The 18th Annual Conference of the English Department: ACED-18
University of Bucharest, Romania, 2-4 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 12 March 2016
The English Department of the University of Bucharest will hold its 18th Annual Conference
from 2–4 June, 2016.
The Conference will be organized in two sections:
LINGUISTICS. Papers are invited in:
- General Linguistics
- Linguistic Theories
- Theoretical Linguistics (syntax, phonology, semantics and the interfaces)
- Language acquisition
- Applied Linguistics
LITERATURE AND CULTURAL STUDIES. General theme: “Cultural Representations of the City”. Papers are invited in:
- British, Irish and Commonwealth Literatures
- American Literature
- World and Comparative Literature
- Cultural Studies
- Intellectual and Cultural History
- Art History and Visual Culture
- Literary Theory
- Translation Studies
Presentations should be in English, and will be allocated 20 minutes each, plus 10 minutes for discussion. Prospective participants are invited to submit abstracts in Word format.
Abstracts for the Literature and Cultural Studies Section should be of maximum 200 words. Abstracts for the Linguistics section should be between one and two A4 pages, Times New Roman 12, single spaced.
Proposals should also include name and institutional affiliation, a short bio (no more than 100 words), and e-mail address.
Deadline for proposals: 12 March 2016
Conference fee: 50 euro or 200 lei (covering lunches and refreshments during the conference, but not evening meals)
A selection of papers from the conference will be published in University of Bucharest Review ISSN 2069–8658; listed on Scopus, EBSCO (Literary Reference Centre Plus), CEEOL and Ulrichsweb; CNCS category B) and in Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics (ISSN 2069–9239; listed on EBSCO, CEEOL, Ulrichsweb, Cascadilla and DOAJ; CNCS category B).
Please send proposals (and enquiries) to the following e-mail addresses:
For the Linguistics section:
For the Literature and Cultural Studies section:
Further details about the Conference will be posted at:
For the Literature and Cultural Studies Section
(posted 4 November 2015)
Playing roles: what are the stakes in LSP / LAP?: 38th annual APLIUT Conference
IUT de Lyon, France, 2-4 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2016
In his work entitled L’anthropologie du geste, Marcel Jousse describes man as an “interactional mimic” ([1974] 2008) who cannot but replay the actions he sees around himself, actions which imprint upon him and which he expresses through replaying them. Man thus constructs his identity, his role by replaying the actions he sees around him. Playing roles allows him to “become the other” and by so doing, to understand and memorise better (Lecoq 1997). As a result, the act of playing (and replaying) a role allows the acquisition of skills and knowledge by bonding with others, because playing requires recognising and adapting to the other’s needs. Finally, playing is a creative process, because replaying is never a simple repetition or holding up of a mirror, but it is a personal and dynamic reaction. It is not a case of a figurative representation of that which we observe and replay, but an acting out of its essence a dynamic activity.
In this way, playing roles can be a fun an entertaining activity which we could encourage our students to engage in in order to motivate them; it remains however a behaviour which is innate, which is “profoundly anthropological” (ibid). In a similar vein, Berthoz considers that there can be no learning without action because “the origin of thought resides in the necessity of movement” (2009). Other researchers in neuroscience have underlined the importance of the body in learning, such as Rizzolatti, who suggests the existence of mirror neurons which allow us to unconsciously imitate the actions of others.
The links between play and learning are numerous — both are eminently social phenomena which re-place the individual in his or her environment. They allow the re-presentation of his or her identity and reinforce the role of the body in understanding others. Play remains marginalised however in the language classroom (Lapaire & Masse 2008; Aden 2008). How, under these conditions, should we envisage teaching & learning LSP / LAP so as to give playing its due? This is the question which we will try to address at the next APLIUT conference in Lyon. The notion of playing roles can be approached from a number of angles (theatre, strategy games, video games, physical games, etc.) as well as its implications in terms of teaching and leanrning languages (motivation, pleasure, autonomy, memorisation, etc.)
Aden J. 2008. “Compétences interculturelles en didactique des langues : développer l’empathie par la théâtralisation”, Apprentissages des langues et pratiques artistiques, Paris, Édition le Manuscrit, p. 67-102.
Berthoz A. 2009. La simplexité, Paris : Odile Jacob.
Jousse M. 2008. L’Anthropologie du Geste, Paris : Gallimard (1978)
Lecoq J. 1997. Le corps poétique : un enseignement de la création théâtrale, Arles : Actes Sud.
Lapaire, J.-R. & Masse J. (2008). “Danser la grammaire de l’anglais”, in Aden J., Apprentissages des langues et pratiques artistiques, p. 149-176.
Rizzolati G., Sinigaglia C. 2007. Mirrors in the Brain. How our minds share actions and emotions, Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Composition of the Scientific Committee for the 38th annual APLIUT conference:
Anne-Laure DUBRAC (President of the Scientific Comittee), MCF 11e section, UPEC
Dan FROST,MCF 11e section, Université de Savoie
Noëlla GAIGEOT, PRCE, Université du Mans
Marie-Annick MATTIOLI, MCF 11e section, IUT Paris-Descartes, Université Paris Descartes
Julie MORERE, MCF 11e section, IUT Nantes, Université de Nantes
Linda TERRIER, MCF 11e section, Université Toulouse 2-Le Mirail
Jean-Luc WOLF, PRCE, IUT Schiltigheim-Louis Pasteur, Université de Strasbourg
Please download the form to be returned with the paper proposal.
(posted 12 November 2015)
Second Biennial John Dos Passos Society Conference
Madrid, Spain, 2-4 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2016
The John Dos Passos Society invites papers for its second biennial conference.
We welcome proposals on any topic relevant to Dos Passos’s career or life. We are especially interested in his relationship to Spain and Spain’s relationship to Dos Passos’s legacy. The meeting will include a screening of Robles, Duelo al Sol, a new documentary about the fate of José Robles during the Spanish Civil War, and its impact on Dos Passos and his relationship to Hemingway. Following the screening there will be a roundtable with Sonia Tercero (director of the film), as well as Ignacio Martínez de Pisón (historian of the Spanish Civil War and novelist), and John Dos Passos Coggin (writer, political strategist, and grandson of John Dos Passos).
Possible topics may include Dos Passos and:
- Spain
- translation studies
- war
- Europe
- the Iberian World
- the expatriate experience
- his ideological journey/changing politics
- sex, sexuality, and gender
- labor, the proletarian novel, and the Popular Front
- Ernest Hemingway, José Robles, and/or others involved in the Spanish Civil War
- realist, modernist, and late-modernist aesthetics
- regionalism and internationalism
- genre: histories, travel writing, poetry, essays and so on
- painting and the visual arts
- technology
- his influences
- his influence on contemporary literature
We will also hold a roundtable on “teaching Dos Passos,” and welcome short position papers on classroom experiences with his work.
The conference will be hosted by Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Spain’s largest private university with around 11,000 students, at its Madrid-Chamartín Campus.
Please send an abstract of 250-300 words and a brief CV to by January 15th, 2016. Make note of any A/V requests in your abstract. And please note that the language of the conference will be English.
More information about the conference will be forthcoming on the society’s website at
(posted 7 October 2015, updated 7 January 2016)
Literary Journalism and Latin American Wars: Revolutions, Retributions, Resignations
Université de Lorraine (Nancy campus), France, 3-4 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 November 2015
Working in partnership with various research centers — Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (Wolfson College, Oxford University, UK), Medill School of Journalism (Northwestern University, USA), ReSIC (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), EPL Educação, Comunicação e Desenvolvimento Humano (São Paulo, Brazil), and the Experimental Media Lab (Academy of Fine Arts Saar, Germany) — the research group I.D.E.A. (“Théories et pratiques de l’interdisciplinarité dans les études anglophones”) is announcing a call for papers for the conference “Literary Journalism and Latin American Wars.” The conference will be held on the Nancy campus of the Université de Lorraine from 3-4 June 2016. The keynote speaker will be Argentinean journalist and scholar Roberto Herrscher Rovira (Universitat de Barcelona), whose books Los viajes del Penélope (2007) and Periodismo narrativo (2012) show the importance literary journalism has in the practice and history of Latin American letters.
When Gabriel García Márquez died in April 2014, the world of letters lost one its most talented novelists and influential journalists of the 20th century. “Gabo,” who was equally known for his “magical realism” as for his support of the Castro regime in Cuba, witnessed and recorded the political and social unrest that is frequently associated with the development of South America. Like Márquez, many Latin American authors resorted to literary journalism to capture their countries’ civil wars, revolutions or pogroms. Jorge Ibargüengoitia wrote about the Mexican Revolution of 1910 in Los Relámpagos de Agosto (1964) and later about the Mexican War of Independence in Los pasos de López (1981). In Operación Masacre, Rodolfo Jorge Walsh described the events following the Revolución Libertadora in Argentina in 1955. Biografía de un cimarrón by the Cuban author Miguel Barnet tells of the story of a Cuban ex-slave of African descent that fought during the Cuban War of Independence (1895–98). The book, published seven years after the Cuban Revolution ended in 1966, is considered a watershed in the development of Latin American literary journalism.
Latin American literary journalism is thus rarely separated from Latin American politics throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Dictatorships – the most notorious being perhaps Chile’s Pinochet — civil wars and colonial wars all inspired the work of literary journalists who wrote knowing that reprisals would inevitably follow the publication of their work. The poet Heberto Padilla was imprisoned in 1971, and Rodolfo Walsh was assassinated by an Argentinean militia in 1977. Faced with such realities, Latin American authors had to be deceptive to get their stories published and read. Potential questions on the history of the genre in Latin America that could be addressed include:
- Is Latin American literary journalism essentially a militant journalism?
- How did Latin American literary journalists avoid censorship?
- What differences can be noticed between works written during dictatorships or in colonial times and those produced later?
- Latin American authors were forced to invent specific genres (crónica, crônica, testimonio) that used literary techniques which allowed them to criticize authoritarian governments without putting their lives in danger. How subjective could the authors be when writing their stories? What impact did their stories have on the nation and its people?
- How much distance did literary journalists — Latin American or otherwise — put between themselves and the object of their writing?
- Does an authorial voice during times of repression or a preponderant political agenda within a text limit its universality and keep it from even being considered a classic?
