database, indexed and abstracted by the MLA International Bibliography. For more about the HJEAS go to: [].
Over the past years the rapid technological improvements, innovations and use of digital applications have transformed us into living and working in virtual environments. We are now facing ‘oceans’ of big data, inaugurating what has been called the “Digital Anthropocene.” Gaining momentum since around the 1950s, the Digital Humanities (previously referred to as Humanities Computing or Computing in the Humanities) “is a diverse and still emerging field that encompasses the practice of humanities research in and through information technology, and the exploration of how the humanities may evolve through their engagement with technology, media, and computational methods.” [See the DHQ’s website:, [accessed 4th of June 2022]]. As we move from the first wave of qualitative data to the second, which is apt to be more critical, interpretative and empirical with the use of toolkits and services (Presner, 2010), the rise of a third wave introduces entirely new interdisciplinary paradigms, convergent fields, new methodologies and concepts as well as new models and patterns while working on cultural texts.
Although the disciplines of Digital Humanities and Environmental Humanities appear to work with different methodological approaches (Posthumus and Sinclair, 2016: 370), they can provide a shared space for exploring questions such as how nature could be in dialogue with a computer or how technology could help us to understand environmental issues. Both disciplines adopt common vocabulary such as “environment,” “system,” “network, “collectivism,” “individualism” while approaching texts. The Digital Humanities and Environmental Humanities are “interdisciplinary and collaborative” disciplines (Cohen and LeMenager, 2016: 340) where “[n]ew tools, new metaphors, provide second-order feedback loops that inform the original metaphors of nature and ecology” (Morey, 2012: 119). Their collaborative work aims through new critical tools to shed light on the complex entanglements of nature with the digital sphere, and their relationship to each other when introduced into a system. A well-known concept across research is “digital ecologies” or “digital ecology or environment” (Wellmon, 2012: 77), which describes multiple reading and virtual environments, including their interactions made possible by the use of digital analysis tools while working on a text or database.
As Finne Arne Jørgensen notes, the “idea of nature is becoming very hard to separate from the digital tools and media we use to observe, interpret, and manage it” (2014, 109). This interweaving presents a challenge that we have to face while developing and applying digital tools, applications, portals, repositories, and curated interactive objects to expand the research of Digital Environmental Humanities.
In this journal issue, we will explore exactly how the disciplines of Digital Humanities and Environmental Humanities can provide us with new perspectives and critical tools. In particular, considering mainly literary studies, philosophy studies, media studies, visual studies and Art, we will explore and discuss the different ways in which concepts such as digital ecologies, digital environments, networks and so forth are approached by these disciplines in both theory and praxis. The new approaches and concepts form a ‘digital turn’ in the humanities, expanding the relationship between humans and the more-than-human world, and the characteristics of such a relationship, under which conditions (hybrid, symbiotic, etc.) and for what purposes, for example, education. Furthermore, the Digital Environmental Humanities offer insights on “Citizen Humanities” in which the involvement of public space, citizens and academia assists the better understanding of the practical aspects of the relationship between the human and the more-than-human world.
We invite papers that consider the various interactions between Digital Humanities and Environmental Humanities in order to open up new forms of inquiry for critical approaches to the Humanities. Areas of interest for this special journal issue include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Digital Environmental Humanities in Literary Theory (Ecocriticism, Algorithmic Literary Theory) and Comparative Literature
- Digital Geographies and Spatialities
- Digitalocene (e.g. Anthropocene, Capitalocene, etc.)