Latin American literary journalism was unavoidably influenced by an imported/exported European reportage tradition, as well as by America’s “New Journalism” of the 1960s and 70s. While Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson and Joan Didion were exploring the consequences counterculture had on an imploding America (with Didion later turning to Latin America in Salvador), Latin American authors were still largely trying to find a voice to express the struggles experienced by their peoples. Even though literary journalism on all three continents had traditions that predate the 1960s, it is safe to say that the genre came of age at this time, and Latin America’s interactions with Europe and the United States played an important role in the making of its own brand of literary journalism, by whatever name it was called — periodismo narrativo, jornalismo literário or periodismo literario. The journalistic influences from Europe and the United States raise an incalculable number of questions regarding the essence of Latin American literary journalism to which this conference hopes to provide answers. Potential questions on the transformation of the genre in Latin America could include:
- What effect did foreign literary journalists have on the local form when they began writing about Latin America? Did Latin literary journalists adopt more of an American or a European sensibility when writing about their countries’ social and political issues.
- When Germans came to Brazil in the 19th century, some of them decided to write in German. Did it change the nature of literary journalism in this country and, if so, how?
- What effect did moving to the United States have on writers who were born in Latin America, such as Alma Guillermoprieto, who writes for the American and the British press and covered the El Mozote massacre?
- When Cuba began rejecting Euro-American culture in the post-revolution 60s, did its authors shun the influence they had received abroad or did they simply sublimate it?
The diversity of viewpoints will allow us to understand how literary journalism has found its place in Latin America and contributed to the building of a sense of nationalism, between democracy and authoritarianism, between unity and fragmentation. English will be the conference’s principal language, but papers can also be presented in Spanish, Portuguese and French.
Please send abstracts of 300 words and a brief cv by 15 November 2015 to:
• I John S. Bak
• and Marilyne Tonelli
(posted 14 January 2015)
Environment, Economy & Climate Change: Stages in Transition
Department of Drama and Theatre Arts (George Cadbury Hall), University of Birmingham, UK, 4-5 July 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 March 2016
Conference organisers: Dr Vicky Angelaki and Professor Graham Saunders
We are witnessing a growth in new work in theatre and performance that deals with the current intricate relationship between environment and economy, referred to by some as the Anthropocene; a geological age in which energy and resource consumption habits are creating the conditions for environmental crisis. This in turn has not only led governments around the world to making difficult moral and ethical decisions, but also all of us to consider our responsibilities towards the environment, and the consequences of our individual and collective actions.
Recent written and performance work for the stage that has focused on the economy in relation to diminishing resources and global warming/climate change has included:
Steve Waters, The Contingency Plan (2009, Bush Theatre); Nick Payne, If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet (2009, Bush Theatre); Richard Bean, The Heretic (2011, Royal Court Theatre); Moira Buffini, Matt Charman, Penelope Skinner and Jack Thorne, Greenland (2011, National Theatre); Filter and David Farr, Water (2007, Lyric Hammersmith; 2011, Tricycle); Duncan Macmillan, Lungs (2011, Studio Theatre, Washington DC); Stephen Emmott and Katie Mitchell, Ten Billion (2012, Royal Court Theatre); Duncan Macmillan, Chris Rapley and Katie Mitchell, 2071 (2014, Royal Court Theatre); Rimini Protokoll, Welt-Klimakonferenz (2014, Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg); Tanya Ronder, F*ck the Polar Bears (2015, Bush Theatre).
We have also seen an increasing number of visual arts projects responding to warnings of crisis, as well as interdisciplinary scholarship developing around the issue of environment and global economies.
This two-day international conference provides a forum to address the various and manifold artistic developments in the fields of theatre and performance, at a time many consider a crucial historical junction. In addition, the conference aims to bring together academics and practitioners working across different areas of theatre and performance and in related interdisciplinary areas.
We are now inviting proposals for papers on topics that might include, but are not limited to the following areas:
- New writing focusing on questions of environment, economy and climate change
- Performance, the visual arts and climate change
- The ethics of spectatorship and citizenship in the context of international performances and increased mobilities, including the ethics and sustainability of environmentally-focused theatre/performance and offsetting our footprints as theatre makers and scholars
- Theatre and performance historiography on the environment and climate change
Please submit proposals (250 words) along with a 150-word biographical note to no later than 15th March 2016.
(posted 3 November 2015)
Haunted Europe: Continental Connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media
Leiden University, The Netherlands, 9-10 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 30 November 2015
Keynote speakers:
Professor Robert Miles (University of Victoria)
Professor Roger Luckhurst (Birkbeck – University of London)
Professor Tanya Krzywinska (Falmouth University)
Leslie Megahey (director of the BBC film Schalken, the Painter)
The Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) invites proposals for papers that address continental connections in English-Language Gothic Writing, Film and New Media. The aim of the conference is to explore the representation and function of continental European cultures, peoples and nations in English-Language Gothic culture from the 1790s to the present. While the first wave of British and Irish Gothic fictions developed and solidified the idea of continental Europe as a fitting setting for Gothic Romance, little sustained research has been done so far on the ways in which the function and representation of the continent in English-language Gothic culture has developed and changed since the seminal first-wave fictions, and to what extent these developments and changes have had an impact on the formation of British and Irish but also Australian and American national, cultural and individual identities, for instance.
The ongoing debate in British politics and society concerning the possibility of an EU referendum in 2017 seems to warrant a scholarly investigation concerning the reputation and representation of continental European culture in Gothic fiction. Such political realities underscore the topicality and relevance of the conference theme, and suggest that now is the right time to explore how, why and to what extent Gothic representations of continental Europe have played a part in the long, complex an often difficult (love/hate) relationship between Britain, Ireland and the European mainland, as well as the still often noted “special relationship” between Britain and the USA.
Paper topics can include, but are not limited to:
- Continental Europe as a socio-political ‘other’
- Continental magic v. Anglo-American Enlightenment
- Continental rationalism v. British and/or American Sensibility
- The revolutionary continent in English-Language Gothic texts
- The bohemian continent and the British artist
- Haunting the continent: Gothic Tourism
- Continental landscapes and the Gothic labyrinth
- Language barriers in Gothic story-telling
- Visualisations of and interactions with the Continent in British and American “New-Media” texts
Please send a 200-word abstract (for a 20 minute paper), including a working title and brief CV to:
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 November 2015.
Notification of participation: 21 December 2015.
(posted 2 November 2015)
EAP and Creativity: 10th NFEAP Summer Conference
Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway, 9-10 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 February 2016
The Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes (NFEAP) is pleased to announce its 10th anniversary annual summer conference, which will take place on Thursday the 9th and Friday the 10th of June 2016 at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus), Oslo, Norway. Join us in celebrating a decade of EAP in Norway!
The theme for the 2016 conference is EAP and Creativity. We welcome any work that addresses creativity and EAP in theory and practice. In what ways does EAP provide room for creativity — for students, teachers and researchers? And how does creativity underpin or make possible meaningful and illuminating EAP thought and practice? We invite proposals that explore creativity in approaches to EAP training methods, principles, practices and research, including needs analysis, syllabus and materials design, teaching strategies and methodological issues; group/interdisciplinary teaching; critical EAP; e-learning and technology; academic identities; and teacher/student experiences.
Plenary speakers:
Bojana Petric, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Karen Bennett, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Nicholas Royle, Centre for Creative and Critical Thought, University of Sussex, UK
Submission guidelines:
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to Kristin Solli (, with the subject line NFEAP 2016 abstract, by February 15th, 2016. The document should contain the following: (1) author name(s), (2) affiliation, (3) title of presentation, (4) body of abstract (5) references, and (6) c. 50-word biography. The standard length for presentations will be 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion).
For more information about NFEAP and the annual conference, please visit the NFEAP webpage.
BALEAP scholarship
NFEAP are delighted to announce that we will, as usual, award a BALEAP member a £500 scholarship to attend NFEAP 2016. To be eligible for this award you must be a current BALEAP member. Please clearly state in your abstract submission if you wish to be considered for the scholarship.
Important dates:
Registration opens December 2015
Deadline for abstracts: 15 February 2016
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2016
Deadline for registration: 1 June 2016
Conference programme available: 1 April 2016
NFEAP conference 2016: 9-10 June 2016
The 1500 NOK conference registration fee includes refreshments and lunch for both days of the conference and the conference dinner on the Thursday evening.
Please note that the NFEAP is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to be able to assist with conference travel or subsistence.
We would like to thank you in advance for your contribution to the 10th NFEAP summer conference and look forward to having the opportunity to discuss and disseminate your work.
Please feel free to forward this information on to any colleagues you feel may be interested in the NFEAP and the summer conference.
On behalf of the NFEAP organizing committee,
Tom Muir, Ann Torday Gulden and Kristin Solli
(posted 13 January 2016)
New Approaches to Corpus in English Linguistics
Avignon, France, 9-10 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 29 March 2016
The full programme of the conference is now available at
It is historically the case that linguists interested in pragmatic phenomena — whether in terms of speech act theory, relevance theory, argumentation, enunciation, etc. — have not always made use of corpora or, when they have done so, have used them in a spirit of “illustrative eclecticism” (Kohnen 2015:56, “Speech Acts: a diachronic perspective”, in Corpus Pragmatics. A Handbook. Aijmer, K. and Rühlemann, C. (eds.), Cambridge University Press), drawing on genuine examples to illustrate a theoretical perspective. In recent years various semasiological approaches have considered how the apparent polysemies of a given marker can be fruitfully explained in terms of complex configurations, as the postulated semantic potentials of cooccurring items interact to generate contextually situated values. Such an approach opens new perspectives for quantitative exploitation of corpus material in theories which have traditionally stressed qualitative analysis of a limited number of cases. The technology of corpus enquiry now enables us to conduct sophisticated searches in terms of collocational affinities, bearing on data which can — according to how the corpus is tagged and marked up — involve linguistic and paralinguistic features both (pauses, overlaps, speakers’ identities, textual genres etc.).
The aim of the present conference is therefore to investigate the usefulness and relevance of the quantitative analysis of corpus data of English and Englishes, in those areas of linguistic research where a more qualitative, fine-grained approach has traditionally prevailed. Issues addressed might include:
- semantico-pragmatic profiling of specific markers or configurations of markers via quantitative corpus-based data;
- preprocessing requirements on corpora with a view to such research, i.e. specific or ad hoc tagging or mark up conventions;
- types of corpus enquiry, tools, syntax and/or algorithms relevant to such research.
In keeping with the programme of our local research group Identité Culturelle, Textes et Théâtralité, studies that address issues of corpus approaches to linguistic identities are also encouraged.
Conference languages: English and French.
Anonymous submissions for a 30′ presentation should include a title, a short bibliography of no more than ten references and a text of approximately 400 words indicating the theoretical framework, the aims and methods of the study.
Submissions are made by file upload via the conference website: First you will need to create an account on, if you do not already have one, then click on “Submissions” then “Submit an abstract”. Each submission will receive two anonymous reviews the results of which will be communicated before 31 March 2016. Should you encounter any problems, send an email to the “Contact” address via the menu on the left.
The final date for submissions is set at 29 March 2016.
Supported by ICTT EA 4277, the SFR Agorantic and the Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse
(posted 24 March 2016, updated 20 April 2016 )
Mapping Fields of Study: Renegotiations of Disciplinary Spaces in the English-Speaking World
Nancy, France, 9-11 June 2016
Extended Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2016
Confirmed keynote speakers:
– Dr Josephine Guy, Professor of Modern English Literature, The University of Nottingham. Her publications on the history of English as a discipline of knowledge include Politics and Value in English Studies (Cambridge University Press, 1993, co-authored with Ian Small), an essay in The Organisation of Knowledge in Victorian Britain (Oxford University Press, 2005, ed. Martin Daunton), The Routledge Concise History of Nineteenth Century Literature (Routledge, 2011, co-authored with Ian Small).
– Dr Christopher Stray, Honorary Research Fellow in the History of Classical Scholarship and Teaching, Swansea University. His publications on the history and sociology of classical education and scholarship include Classics Transformed: Schools, Universities, and Society in England, 1830-1960 (Oxford University Press, 1998), Oxford Classics: Teaching and Learning 1800-2000 (Duckworth, 2007, editor and contributor), and forthcoming works on Cambridge classics and classics in Britain.
As part of its research project on the Institutionalisation of Disciplines, the research team IDEA (Interdisciplinarity in English Studies) of the University of Lorraine, France, in partnership with the research teams Savoirs dans l’espace anglophone: représentations, culture, histoire (Université de Strasbourg, France), and Transcultural Anglophone Studies (Saarland University, Germany), will host an international conference on disciplinary organisation and reorganisation in the English-speaking world in Nancy, France, 9-11 June 2016.
Disciplines and fields of study are far from being stable entities; tracing the history of any field of study reveals their connection to social and cultural contexts, attempts at legitimation, shifts in methodological approaches, complex relations with other fields of study, as well as the influence of institutional factors.
Current disciplinary categories, which are subject to institutional instability and internal debates, have a history that exerts a significant impact on the work of conceptualisation done within each field of study. The increasing trend towards interdisciplinary studies in the humanities prompts an interrogation of changing disciplinary configurations. There can be no meaningful interdisciplinarity without a sense of the historicity of the disciplines as institutional entities giving form to the knowledge-building enterprise.
This call for papers is addressed to researchers interested in disciplinary organisation or reorganisation, and in the impact of institutional factors in these processes. The conference will focus on disciplinary shifts in the human and social sciences understood in a broad sense, but papers may include a comparative dimension with a range of disciplines that can extend to the natural sciences. The conference will concentrate on disciplinary reconfigurations in the English-speaking world broadly speaking, as well as in countries where English is used as an official language or language of communication.
Focusing on the English-speaking world will lead to an understanding of the transoceanic dialogues, connections, and debates that have characterised the development of fields of study in this region; of common patterns and contrasting structures that exist in different English-speaking countries; and of the influence of imperial connections and colonial dynamics in the creation of academic knowledge.
Submissions may address, but need not be limited to, the following themes:
- Changing taxonomies of knowledge, e.g. the encapsulating scope of “classics” and “letters” transformed into the more specific domains of “literature”, “philosophy”, “history” and “science”. As part of this process: The emergence or elaboration of disciplines or fields of study (especially in the social and natural sciences). The transformation of existing disciplinary fields (especially the “human sciences” – literature, history, philosophy).
- The emergence and intellectual / institutional legitimation of “studies” (gender studies, critical race studies, cultural studies, etc.).
- The impact of institutional dynamics on the nature of disciplines.
- The impact of imperial connections and dynamics in the emergence and development of disciplines (notably in the formation of English studies).
- Case studies relating to the work of defining / contesting individuals within a field of study.
- The evolution and impact of academic curricula.
- The role of learned societies, academies, the periodical press and popularising publications in the formation of disciplines or the negotiation of disciplinary boundaries.
Papers offering comparative approaches to alternative geographic centres (France, Germany, China, etc.) are also welcome.
Papers should be given in English and not exceed 20 minutes in length. Proposals (title, abstract of 250-500 words, and short bio-bibliographical note) should be emailed to Marilyne Brun no later than Friday 15th January 2016.
Selected revised articles will be published in a volume.
For more information on the conference:
(posted 4 December 2015)
Agreement – Non Agreement: CerLiCO Conference
University of Nantes, France, 10-11 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 November 2015
For a long time, linguistic research has been trying to describe the relation between the different elements of an utterance, and yet the relation between agreement and non-agreement still remains a “riddle” (Jespersen 1924).
The notion of agreement (consequentia), which appeared quite late in grammatical tradition (Colombat 1996), was used in Latin to designate agreement phenomena per se, but also complementarity-related phenomena. This duality probably served in turn the development of the notion, which is sometimes connected with congruence (Appolonius’ katellètotès), concord in the humanist tradition (concordantia) or in Du Marsais (“Concordance”, Encyclopédie), or convenience in Port-Royal grammar (convenance, from Latin conuenientia). Hence the association found in more recent descriptions between such notions as case agreement, declension, tense agreement, inflection, to name but a few. Following Lehmann’s work (1982, 1988) it could be interesting to really think about the impact of the use of those terms on the description of the phenomenon at stake. Thoroughly accounting for the different ways in which elements are linked to one another would certainly help us gain greater insight into the way languages work.
Studies on language typology and universals (Kihm 2005, Caubet, Simeone-Senelle et Vanhove 1989) have indeed identified the existence of hierarchies and specified agreement patterns for world languages. They have also led to the observation that this phenomenon goes beyond the frame of morphosyntax (Danon-Boileau, Morel, Tamba 1996). But how certain can we be that the notion of agreement is relevant to all languages (Delplanque 1996)? Slavic languages for instance — where agreement only occurs in certain configurations — raise the issue of agreement stability, which could also be addressed in order to put into perspective the investigation of the potential relation between agreement and non-agreement.
This conference is the thirtieth conference organised by the CerLiCO association. It has been designed as the first part of a two-year cycle and will feature empirical studies focusing on the link between agreement and non-agreement, including the breach of agreement. Papers should take into account the impact of the theoretical framework — whatever it may be — on the conception of agreement and will necessarily include examples. Presentations bearing on the interface between several linguistic subfields (phonology, phonetics, morphosyntax, semantics) are particularly encouraged.
Papers will be allocated 30 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion. One session will also be devoted to poster presentations. After review, oral and poster presentations will be published the following year in the collection Travaux Linguistiques du CerLiCO.
Proposals should be submitted in electronic format for 15th November.
They should include research questions and data — not exceeding two pages — along with a short list of references. They may be written in English or French.
The abstracts will be made available to the participants at the time of registration and on the CerLiCO’s website.
Proposals will be double-blind peer-reviewed by members of the scientific committee.
They should be sent as strictly anonymous Word or PDF attachments to Catherine Collin
Please specify ‘CerLiCO 2016’ as the subject of the email, and also indicate the author’s name(s), the title of the paper, and preference for oral or poster presentation in the text of the email.
Important information:
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15th November 2015
Notification of acceptance: 1st December 2015
Conference: 10 – 11 June 2016, University of Nantes, France
(posted 2 November 2015)
The Place of Memory and Memory of Place
Cracow, Poland, 10-11 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 1 March 2016
An international conference organised by Interdisciplinary Research Foundation.
Memory is a major theme in contemporary life, a key to personal, social and cultural identity. Scholars have studied the concept from different perspectives and within different disciplines: philosophy, sociology, anthropology, geography, architecture, urban design, and the interdisciplinary “place studies”.
According to Pierre Nora, places of memory or lieux demémoire refer to those places where “memory crystallizes and secretes itself”; the places where the exhausted capital of collective memory condenses and is expressed. To be considered as such, these sites must be definable in the three senses of the word: material, symbolical and functional, all in different degrees but always present. What makes them a memory site is the interplay of memory and history, the interaction of both factors, which allows their reciprocal over-determination.
“The Place of Memory and Memory of Place” International Conference aims to spark new conversations across the field of memory and place studies. Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:
- monuments and sites of trauma
- childhood homes
- city space and sightseeing
- burial places (graves, cementaries, necropoleis)
- ruins and forgotten places
- heterotopias and heterochronies
- toponymy and topoanalysis
- cartography and mapmaking
The conference will bring together scholars from different fields including philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, history, literature, linguistics, architecture, geography and others.
The language of the conference is English.
Paper proposals up to 250 words and a brief biographical note should be sent by 1 March 2016 to:
The Paper proposal form can be downloaded from the Conference website.
A selection of papers will be published in a collected volume.
Registration Fee:
– Full registration fee: 150 €
– Student registration fee: 115 €
Conference Venue: International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25, 31-008 Kraków, Poland
Conference website:
(posted 20 January 2016)
Cognitive Futures in the Humanities 2016
University of Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 6 January 2016
1606-APLIUT-form Building on the conferences associated with the network Cognitive Futures in the Humanities in Bangor (2013), Durham (2014) and Oxford (2015), the 2016 conference in Helsinki aims once again to bring together a wide array of papers from the cognitive sciences, philosophy, literary studies, linguistics, cultural studies, critical theory, film, performance studies, musicology and beyond.
In accordance with the original purpose of the network, the aims of the conference are:
(1) to evolve new knowledge and practices for the analysis of culture and cultural objects, through engagement with the cognitive sciences
(2) to assess how concepts from the cognitive sciences can in turn be approached using the analytical tools of humanities enquiry (historical, theoretical, contextual)
(3) to contest the nature/culture opposition whose legacy can be identified with the traditional and ongoing segregation of scientific and aesthetic knowledge.
We continue to examine these issues through a variety of approaches from cognitive sciences and the humanities, and draw on methods ranging from quantitative research to critical theory. The topics studied include mindreading or mentalizing, embodiment, ‘bio’ narratives and biocentrism, perception and memory, affect and emotion, performance, movement and kinesis, subjectivity/qualia and the narrated self, conceptual blending, multimodality, linguistic creativity and figurative language, bilingualism/multilingualism, translation and digital text processing.
We will be accepting submissions for both individual papers and pre-formed panels. Innovative panel and round-table formats are particularly welcome. For individual papers please send 250-word proposals to by 6th January 2016.
For pre-formed panels and workshops, please submit individual abstracts as well as a summary paragraph.
We will consider only one individual paper per scholar, but it is possible to send both an individual abstract and a full panel proposal, should you wish to do so.