- Digital Tools, Digital Applications, Digital Repositories and Archives, Data Visualization in/for Environmental Humanities
- Digital Ecologies and Topics from the Continental Philosophy
- Digital Environmental Humanities and Posthumanism, Transhumanism, AI, and Ethics ● Digital Ecologies, Plant Studies, and Animal Studies
- Digital Ecologies, Aesthetics and Art
- Digital Ecologies in Media and Film Studies
- Digital Environmental Humanities and Environmental Justice
- Digital Ecologies, Medical Humanities (e.g. Pandemics) and Biotechnology ● Digital Oil and Energy Humanities
- Digital Environmental Pedagogies and Storytelling
- Digital Ecologies in Citizen Humanities, Smart Cities and Citizenship Futures ● Biomimicry and Digital Modeling
- Towards the future of Digital Environmental Humanities as Discipline in Theory and Praxis
- Cohen, Jerome Jeffrey, and Stephanie LeMenager. “Introduction. Assembling the Ecological Digital Humanities”, PMLA 131.2 (2016): 340-346. doi: 10.1632/pmla.2016.131.2.340. Jørgensen, Finne Arne. “The Armchair Traveler’s Guide to Digital Environmental Humanities”, Environmental Humanities 4.1 (2014): 95-112. doi: 3614944.
- Morey, Sean. “Digital Ecologies” in Dobrin, I. Sidney. (2012). (Ed.). Ecology, Writing Theory, and New Media. Writing Ecology (New York and London: Routledge), 106-121.
- Presner, Todd. (2010). “Digital Humanities 2.0: A Report on Knowledge” in Emerging Disciplines, edited by Melissa Bailar (Houston: Rice University Press).
- Sinclair, Stéfan and Stephanie Posthumus. (2016). “Digital? Environmental: Humanities” in The Routledge Companion to Environmental Humanities edited by Ursula K. Heise, Jon Christensen and Michelle Niemann (London and New York: Routledge).
- Wellmon, Chad. (2012). “Why Google Isn’t Making Us Stupid…or Smart”. ISAC. The Hedgehog Review. Critical Reflections on Contemporary Culture 14:1. <>, [accessed 29/05/20222].
- Peggy Karpouzou, Assistant Professor in Theory of Literature, Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece,, E-mail:
- Nikoleta Zampaki, PhD Candidate in Modern Greek Literature, Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. E-mail:
Submissions’ Guidelines and Deadlines
Deadline for sending an abstract (approx. 300 words and a short CV) to both Editors’e mails and 31 October 2022.
Deadline for sending the full papers to both Editors’ e-mails and 30April 2023.
More about full papers’ and submissions’ guidelines may be found here: [].
Please direct any questions to both Editors’ e-mails: and
(Posted 27 June 2022)
Cultures of Empathy – special issue
Detailed for proposals and a short biography: 30 November 2022
Cultures of Empathy
Guest editors: Pilar Cuder-Domínguez (COIDESO, University of Huelva, Spain), Ana Cristina Mendes (University of Lisbon, Portugal) and Erzsébet Barát (University of Szeged, Hungary)
During the European ‘migrant crisis’ of 2015, a Hungarian journalist was recorded tripping a refugee father and child fleeing police, and in the ensuing public outrage over her breach of journalistic distance and lack of empathy she lost her job. In 2021, the image of a Spanish Red Cross volunteer comforting a migrant on a beach in Ceuta went viral and resulted in her being targeted and abused online for what was seen by some as an excess of empathy. The vast reach of the #BLM and #MeToo movements and the rise of anti-#BLM and #MeToo backlash exemplify the complex ways in which empathy, generally understood as the ability to tune into the experiences and emotions of others, currently plays a major role in social relationality and public discourses. Theorists such as Nussbaum 1997, Hoffmann 2000, and Segal 2018 see empathy as a necessary condition for moral development (e.g., in moral reasoning and moral judgement), while feminist scholars favour “a more empathic, less rule-based approach to human interactions” (Koehn 1998) and encourage “feminist empathic identification that builds connections across boundaries of difference that divide women” (Gray 2011). Empathy—what Blankenship (2019) calls “rhetorical empathy”—can be taught or at least promoted through exposure to narratives told from diverse vantage points. The fostering or nurturing of empathy plays a critical role in global citizenship education. Based on the ethical effects of narrative on readers, many school boards recommend Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (1960), due to Atticus Finch’s empathic qualities while discouraging or even banning other fictional works.