For more information on submissions or any other aspect of the conference, please visit, or contact the organisers at
Merja Polvinen
Karin Kukkonen
In cooperation with:
Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Peter Garratt (Durham)
Pirjo Lyytikäinen (Helsinki)
Anne Mangen (Stavanger)
Jean-Marie Schaeffer (CNRS)
Deirdre Wilson (UCL)
(posted 28 October 2015)
Chronos 12: 12th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality/Evidentiality
Normandie Université, UCBN, Caen, France, 15-17 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 12 October 2015
CHRONOS is the foremost international forum dedicated to current linguistic research on tense, aspect, actionality, and modality/evidentiality. The CHRONOS conferences welcome substantial and innovative presentations from scholars who conduct linguistic research from different perspectives, concerning any language, regardless of theoretical persuasions.
Plenary Speakers:
Elly van Gelderen (Arizona State). The Aspect Cycle.
Laurent Gosselin (Rouen). Modalités appréciatives et axiologiques.
Martin Haspelmath (Max Planck Institute). Form-frequency correspondences in tense, aspect and modality.
Anna Papafragou (Delaware). Experimental approaches of evidentiality.
Maria Kihlstedt (Paris X). Acquisition of TMA.
Proposals should be made through a 3-page extended abstract inclusive of the brief bibliography. It should say whether it is intended for one of the workshops, and spell out in clear language the research problem, the data used, the analytical method, the results achieved and their broader significance. Submissions are to be made on EasyChair no later than October 12, 2015. All proposals will be assessed anonymously by two members of the scientific committee, and the decision will be announced in January 2016.
Authors of accepted proposals are to forward on reception of notification a formatted version of the abstract. It should be in Cambria 12, start on the first line with the left aligned title in bold, be immediately followed by non-bold left aligned name with affiliation in parenthesis, and be separated by one line from the justified text. Reference format and other aspects should follow the style guide of Language.f
The working languages are English and French. Colleagues presenting in one language are encouraged to prepare their supporting documentation (hand-out, powerpoint presentation) in the other.
As in Pisa, there are no plans to publish overall Proceedings, although the organisation committee is happy to support colleagues who wish to take on edited volume projects with contributions from the conference.
Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: October 12, 2015
Notification of decision and opening of registration: January 2016
Publication of conference programme: March 2016
Deadline for registration: May 2016
Conference: June 15-17, 2016
Organisation committee: Emmanuelle Labeau (Aston), Pierre Larrivée (Caen), Adeline Patard (Caen), Rea Peltola (Caen), Emmanuelle Roussel (Caen).
Administrative: Liliane Docquiert (Liliane.Docquiert AT Unicaen DOT fr)
Scientific: Pierre Larrivée (Pierre.Larrivee AT Unicaen DOT fr)
(posted 1 April 2015)
Attitudes and Prestige: the 21st Sociolinguistics Symposium
University of Murcia, Spain, 15-18 June 2016
Submission of abstracts: from 15 July 2015 to 30 September 2015
Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 is Europe’s premier international conference on language in society. The Sociolinguistics Symposia were begun in the 1970s by a group of sociolinguists who saw the need for a forum to discuss research findings and to debate theoretical and methodological issues concerning language in society. The symposium has since grown into a large, international conference, now attracting more than 600 participants regularly.
In 2016, SS21 will be hosted by the University of Murcia, located in the touristic Region of Murcia on the south-eastern coast of Spain. The conference venue will be the Facultad de Letras, on the city centre university campus (Campus de La Merced).
Attitudes and Prestige will be the thematic orientation for Sociolinguistics Symposium 21. As we know, an important aspect of the complex social psychology of speech communities is the arbitrary and subjective intellectual and emotional response of the members of a society to the languages and varieties in their social environment: as a result, different language varieties are often associated with deep-rooted emotional responses. The Region of Murcia has been traditionally characterized as a predominantly non-standard speaking region within Spain. Sociolinguistically speaking, the Murcian dialect is a nice paradigmatic example of a variety with covert prestige, acting as a marker of local identity and solidarity.
In addition to this major trend, contributions to any of the directions within the spectrum of the Language and Society paradigm are welcome:
- sociology of language
- social psychology of language
- discourse analysis
- conversation analysis
- anthropological linguistics
- media language
- socio-stylistics
- variationist sociolinguistic
- dialectology
- geolinguistics
- historical sociolinguistics
- creole sociolinguistics
- ethnography of communication
- language and gender
- cognitive sociolinguistics
- applied sociolinguistics
- sociolinguistic methods
- …
Plenary Speakers:
Dennis Preston (Oklahoma State University, USA)
Rebecca Clift (University of Essex, England)
David Britain (University of Bern, Switzerland)
Laura Wright (University of Cambridge, England)
Francisco Moreno-Fernández (University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain)
Kathryn Woolard (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Submission of proposals for papers, posters, and colloquia for Sociolinguistics Symposium 21 should be completed via the Online Submission Website. where you should create a ConfTool Account. After registering, the system will send you an e-mail message with the instructions how to finish the registration (The Conference Management Tool ConfTool also provides you with useful information).
Submission of abstracts opens 15th July, 2015 and closes 30th September, 2015.
To submit a colloquium call on the Linguist List, click here. Then go to: Session information > Add session
Conference Website:
(posted 28 May 2015)
Modernity and the European Mind: Writing the Past, Constructing Identities
Centre for Studies in Literature at the University of Portsmouth, UK, 16-17 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 14 February 2016
In 1953, L.P. Hartley famously opened his novel The Go Between with the line “The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there”. Yet, despite this alleged ‘difference’ and metaphorical ‘foreignness’ of the past, contemporary Culture and Literature puts great emphasis on (re)presentations of it. This conference aims to investigate and debate the various representations and rewritings of the modern European past and, in particular, to assess their link to the construction of identities – personal, local, regional, national. Bringing together academics from a variety of disciplines, creative practitioners, storytellers and representatives of various local communities, the conference wants to create a sense of (his)stories of the past and their importance in and for the present.
Topics may include:
- Uses of the past / memory in modern European culture
- National, local and regional identities
- Stories of minority communities in Europe, past and present
- Minority Literatures (and their translations)
- The importance of the ‘past’ for the creation of local, regional and national identities
- The representation of local communities in literature
- second-generation memory and identity
- personal memories and their importance for identity
Keynote speakers: Catherine Bernard (Paris) and tbc
There will be a public evening event on Thursday, June 16th including performances by singer-songwriter Paul Armfield; poet / singer-songwriter and academic Jules Wolfreys; and Drut’syla Shonaleigh, as well as an exhibition by artist Josie Beszant.
Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words and a brief bio sketch to Dr Christine Berberich, by 14th February 2016.
(posted 19 January 2016)
Memory, Trauma and Recovery: 5th International Interdisciplinary Memory Conference in Gdańsk, Poland
University of Gdańsk, Poland, 16-17 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15th April 2016
Organizers: University of Gdańsk (Poland), University of São Paulo (Brazil), Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia), McGill University (Canada), InMind Support
Scientific Committee: Professor Wojciech Owczarski – University of Gdańsk, Professor Paulo Endo – University of São Paulo, Professor Polina, Golovátina-Mora – Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Amanda Chalupa – McGill University
To remember means sometimes: to experience again. That is the case of trauma. However, recovery from trauma is also based on memory. So the question is not how to forget about bad memories, but how to remember and not suffer.
In the four previous editions of our Gdańsk conference, which brought together more than four hundred scholars from around the world, we looked at the relationship between memory and solidarity (“Solidarity, Memory and Identity”, 2012), memory and dreams (“Dreams, Phantasms and Memories”, 2013), memory and forgetting (“Memory: Forgetting and Creating”, 2014), as well as memory and nostalgia (“Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia”, 2015). This year, we would like to concentrate on the phenomena of trauma and recovery, to look at how memory is involved in the traumatic experience and the recovery process and explore among other questions what we remember and forget, what causes suffering and how to deal with it.
We are interested in all aspects of traumatic experiences, in their individual and collective dimensions, in the past and in the present-day world. We would like to examine the role of memory in both falling into trauma and overcoming it. Thus, we want to describe the phenomena of trauma and recovery in their multifarious manifestations: psychological, social, historical, cultural, philosophical, religious, economic, political, and many others. As usual, we also want to devote considerable attention to how these phenomena appear in artistic practices: literature, film, theatre or visual arts. That is why we invite researchers representing various academic disciplines: anthropology, history, psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, politics, philosophy, economics, law, history of literature, theatre studies, film studies, design, project management, memory studies, migration studies, consciousness studies, dream studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, medical sciences, cognitive sciences, and urban studies, to name w few.
Different forms of presentations are encouraged, including case studies, theoretical inqueries, problem-oriented arguments or comparative analyses.
We will be happy to hear from both experienced scholars and young academics at the start of their careers, as well as doctoral and graduate students. We also invite all persons interested in participating in the conference as listeners, without giving a presentation.
Our repertoire of suggested topics includes but is not restricted to:
I – Individual experiences
- Trauma and childhood memories
- Trauma and child abuse
- Trauma and women abuse
- Trauma and domestic violence
- Trauma and old age
- Trauma and love
- Trauma and death
- Trauma and mourning
- Trauma and crime
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Trauma and nightmares
- Trauma and neurosis
- Trauma and psychosis
- Secondary traumatization
- Life after trauma
- Trauma and psychotherapy
- Help for traumatized people
II – Collective experiences
- Trauma and war
- Trauma and genocide
- Trauma and terrorism
- Trauma and natural disasters
- Trauma and post-memory
- Traumatized nations
- Traumatized minorities
- Traumatized generations
- Traumatized social classes
- Trauma of victims
- Trauma of witnesses
- Trauma of bystanders
- Trauma of perpetrators
- Trauma and oblivion
- Trauma and forgiveness
III – Representation of trauma
- Bearing witness of trauma
- Testimonies and memories
- Trauma and narrative
- Trauma and fiction
- Trauma in literature
- Trauma in film
- Trauma in theatre
- Trauma in visual arts
- Traumatized authors
- Traumatized readers/spectators
- Writing as a traumatic experience
- Writing as recovery from trauma
- Trauma and creativeness
IV – Institutionalization
- Trauma and law
- Trauma and politics
- Trauma and religion
- Trauma and medical treatment
- Trauma and management
- Trauma and punishment systems
- Trauma and army
- Trauma and school
- Trauma and memory places
- Trauma and museums
Please submit abstracts (no longer than 300 words) of your proposed 20-minute presentations, together with a short biographical note, by 15th April 2016 both to prof. Wojciech Owczarski, University of Gdań and
Confirmation of acceptance will be sent by 20th April 2016.
The conference language is English.
For further details visit our website
(posted 5 February 2016)
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Science and Technology
Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 17-18 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 28 February 2016
We welcome proposals for communications focusing on Content and Language Integrated Learning, and related approaches such as English for Specific Purposes and English Medium Instruction, in the broad area of Science and Technology at all levels, from primary school to higher education. Communications may be research-based (theoretical or empirical) or practical, and should fit into one or more of the following broad themes.
Conference themes:
- Teaching and learning in CLIL science or technology.
- Teacher education for CLIL science or technology.
- Transversal issues related to CLIL science contexts: educational development, educational psychology, environmental and health education, etc.
- Curricular organization, management and leadership in the area of CLIL.
- Projects, experiences and good practices in designing interactive CLIL science or technology.
- Interdiscipinary approaches considering the contribution of English for Specific Purposes methodologies to CLIL or EMI programmes.
- Developing lifeworthy learning for the future through CLIL: intercultural awareness, critical thinking, empathy, curiosity, ethics.
The conference has two main types of session:
Practical sessions (30 minutes), including practical classroom projects, demonstrations and hands-on sessions.
Academic papers (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion), including presentations of theoretical or empirical studies related to CLIL Science at any level.
If you would like to propose a paper or practical session, you are invited to send an abstract of no more than 300 words, written in English or Spanish, no later than 28 February 2016, to
Abstracts should contain: information about the type of session (practical or academic), the theme (see above) and the educational level (primary, secondary or university), title of communication, name and institutional affiliation of author(s), first author’s email address, language of presentation (English or Spanish), abstract (max. 300 words).
(posted 25 January 2016)
The circulation of popular culture between Ireland and the USA (18th-21st centuries)
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France, 16-18 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 13 February 2016
An international conference organized by CIRLEP (EA4299)
Convenors: Dr Yann Philippe, Pr Sylvie Mikowski
Confirmed plenary speakers: Professor Diane Negra (University College Dublin), Dr Gerry Smyth (Liverpool John Moores University).
In the system of globalized culture which characterizes the contemporary world, we suggest to draw attention to the following case study: the circulation between Ireland and the United States of popular culture in its various forms (cinema, TV, music, literature, comic books, graphic novels, celebrity culture, video games, fashion, sport, etc.).
The most obvious cause of this circulation has been the long, intense and uninterrupted flow of exchanges between the two nations, which largely precedes the hyper-contemporary process of the globalization of culture: it can at least be traced back to the great migrations of the mid-19th century, but also to the 18th century wave of mostly Protestant migrations.
The long-lasting singularity of exchanges between the US and Ireland puts the current movements of exchange into perspective and calls for them to be questioned. The notion of circulation is an invitation to overlook national borders and to take into consideration exchanges on both sides of the Atlantic, as suggested by current trends in the history of migrations and cultural history. However such a study should not be confined to bi-national exchanges as if they were isolated from the rest of the world but should rather question both the specificity and the universality of the phenomenon. To what extent can these exchanges be assimilated to an early process of “globalization” going back at least to 1870, or even 1750? Did the Irish diaspora, if only because of its size, bring in new forms of transnational culture, which were to spread around the world in the second half of the 20th century? Does migration contribute to a blurring of the boundaries between high and low culture?
Two different types of circulation can be studied in parallel: that of individuals and that of cultural artefacts. Does the chronology of cultural exchanges between Ireland and the USA match the pattern of migratory waves (dwindling numbers in the 1920s and 1930s, a sharp rise in the 1980s followed by a new drop in numbers), or is it independent from them? Does migration, a time-bound phenomenon, induce more permanent cultural exchanges, through such modes of communication as for instance letter-writing, as well as an early impregnation of American culture by Irish culture?
What role does the transatlantic trade play in the circulation between the two countries?
How can the direction of the flow of cultural exchanges be defined? Does it follow the direction of migrations or does it also run the opposite way, considering the fact that from the 19th century onwards, the United States have been exporting their mass popular culture to Ireland? How can the contiguous phenomena of the Americanization of Irish popular culture and of the influence of Ireland over American popular culture be situated? Does Irishness occupy a specific place in American popular culture and if so how can that place be defined? After the interest aroused by such cultural historians as Noel Ignatiev or Diane Negra for Irishness considered from the perspective of race and ethnicity, are any new perspectives opening up regarding the definition of that identity?
If the role of culture in the creation of national imagined national communities has been widely explored on both sides of the Atlantic, however it is also necessary to take into account the international dimension of cultural nation-building, so as to understand how the circulation of goods and people reached a momentum at the same time as states were engaging in the process of nation-building, in the 19th, 20th and early 21st centuries .
What are the various aspects of the ”cultural Atlantic” in the fields of literature and the arts, cinema and music ? What kind of connection does this notion of cultural Atlantic entertain with the economic and political one? It would be a mistake however to overestimate the capacity of migratory cultural circulations to dissolve national boundaries and identities, or to overlook the flaws and failures of circulatory movements. Any form of cultural transfer induces a process of selection, transformation, adaptation, rewriting, rephrasing, reshaping. In brief, the goal is to avoid the symmetrical perils of self-centered, exceptionalist narratives on one side – which tend to naturalize the boundaries of nationally bounded entities – , and of the in-built circulatory bias of many transnational studies that tend to posit a linear transfer of fixed products in evenly apprehended space on the other side.
Beyond the individuals involved in migration, what kind of agents engineer the cultural exchanges between Ireland and the US? Is it possible to identify an organized system of exchanges between Ireland and the USA, relying for example upon the Catholic Church, migrants’ associations, political institutions, publishing houses, or media companies?
What are the content, forms, genres, tropes, cultural artefacts- of those exchanges? Has there been an evolution of the traditional themes, tropes and stereotypes involving both nations? Have for example the traditional ethnic stereotypes of Paddy, Bridget, Mick or Colleen survived in 20th-21st century popular culture? When do stereotypes become acceptable for the Irish either at home or in America, and when do they feel comfortable enough with them to start laughing at them?
Conversely, what fantasized versions of America circulate in Irish popular culture? How was a postcard image of Ireland peddled across America by Irish migrants through the different waves of migration? When did Ireland on the contrary become fashionable, and Irishness a marker of modernity sold as a trendy commodity? At a time when TV series have become sophisticated innovative cultural products, how do Irish people react to the persistence of representations of them as gangsters (Boardwalk Empire), alcoholic police detectives (The Wire), or even better, gangsters with a history of child abuse at the hands of members of the Catholic clergy (Ray Donovan)? Have stereotypes related to the Irish changed more or less than those involving other minorities in the US?
One may also wonder whether the globalization of the Irish economy, mostly due to such US companies such as Microsoft, Google, Dell, Apple, etc, establishing their European headquarters in Ireland, has not accelerated the Americanization of Irish popular culture and of consumers’ habits. To what extent can a connection be established between this process of Americanization and Ireland’s leap into postmodernity? Was this process undermined by the 2008 economic bust and in what ways was the circulation of popular cultures between Ireland and the USA affected by it?
Proposals, no longer than 350 words, should be sent by FEB. 13, 2016 to Yann Philippe : and Sylvie Mikowski :
(posted 23 January 2016)
Rethinking Women’s History: New perspectives on the history of women in the early American Republic
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (CRAN/CREW) and Université Paris-Diderot (LARCA), France, 17 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 1 October 2015
As Teresa Anne Murphy has shown in Citizenship and the Origins of Women’s History in the United States, women’s history as a genre appeared during the first decades of the American Republic, and “is woven into the very creation of the United States in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.” Since the Early Republic and thanks to early-twentieth-century pioneers like Mary Ritter Beard and a revival prompted by the feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s, the field of women’s history has become more complex, widening its reach to include discussions on topics such race and intersectionality, femininity, intimacy and sexuality, “women’s culture,” and marriage, and leading to “a reconception of the substance and the subject of history” itself. In the more recent decades, the emergence of gender history, “looking at women and men as such,” has led to another important reconfiguration of women’s history, written not concurrently, but in dialogue with men’s history.[3]
The Early American Republic has been a particularly fertile ground for women’s historians. In the words of Jeanne Boydston, the civil society of that period had an “unfixed quality” linked to “the tumult of voices that characterized public opinion in the early United States,” which has proved particularly challenging to women’s historians. As this year marks the 40th anniversary of two landmark articles in women’s history — Gerda Lerner’s “Placing Women in History” (Feminist Studies, III, n°1-2, Fall 1975), and Carroll Smith-Rosenberg’s “The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations Between Women in Nineteenth-Century America” (Signs, Fall 1975) –, this one-day conference will address the necessity or mere possibility to rethink women’s history along the following lines:
- What does it mean to write women’s history in France and the United States today?
- Is writing women’s history today limited to rewriting what has been studied, or are there new topics and approaches to consider?
- Can we think about new, more collaborative, ways to write women’s history, as the recent creation of the project called “Toward an Intellectual History of Black Women” suggests? And how, in the meantime, can all women (including common women, Native Americans, Black slaves) be included not only as a counterpart of men but as actual agents of a global history of the Early American Republic, as Theda Perdue has suggested regarding Cherokee women for instance?
- Can we think about new ways to think about the relations between women’s history and gender history using the history of women in the early American Republic?
- Can we rethink the national framework when it comes to women’s history?
The conference will address these questions through specific case studies related to the history of women in the Early American Republic, which will allow scholars to reflect on their methodology, sources, and perception of women’s and gender history from French and American perspectives, and hopefully start a dialogue between French and American women’s historians on the topic.
Proposals (300 words) and short CVs are due October 1, 2015. They should be sent to:
– Augustin Habran
– and Hélène Quanquin
The keynote address will be delivered by Prof. Lori Ginzberg (Pennsylvania State University).
Organizing committee:
– Augustin Habran, Université Paris-Diderot
– Hélène Quanquin, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3
(posted 17 September 2015)
Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2: TAML2
University of York, United Kingdom, 20-21 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2015
Hosted by the Centre for Research in Language Learning and Use, Department of Education, University of York
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2 (TAML2). You are invited to submit abstracts for papers and posters on any domain and subdomain of temporality in SLA research. Whilst all submissions on the topic will be considered, particularly welcome are contributions with an emphasis on (a) futurity and modality in L2; (b) pedagogical applications of TAML2 research findings; (c) L2-modulated reorganisation of temporal concepts; and (d) theory building.
The Conference will start on the morning of 20 June 2016 and close on the following afternoon. All paper and poster presentations will be held at The King’s Manor (University of York), one of historic York’s most attractive and unusual venues.