Empathy, however, also has its detractors. The idea of “narrative empathy” has been challenged (Keen 2007). Especially in the Global North, emotional responses may be limited to a voyeuristic thrill that stops short of engendering actual social change or advancing social justice. As Pedwell (2014) puts it, empathy has become “a Euro-American political obsession.” In addition, in our polarized cultural moment, empathy for empathy’s sake may encompass “extreme acts of violence as well as many forms of accepted everyday behaviour” (Breithaupt 2019). Empathetic gestures can, in fact, correspond to a fantasy of interpersonal or group identification and contribute to obscure systemic inequalities (Gaines 2017).
This special issue on Cultures of Empathy aims at analysing the forms and effects of empathic interactions in language, literature, and culture. From the rhetoric of empathy to “empathic vision” (Bennett 2005), empathy will be subjected to critical scrutiny. To this purpose, we find very useful Keen’s definition of narrative empathy as “the sharing of feeling and perspective-taking induced by reading, viewing, hearing or imagining narratives of another’s situation and condition.”
Contributions might address, but are not limited to:
- Teaching and learning empathy: conditioning empathic responses; reading and emotional response.
- The language of empathy: styles of communication and conversation, empathetic narrative techniques.
- Affective relationalities, emotional contagion, mutuality and interdependencies in cultural texts, particularly in interspecies and intercultural contexts.
- Cognitive and affective dimensions of empathy in contraposition to false empathy, hyper-empathy, and sympathy.
Detailed proposals (up to 1,000 words) for full essays (7,500 words) as well as a short biography (max. 100 words) should be sent to the guest editors by 30 November 2022:
- Pilar Cuder-Domínguez (,
- Ana Cristina Mendes (, and
- Erzsébet Barát (
This issue will be part of volume 28 (2024). All inquiries regarding this issue can be sent to the three guest editors.
(Posted 3 March 2022)
EJES – Call for Papers for Volume 28 (2024): GRIT – Resilience, Resistance, and other Infrastructural Interventions
Deadline for essay proposals: 30 November 2022
The editors of EJES are issuing calls for papers for issues of the journal to be published in 2024. Potential contributors are reminded that EJES operates a two-stage review process. The first is based on the submission of detailed proposals (up to 1,000 words) and results in invitations to submit full essays from which a final selection is then made. The deadline for essay proposals for this volume is 30 November 2022, with delivery of completed essays in the spring of 2023, and publication in Volume 28 (2024).
EJES operates a two-stage review process.
- Contributors are invited to submit proposals for essays on the topic in question by 30 November 2022.
- Following review of the proposals by the editorial board panel, informed by external specialists as appropriate, the guest editors will invite the authors of short-listed proposals to submit full-length essays for review with a spring 2023 deadline.
- The full-length essays undergo another round of review, and a final selection as well as suggestions for revisions are made. Selected essays are then revised and resubmitted to the guest editors in late 2023 for publication in 2024.
EJES employs Chicago Style (T&F Chicago AD) and British English conventions for spelling. For more information about EJES, see:
GRIT: Resilience, Resistance, and other Infrastructural Interventions
Grit names the residual grains that interrupt flow; it is also resolve, a pushing back on adversarial circumstances. Where Grit has recently become aligned with modes of success deriving from the mobilisation of privileges and capital, we want to shift away from individualist and entrepreneurial notions of ‘true grit’ to thinking about Grit as a relational and collective endeavour of interrupting processes of extraction and profit. Rather than espousing Grit as a quality that correlates with the maintenance of heightened performance in the face of resistance, we turn to the properties of resistance itself. Of particular interest is how Grit manifests itself within infrastructural assemblages and seemingly ‘smooth’ systems of production and circulation. Grit suggests processes of active resistance, requiring resolve and allowing for discomfort. Accordingly, resilience is reformulated in terms of solidarities and collective forms, rather than individual agencies. If resilience names a capacity to recover, what does it mean to think of disruption as a central tactic of recovery?