Plenary speakers
– Andrea Tyler, Georgetown University
– Christiane von Stutterheim, Universität Heidelberg
– Ianthi Maria Tsimpli, University of Reading
– Yasuhiro Shirai, University of Pittsburgh
Key dates
31st October 2015: abstract submission deadline
January 2016: notification of acceptance
January 2016: registration starts
May 2016: registration closes
20-21 June 2016: conference
Abstract submission policy
Paper and poster proposals should not have been previously published. More than one abstract per author can be submitted. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee and evaluated in terms of rigour, clarity and significance of the contribution, as well as its relevance to research on L2 temporality. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (excluding title and optional references).
To submit an abstract, please visit:
Individual papers and posters
Papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion. The poster session will last 90 minutes. In order to foster interaction, the poster session will not overlap with paper presentations.
Conference Organisers
Kevin McManus (York), Leah Roberts (York), Norbert Vanek (York), Pascale Leclercq (Montpellier-III).
Scientific Committee
Dalila Ayoun (Arizona), Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig (Indiana), Emanuel Bylund (Stockholm), Laura Collins (Concordia), Llorenç Comajoan (Barcelona), Laura Dominguez (Southampton), Amanda Edmonds (Pau), Alison Gabriele (Kansas), Silvia Gennari (York), Aarnes Gudmestad (Virginia), Alex Housen (Brussels), Martin Howard (Cork), Maria Kihlstedt (Paris-Ouest), Pascale Leclercq (Montpellier III), Sarah Liszka (Greenwich), Monique Flecken (MPI, Niemegen),Kevin McManus (York), Nadia Mifka-Profozic (York), Leah Roberts (York), Inès Saddour (Toulouse Le Mirail), Rafael Salaberry (Rice), Roumyana Slabakova (Southampton), Anita Thomas (Lund), Nicole Tracy-Ventura (South Florida), Norbert Vanek (York), Alexandra Vraciu (Barcelona)
Publication of papers
The organisers envisage a selection of papers presented at TAML2 to be published in the journal International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL) as a special issue. The call for publication will follow shortly after the conference.
(posted 11 May 2015)
Speaking Volumes…: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Books!
Le Havre, France, 21-22 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 31 December 2015
Crossing a variety of disciplines, this project engages with the book as a complex cultural phenomenon, a cultural object for consumption (both as an artistic artefact and a distinct intellectual or artistic creation, i.e. a valuable product both regarding its materiality and its contents) as well as a momentous and vital concept for society. We intend “Speaking Volumes” as an investigation of the links between the book and Man, an analysis of book reading as a personal and social activity and the power of the book to change lives and the world.
The ‘Speaking Volumes’ project sets out to explore several strands: the technicalities of the book, the varied mutations it has undergone since the development of writing (with particular reference to the invention of printing and the evolution of publishing) and the issues related to our ‘consumption’ of this cultural product. The intention of the project is to assess how books were and are written, printed and published, how and where they are/were used, their trade, impact and audience. It is thus concerned not just with the book, but with the social, cultural, and political responses it prompts. It allows for questioning of the bookmaking process, the role of the invention and adoption of the printing press in the increased distribution of books and circulation of ideas, the subversive power exercised by the libelles of the late eighteenth century in undermining monarchical authority, the use and abuse of censorship, the role the editor and the translator play in conveying and transmitting texts. Who is the book intended for? Who are its authors? How is sense offered and displayed? More generally, is the book-object meant to be seen, read, exhibited, or collected? We would like the proposals to delve into the physical medium itself, the fabric of the book as well as to focus on the influence of the book on Man’s personal and social life.
The invention of the printing press brought about a groundbreaking change in the history of the book. Shifting from the large-format, magnificent, highly decorated hardback book (too voluminous to be held in hand and resting on a lectern in order to be read aloud) to the chapbook (a small paper-covered booklet, that can be read in a sitting or lying position and carried about) de facto led to a modification of the contents of the book. The publication of poems and novels in octavo format and smaller formats (including the duodecimo and the sextodecimo) points to a change in reading practices testifying to rising individualism. The Rousseau-like figure of the solitary walker, with a book in his/ her hand and a sketchbook under his/ her arm, pervades the 18th-century novel. The book can also turn into a medium for the sister arts: music (librettos and music scores), architecture and landscape gardening (plans, drawings, maps), the cinema (scripts and scenarios). Along with the increased publication of books for the purpose of entertainment, circulating libraries developed, making reading fashionable and popularizing certain types of fiction. In England they provided a means for the intellectual liberation of women and had a huge influence on the novel and its developments. They played a major role in creating the modern popular culture of reading. Reflecting the industrialisation of production, new sales outlets were created, distributing new kinds of literature (children’s books and educational publications, comic books and illustrated books). The collectible artistic artefact that had become a familiar family object (the Family Bible handed down through a family) turns into a marketing object, an everyday consumer product. Since the volumen and the invention of printing presses via the book in codex form, the book has experienced a series of metamorphoses and developments and the latest (the advent of electronic publishing, on-line books and e-books) raises questions about the future of the book. The e-book has become a digital phenomenon and many conjecture that it will take over hardback and paper books. However the effort to convert books into a digital medium for conservation, unlimited redistribution and availability (spearheaded by Project Gutenberg for instance) paradoxically highlights the importance of the book in our contemporary society.
We welcome contributions from a broad range of disciplines. The working languages of the conference are English and French. Presentations should not exceed 25 mn so as to be comfortably complemented by a discussion.
Publication: We plan to publishpeer-reviewed proceedings. These may be in English or French, and will be expected to be no more than 6000 words each. The editors reserve the right to select or reject papers, and to commission further papers additional to those given at the conference. To ensure a rapid and smooth progress through the steps of publication, contributors will be requested to present final versions of their papers by 15 September 2016.
Scientific committee: James G. Basker (Columbia University), Isabelle Baudino (Lyon ENS), Norbert Col (UBS Lorient), Annick Cossic (UBO Brest), Gilles Couderc (Caen), Elizabeth Durot-Boucé (Le Havre), Béatrice Galinon-Mélénec (Le Havre), Marc Martinez (Rouen), Hermann J. Real (Münster), Philippe Romanski (Rouen).
Proposed papers, in French or in English (150-300 words), as well as a short biographical notice should be sent before 31st December 2015 to Elizabeth Durot-Boucé:
(posted 18 September 2015)
Sociolinguistics Summer School 7
Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France, 21-24 June 2016
New extended deadline for proposals: 25 March 2016
The 7th Sociolinguistics Summer School is the perfect opportunity for postgraduate students to network, showcase some of their original work, as well as attend workshops and lectures by leading experts in the field. Each day of the summer school will follow a specific theme or topic of current relevance to sociolinguistic research, this theme will reflect the specialty of the plenary speakers.
We welcome students from any institution who wish to present in English on these topics, and meet the corresponding invited speakers:
Endangered Languages: Bénédicte Pivot, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
Linguistic Landscapes: Jeffrey Kallen, Trinity College Dublin
Linguistic Policies: Jim Walker, Université Lumière Lyon 2
New Speakers: Bernadette O’Rourke, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh
However, we also encourage students to present on other topics related to sociolinguistics. The Summer School will include a poster session, and oral presentations which will be 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
Abstract Guidelines
The language of the conference will be English
Abstracts should not exceed 500 words (excluding references).
Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
Title: should clearly indicate your topic of research.
Topic: When submitting your abstract, please include up to five keywords at the end of the abstract (For instance: multilingualism, language and gender, social semiotics).
Images/figures/tables in abstract submissions are not permitted.
One copy of your abstract should include your name, email address, affiliation (if any), project title, and whether your submission is intended for poster or oral presentation. The second copy should be anonymous and include your project title and whether it is intended for poster or oral presentation.
Contact Information and Abstract Deadlines:
Please submit your abstract to by March 25th, 2016.
If you have any questions regarding abstract guidelines, contact us at this email address.
Further Information:
Keep up to date with the latest news and details on
Follow us on Facebook (Sociolinguistics Summer School 7) and Twitter (@SSS7_Lyon).
More information regarding registration will be posted on our website and on social media during the following months.
(posted 20 January 2016, updated 25 February 2016)
Dwellings of Enchantment: Writing and Reenchanting the Earth. International Conference on Ecopoetics
University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France, 22-25 June 2016
Deadline for proposals:
Guest Writers:
– Linda Hogan
Other writers to be confirmed
Confirmed Keynote Speakers
– Joni Adamson, Arizona State University
– François Gavillon, Université de Brest
– Yves-Charles Grandjeat, Université de Bordeaux
– Wendy Harding, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès
– Scott Slovic, University of Idaho
With its roots in nineteenth century American transcendentalism, nature writing, environmental literature, or again literature of place in North America has in the past fifty years sprouted into a minor genre of contemporary literature. As the world is becoming increasingly aware of the urgency of our global environmental crisis, can nature writers and ecocritics contribute to advocate a change in the language and politics that we humans rely upon to relate to the world, and ultimately, to determine its fate? As early as 1949, Aldo Leopold insisted that “the evolution of a land ethic is an intellectual as well as an emotional process” (263). Leopold pledged for an ethic of love and respect for the land, and for the “cultural harvest [that it yields]” (xix). Recalling the basic concept of ecology, Leopold argued: “We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see the land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” (xix)
Promoting perception of man’s “embeddedness in the world,” to take up Scott Slovic’s phrase, ecocritics and nature writers have increasingly joined efforts to spread a biocentric view of the world, and to help humans discover or regain more humble and more responsible notions of place. Various yet related fields of studies have emerged from academic interest in literary environmentalism, generally grouped under the labels of “ecofeminism,” “nature writing,” “environmental literature” and “literature of place,” or, going back to a much older tradition, “Native American literature.” What all the writers approached from either of these angles have in common is that their texts call for an empathetic, imaginative, perceptive and reciprocal relationship with nature. Whether grounded primarily in ecological science, in personal meditation, or in ancient mythology, tradition, and philosophy, these writers of various origins nevertheless come together in the development of what Barry Lopez and Mark Tredinnick call “a literature of humility, of movement beyond the self.”
This ecopoetics conference aims to cast light on the rhizomatic convergences between literatures that tend to be bunched into the separate categories of ecofeminist, postcolonial or environmental studies. The purpose is to show how the fiction and non-fiction of these writers with a specific interest in place as well as in the non-human realm overlap, intersect, and engage in a fruitful, multicultural dialogue, opening imaginative and insightful perspectives onto the world. For, does not much nature writing present us with an ecological picture of organic interrelatedness similar to the motif of the sacred hoop expressing the interconnected web of all life forms in Native American tradition (Paula Gunn Allen)? And does not most nature writing consist in a movement to reenchant the world, or in other words/worlds, to re-sing the world?
Papers will be welcome that will address some of the following issues:
- Are certain genres–the lyric essay, the short story, the novel, drama, film or poetry–better suited to the writing of nature?
- What place might dystopic fiction occupy in ecocritical studies?
- Can these writers be said to contribute to a literature of hope?
- Might the reenchantment of the quotidian and the natural be particularly inclined toward magical realism as a liminal mode dealing with, in Wendy Faris’s terms, “ordinary enchantments?
- What are the roles of myth and/or science when fiction and non-fiction draw from these other forms of discourse about the world?
- What is the contribution of phenomenology and ecopsychology to the field of ecopoetics?
- What impact has ecopoetics had on politics?
- Do ecopoetic texts reveal, as Linda Hogan claims, something which “dwells beneath the surface of things”?
- Can it be said that all nature writers are mystics? What kind of “mystical experiences,” “numinous encounters,” “inexplicable revelations” do nature writers tell about (Mark Tredinnick)?
- What is the place of oneirism in the writing of nature?
- What is the importance of liminal experiences of nature? What can we learn from moments in literature when human apprehension suddenly opens to forms of “terrestrial intelligence” (Linda Hogan), or sentience, pertaining to animal, mineral, vegetal, or elemental realms?
- What are the different ways in which one’s sensitivity to the other-than-human world shapes one’s writing, and eventually articulates with nature?
- Is there such a thing as “the land’s wild music” (Mark Tredinnick)? How may we learn to listen for it? What kind of musicality arises then, within the very writing of/with nature?
- How might “thinking like a mountain” (Aldo Leopold) or hearing like a bat (Linda Hogan) ripple into and through the writing of nature?
Events during this ecopoetics conference will be held in English and French. Abstracts (300-400 words) with a brief biographical note should be sent by September 1st, 2015 to
Acceptance will be notified by October 15th.
Conference Coordinator: Bénédicte Meillon
(posted 11 May 2015)
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) and Europe
Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse and Université de Strasbourg, France, 23-25 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 1 September 2015
An International Interdisciplinary Conference, with the support of the Andrew Marvell Society, ILLE (Institut de Recherche en Langues et Littératures Européennes, EA 4363, Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse) and SEARCH (Savoirs dans l’espace anglophone: représentations, culture, histoire, EA 2325, Université de Strasbourg)
The next Andrew Marvell Annual Conference, sponsored by the Andrew Marvell Society, will be hosted by the Universities of Mulhouse and Strasbourg (France) on 23-25 June 2016.
Keynote speaker: Professor Nigel Smith, Princeton University
A full understanding of Andrew Marvell’s verse and prose writings requires an appreciation of their European context. Marvell himself travelled to the European Continent repeatedly: between 1642/3 and 1647 he visited Holland, France, Italy and Spain; in 1655-1656 he stayed at the Protestant Academy at Saumur, France, with Oliver Cromwell’s ward, William Dutton, and where he must have encountered figures such as Moyse Amyraut; in 1662 to 1663 he was in Holland on state business the nature of which has yet to be established; and between 1663 and 1665 he was part of the Earl of Carlisle’s embassy to Muscovy, Sweden, and Denmark. He thus had considerable technical expertise in all aspects of diplomacy, statecraft and maritime affairs. After all, from 1657 Marvell was Latin Secretary to John Thurloe, Cromwell’s spymaster, and must have had inside knowledge of the Protectorate’s dealings with other European nations. Contemporary events, such as the three Anglo-Dutch wars of the mid-century, afforded him ample material for his satires and prose polemics. His An Account of the Growth of Popery and Arbitrary Government (1677) was translated into French under the title Relation de l’accroissement de la papauté et du gouvernement absolu en Angleterre and published in Hamburg in 1680, extending his readership to the Continent. And Early-modern European literature more widely — such as the work of the libertins érudits — deeply informed his poems and prose.
This conference will therefore explore a variety of topics, including but by no means limited to:
- Marvell’s travels in Europe
- Marvell and diplomacy
- Marvell and France / Italy / the Netherlands
- Marvell and European politics
- Marvell and religious debates in Europe
- Marvell and European thought
- Marvell and European art and literature
- The circulation, reception and afterlife of Marvell’s works in Continental Europe
- European approaches to the study of Marvell’s works
Proposals for papers (250 words max.), with a short bio-bibliographical notice, should be submitted by 1st September 2015 to the organizers:
– Jean-Jacques Chardin
– and Laurent Curelly
Notification of acceptance: 15th October 2015.
Advisory Committee: Matthew C. AUGUSTINE, University of St Andrews; Jean-Jacques CHARDIN, Université de Strasbourg; Laurent CURELLY, Université de Haute Alsace – Mulhouse; Martin DZELZAINIS, University of Leicester; Alex GARGANIGO, Austin College; Nicholas von MALTZAHN, University of Ottawa; Timothy RAYLOR, Carleton College; Nigel SMITH, Princeton University
(posted 11 May 2015)
LILA’16: 3rd Linguistics and Language Conference
Istanbul, Turkey, 24-25 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 18 March 2016
LILA ’16 Conference is aiming at bringing researchers from various subfields to share their current research, ideas, and experience. We encourage submission of papers in all major linguistics subfields as well as related cross-disciplinary areas listed in themes page.
KEYNOTES: Will be announced.
PUBLICATION: All submitted papers are subject to double blind peer review. Conference proceedings are going to be available on DVD as e-book and DAKAM’s digital library with an ISBN number before the conference and will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in the “Thomson & Reuters Web of Science’s Conference Proceedings Citation Index” (CPCI) and Google Scholars.
Selected papers will be published in Dilbilim Journal.
Dilbilim Derneği also one of the partners of the conference, is a member of Comité International Permanent des Linguistes (CIPL) / Permanent International Committee of Linguists. Its journal, Dilbilim Dergisi is a peer reviewed, prestigious multi-language academic journal (ISSN 0255-674X) having been published since 1976. All issues can be found in Bibliothèque nationale de France and National Library of Turkey.
Deadline for abstract submission: March 18, 2016
Deadline for registration: May 13, 2016
Deadline for full papers submission: May 20, 2016
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Semantics
- Pragmatics
- History of Linguistics
- Historical Linguistics and Language Change
- Language Acquisition
- Sociolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Neurolinguistics
- Biolinguistics
- Evolution of Language
- Language Development
- Cognitive Studies of Language
- Anthropological Linguistics/Linguistic Anthropology
- Language Documentation and Endangered Languages
- Sign Languages
- Language and Philosophy/ Philosophy of Language
- Text and Discourse Analysis
- Computational Linguistics
- Mathematical Models
- Machine Translation and Multilingual Processing
- Translation Studies
- Lexicology
- Quantitative Linguistics
- Corpus Studies
- Language Education
- Semiotics
VENUE: The conference will be held at Cezayir Meeting Halls:
Cezayir building was built in 1901 as a school by the Italian Workers’ Society. The building, with its 2005 renovation, has been transformed into a landmark establishment serving under the Cezayir Garden, Cezayir Lounge and Cezayir Rooms brands on its three floors. Housing a restaurant, a lounge, a bar and meeting rooms as well as providing a wide range of cultural events in its halls.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: The scientific committee consists of significant scholars,
Prof. Fusun Ataseven / Yildiz Technical University
Prof. Canan Senoz Ayata / Istanbul University
Prof. Ozgur Aydin / Ankara University
Prof. Dr. Dincay Koksal / Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
Prof. Nur Nacar Logie / Istanbul University
Prof. Faruk Yucel / Ege University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sonel Bosnali / Namik Kemal University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Ilkay Karaman / Dokuz Eylul University
Assist. Prof.Dr. G. Songul Ercan / Dokuz Eylul University
Assist. Prof. Ozgun Kosaner / Dokuz Eylul University
Assist. Prof. Pelin Sulha / Dokuz Eylul University
Research Assistant Nazli Cihan / Istanbul University
You can submit your abstract by entering the online registration system EASYCHAIR at:
You will receive a reply to your proposal within three weeks following a double-blind review process.
(posted 9 October 2015)
2016 International Conference on Gender Studies
Cracow, Poland, 24-25 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 10 March 2016
An international conference organised by Interdisciplinary Research Foundation
Keynote speaker: Prof. Irina Novikova, University of Latvia
The conference seeks to explore the past and current status of men and women around the world, to examine the ways in which society is shaped by gender and to situate gender in relation to the full scope of human affairs.
Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:
- gender equality
- women’s rights and women’s history
- gender and education
- women and leadership
- women’s and men’s health
- gender and sexuality
- gender and religion
- genger and literature
The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest related to the conference topic. We invite proposals from various disciplines including history, sociology, political studies, anthropology, culture studies and literature. The language of the conference is English.
Proposals up to 250 words and a brief biographical note should be sent by 10 March, 2016 to:
Dr Olena Lytovka
The paper proposal form can be downloaded from the Conference website.
Selected papers will be published in the post-conference volume.
Full registration fee:150 €
Student registration fee: 115 €
Conference Venue: International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25, 31-008 Kraków
Conference website:
(posted 22 January 2016)
European Beat Studies Network Annual Conference
Manchester, UK, 27-29 June 2016
Deadline for proposals: 1 April 2016
We invite proposals for the Fifth Annual Conference of the EBSN, which will take place in Manchester, UK, 27-29 June 2016, at The Wonder Inn (, in the vibrant heart of the city.
As always, papers on any aspect of the Beat creativity are welcomed, but especially in relation to two central themes: music and science. The themes are reflected in our two confirmed conference keynotes: C.P. Lee, legendary Manchester musician and musicologist, and Andrew Lees, Professor of Neurology.
Music, because of the long association between the Manchester music scene and Beat or more broadly countercultural activity—including Burroughs’ famous Final Academy appearance at the
Hacienda nightclub in 1982. And science, because Manchester will be European City of Science in 2016 and there are rich possibilities for exploring Beat creativity in relation to the sciences.
We’re open to all types of submissions, from long papers to short talks, panels, roundtables, open
dialogues, visual exhibitions and musical performances. The Wonder Inn is an ideal location for the kind of more informal participations we welcome as well as conventional presentations. You don’t need an academic affiliation, only to be a member of the EBSN.
For all enquiries, and to send abstracts of 250 words ith a short bio (unless you are already an EBSN member), please contact the Conference Administrator, Raven See (
Abstracts no later than April 1, 2016. Decisions on participation will be made by April 15.L
Conference fee (includes refreshments@ lunch): Full 3-day rate, £50; 1-day rate, £20; Student/Unwaged: 3-day rate, £30; 1-day rate, £10. There will also be a final night dinner (cost and venue to be confirmed).