By loosening Grit from the grip of resilience discourses that position resolve as central to the continuation of petrocapital, we are interested in contributions that probe the specific ways in which infrastructures can be interrupted, hijacked, hacked and redirected through material practices and imaginative forms. From sabotage and strikes to ships in the Suez we are interested in those agents and agencies – human and non-human – of friction and resistance and what their intervention reveals about the working of the infrastructures in question.
We are particularly interested in those infrastructures that work with or through the oceans (such as pipelines, oil platforms, subsea cables, and container shipping). The shoreline, the liminal site between the land and the ocean, seems a particularly apt space from which to contemplate the intersections between environment, labour, and the infrastructures that mediate flows of power, resources, information, and waste products. Moreover, the world’s littorals mark places where the climate crisis makes landfall, with rising tides and degraded defences laying bare current and future vulnerabilities.
How can we trace disrupted infrastructures, and acts of their disruption, in cultural and literary texts? Are there specific aesthetics and forms entailed in Grit, and how might these be best described or classified? How does the failure of infrastructure – whether through ruination or direct intervention – expose the false promises of infrastructural development? What kinds of hijacking, hacking, and interrupting lay bare what aspects of the inherent assumptions of infrastructural arrangements? How do intersectional expectations of labour affect perceptions of intervention, resistance and disruption? Finally, what is the potential of Grit to resist, reconfigure and restore?
For this special issue, we are calling for contributions and ask for abstracts that address, circle or refuse the following themes:
- Pelagic / off-shore infrastructures of energy
- Power generation: specifically, thinking through the links of energy production and social reproduction
- Collaborations of protest and slow violence in the mode of the saboteur
- Histories of labour extraction and their infrastructures (slavery, indentured labour)
- Cultural entanglements of infrastructural transitions, energy transitions, and power transitions
- Narratives of transformations by dockyard and port labour organisations, esp. as pertains to interruptions of trade
- Infrastructural sabotage and other disruptions
- Thinking through the various materialities of Grit, e.g. in contrast / comparison to close cognates such as dirt, grain, dust, rust.
- Connections between specific infrastructures and the kinds of interruptions that they attract
- Aesthetics of Grit: What forms and modes does Grit take and how does it disrupt literary infrastructure?
- Dwelling with the things that stop infrastructures working
Detailed proposals (up to 1,000 words) for full essays (7,500 words) as well as a short biography (max. 100 words) should be sent to the guest editors by 30 November 2022. This issue will be part of volume 28 (2024). All inquiries regarding this issue can be sent to the three guest editors.
- Alexandra Campbell (University of Glasgow) <>
- Kylie Crane (University of Rostock) <>
- Katie Ritson (LMU Munich) <>
(Published 28 April 2027)
Anglo Saxonica 2024 (special issue), Portugal
Deadline for proposals: 31 December 2022
Anglo Saxonica is an open access multidisciplinary journal, with a long-standing reputation in the field that publishes original and innovative research and promotes dialogue on a variety of issues relevant to the study of English language, literatures, and cultures of the English-speaking world and geocultural areas. Its editorial policy embraces different academic approaches on current issues in English and American studies, includes original research articles, reviews, interviews, and selections of creative writing. The journal also publishes one special issue per year with a particular thematic focus, guest-edited by leading scholars in the field. Authors are not charged for submissions/publications.
We are looking for proposals for Special Issues via email directly to the Editors by the cut-off date of 31 December 2022 two years prior to the year in which guest editors wish to publish their issue. The next available slot for a special issue is in Volume 22, 2024. Submissions should include full contact details, a title, and a Call for Papers and/or a Table of Contents, as well as a production schedule.
All the works submitted, in English or in Portuguese, are subjected to initial appraisal by the editors and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double blind peer review by independent expert referees.
For more information on the journal, the editorial team, special issues and submission guidelines, please visit the website:
(Anglo Saxonica is indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS and MLA Directory of Periodicals and is hosted at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)
Contact Info:
Contact Email:
(Published 13 March 2022)