Accommodation: reasonably priced rooms at special rates have been block-booked at local hotels close to the confeence venue. Full details will be posted in March.
Conference Organizing Committee: Douglas Field ( and Oliver Harris (
Download the Conference poster.
(posted 18 February 2016)
33rd PSYART International Conference on Psychology and the Arts
Reims, France, 29 June – 4 July 2016
Deadline for proposals: 1 May 2016
We are pleased to announce that the 33rd PSYART International Conference on Psychology and the Arts will be held at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France, June 29-July 4, 2016. The conference is sponsored by the PsyArt Foundation and the Université de Reims. Our host is the CIRLEP research department (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Langues Et la Pensée).
Papers should deal with any application of psychology–including psychoanalysis, object relations, feminist, Jungian, or Lacanian approaches, cognitive psychology, or neuroscience–to the study of literature, film and visual media, painting, sculpture, music, performance, or the other arts. Our conference is small (maximum 75 papers), convivial, and draws scholars from around the world. We also welcome conferees who do not present papers.
The registration fee of $345 includes sessions, coffee breaks, opening reception at Reims City Hall (evening of June 29), two tours (June 30 afternoon city tour and July 3 afternoon bus tour to Le Chemin des Dames and La Caverne du Dragon), and Sunday evening July 3 closing banquet at the Cave de Champagne Mumm.
For an additional charge, there is an optional one-day post-conference tour on Monday July 4 to the wine-making region, the Château de Blérancourt, and the medieval town of Laon (price TBA).
The registration fee is reduced to $175 for graduate students; for accompanying children under 18; and for partners, friends, or family who attend July 3 only (the bus tour and banquet).
Contact : Daniel Thomières, CIRLEP, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne
More information on the Conference website:
Registration :
(posted 1 October 2015)
Brittany and the English-speaking world: 3rd Brittany-Scotland Conference
UBO, Brest, France, 30 June-1 July 2016
Deadline for proposals: 15 December 2015
An international conference organised by:
University of Brest: Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique (CRBC, EA 4450), Héritage et Construction dans le Texte et l’Image (HCTI EA 4249)
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, University of the Highlands and Islands
Guest writers
Christine De Luca
Paol Keineg
Following on from the successful 2012 Brittany-Cornwall and 2014 Brittany-Ireland conferences organised by the CRBC, the 2016 Brittany-Scotland international conference will be held in Brest on June 30 and July 1, 2016. The conference will bring together scholars from a broad range of disciplines in Brittany, Scotland, and beyond. It will explore relationships and parallels between the two regions/nations, bringing into new focus their shared histories, their multilingual identities and cultures (Breton/Gallo/French; Gaelic/Scots/English) and their responses to shifting cultural and socio-economic circumstances.
Potential topics may include the following:
- historical, cultural, and economic networks, exchanges, and relationships between Brittany and Scotland
- language, language shift, and linguistics in Brittany and Scotland
- language policies and minority-language education in Brittany and Scotland
- literatures of Brittany and Scotland
- travel literature of Brittany and the Highlands
- conceptions of Brittany and the Highlands as ‘on the periphery’
- eighteenth- and nineteenth-century reception of Romantic literature in Brittany and Scotland
- church and language in Brittany and Scotland
- devotion and hagiography in Brittany and Scotland
- contemporary concepts of ‘Celtic spirituality’ in Brittany and Scotland
- archaeology, material culture, and visual culture in Brittany and Scotland
- representations of Brittany and Scotland in the visual arts
- cultural, musical, and linguistic revivals in Brittany and Scotland
- contemporary cultural exchanges between Scotland and Brittany
- pan-Celticism in Brittany and Scotland
- folklore collection and archives in Brittany and Scotland
- comparative exploration of literature, folklore, dance, and song in Brittany and Scotland
- theatre, drama, and performance in minority-language cultures in Brittany and Scotland
- minority-language publishing in Brittany and Scotland
- shipbuilding and the maritime environment and economy in Brittany and Scotland
- the slave trade, privateering, and piracy in Brittany and Scotland
- conceptions of the imperial in Scotland and Brittany
- Brittany and Scotland in wartime
- Breton and Scottish diasporas, urban and/or overseas
- Brittany and Scotland and Europe – historical and contemporary
The members of the Scientific Committee will be interested in papers in English, French, Scottish Gaelic and Breton, interrogating the relationships between Scotland and Brittany throughout the centuries. Papers should not exceed 20 minutes and proposals (no more than 200 words) accompanied by a short biographical note (50 words) should be sent by 15 December 2015 to
Scientific committee:
Yann Bevant (University Rennes II)
Abigail Burnyeat (University of Edinburgh)
Michel Byrne (University of Glasgow)
Gary German (University of Brest)
Camille Manfredi (University of Brest)
Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, University of the Highlands and Islands)
Organising committee:
Jean-Yves Le Disez, Gary German, Anne Hellegouarc’h, Yann Bevant, Camille Manfredi
(posted 19 September 2015)
Virginia Woolf and Images: Becoming Photographic
Université de Toulouse 2, France, 30 June – 1 July 2016
New extended deadline for proposals: 27 March 2016
What is the difference between a camera and the whooping-cough?
One makes facsimiles and the other makes sick families
Stephen children, Hyde Park Gate News vol. 1, n° 9, Monday, 6th April 1891
Virginia Stephen was nine when, with her sister Vanessa and her brother Thoby, she invented riddles and wrote regular chronicles involving photography in the family newspaper. She was still nine when, for Christmas, she drew successive ink vignettes which build up a “story not needing words” (Hyde Park Gate News, vol. I, n° 51, in Gill Lowe (ed.), Hyde Park Gate News. The Stephen Family Newspaper. Virginia Woolf, Vanessa Bell with Thoby Stephen, London: Hesperus, 2005, 19.. Later, in 1906, while trying to depict “great melancholy moors”, she passionately penned in her diary: “But words! words! You will find nothing to match the picture. (Mitchell Leaska (ed.), A Passionate Apprentice. The Early Journals 1897-1909, London : Hogarth Press, 1990, 305) For Woolf, be it through a malicious play on words, a lively succession of images or the expression of a young writer’s frustration, words and images are set in fruitful tension. The quotes mark out the intermedial interaction and emulation underling Woolfian prose, its becoming other.
It is now common knowledge in Woolfian studies that Woolf’s oeuvre enjoys intimate relations with the visual arts; Maggie Humm’s 2010 edition of The Edinburgh Companion to Virginia Woolf and the Arts has proved it admirably. Yet Frances Spalding’s 2014 exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, “Virginia Woolf. Art, Life and Vision” blatantly showed that Woolf is still mainly related to Post-impressionism and to Bloomsbury pictorial influence. While Maggie Humm and Elena Gualtieri, among others, have brought to the fore the crucial part played by photography in Woolf’s life and cultural environment, there is nonetheless a need to focus on photographic intermediality and its textual effects in the oeuvre. This conference therefore intends to consider how, in its relation to photography, the plasticity of the Woolfian text actually becomes photographic and makes us see.
Thus taking its cue from the preceding SEW seminars and conferences — “Outlanding Woolf” in 2013, “Humble Woolf” in 2014 and “Trans-Woolf” in 2015 — this two-days symposium will explore multiple aspects of Virginia Woolf’s relation to photography.
One might return to Woolf’s rich family heritage, to what constitutes the studium (Barthes) of her knowledge and practice of photography, namely the work of Julia Margaret Cameron or Leslie Stephen’s 1895 Photograph Album, but also to what François Brunet calls the “Kodak revolution”. In the wake of Humm’s latest articles, these decisive influences might be analysed in relation to (auto)biography, diaristic writing, the need for self-expression and the private recording of daily life. Between theory, amateurism and actual praxis, Woolf’s intimate relationship to photography might be brought to bear on contemporary French research into visual cultures, thus opening onto ethical as well as aesthetic debates. One might also focus on photography as a humble craft, that is, a “middlebrow” (Bourdieu) or “vernacular” (Chéroux) practice and a “conversational medium” (Ghuntert) which challenges literary writing.
Thanks to the Hogarth Press, Woolf printed illustrated books — iconotexts — and included photographs in some of her own productions (Orlando, Flush and Three Guineas). She also collected newspaper articles and press images for her 1930s scrapbooks. One might indeed analyse how the photographic image works in and with the text, how it acts as an actual rhetorical tool, actively contributing to building up the image-text. One might also reflect on the punctum (Barthes) of Woolfian photographic style, in order to see how photographic visibility translates into words, either through the literal metaphors Woolf uses in both her essays and fiction or through the implicit ones which adapt the photographic process or album design into writing.
Another possible aspect of enquiry might be the photographic unconscious or photographic “third” (Louvel). This could be linked to questions of representation (realism, phenomenology), of perception (optical or mental, the mind’s eye), and of traces (photographic memory, history, haunting in relation to Georges Didi-Huberman’s work). Last but not least, it would be interesting to try and circumscribe Woolf’s imaginary museum, to delve into her connections with 19th- and 20th-century photographic aesthetics such as Pictorialism, the Kodak snapshot or the 1910s-1920s avant-garde.
Organisation: Adèle CASSIGNEUL (Bordeaux 2 University/CAS EA 801) with Christine REYNIER (Montpellier 3 University
Scientific Committe: Frédérique AMSELLE (Valenciennes University), Laurent MELLET (Toulouse 2 University), Claire PÉGON (Paris 3 University), Lauren ELKIN (American University of Paris), Christine REYNIER (Montpellier 3 University),Anne-Marie SMITH-DI BIASIO (Paris Catholic University)
Confirmed Guest Speaker: Maggie HUMM (East London University)
New extended deadline for submission: March 27th, 2016
(posted 12 October 2015, updated 7 March 2016))
The Future of Education Conference, 6th edition
Florence, Italy, 30 June – 1 July 2016
New extended deadline for proposals: 21 March 2016
Lecturers, teachers, researchers and experts in the field of education as well as coordinators of education and training projects are invited to submit papers for the sixth edition of the International Conference The Future of Education which will take place in Florence, Italy, on 30 June – 1 July 2016.
New extended deadline for submitting abstracts: 21 March 2016
The Future of Education International Conference has the aim to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for education. The conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current educational projects.
All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published by LibreriaUniversitaria with ISBN and ISSN codes. This publication will be sent to be reviewed for inclusion in SCOPUS
Papers will also be included in ACADEMIA.EDU and indexed in Google Scholar.
There will be three presentation modalities: oral, poster and virtual presentations.
For further information, please see:
(posted 27 December 2015, updated 25 February 2016)