Shakespearean Joyce / Joycean Shakespeare: The IX James Joyce Italian Foundation Conference in Rome
Università Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, 1-3 February 2016
Deadline for proposals: 5 November 2015
Confirmed speakers: Paola Pugliatti, Klaus Reichert, Laura Pelaschiar, Valerie Benejam
The James Joyce Italian Foundation invites proposals for the Ninth Annual Conference in Rome. It will be hosted by the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the Università Roma Tre, to celebrate Joyce’s 134th birthday.
The conference will be the occasion to present unpublished papers and works in progress on Joyce to an international audience. In parallel with the conference’s usual focus on Joyce, it also intends to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death by inviting scholars dealing with the Joyce-Shakespeare connection to send proposals for a 20-minute contribution on current trends in Joyce and Shakespeare’s studies. Related topics include, but are not limited to:
- Joyce and/vs Shakespeare
- Joyce and the Elizabethans
- Shakespeare in Joyce
- Joyce and the authorship question in Shakespeare
- Joyce Studies and Shakespeare Studies: overlaps and interconnections
- Genetic Joyce Studies and Shakespearean philology
- Joyce’s poetry and Shakespeare’s poetry
- Joyce, Shakespeare and Italy
- Joyce’s Ireland and Shakespeare’s England
- Joyce, Bruno and Shakespeare
- Joyce, Shakespeare and the idea of the nation
- Shakespeare’s reception in Joyce’s Ireland
- Joyce’s reception in England
- Shakespeare’s studies in Joyce’s times
- Joyce and the English language
- Shakespeare and the English language
- Conceptions of drama in Joyce and Shakespeare
- Shakespeare’s Rome and Joyce’s Rome…
- Metafictionality and Metatheatricality in Joyce and Shakespeare”
Selected papers will be published. Please send abstracts, 250-500 words in length, along with a short bio-sketch to
The Conference includes a Joycean birthday party.
Accepted speakers will be notified by November 27, 2015.
On arrival, participants will be expected to sign up for membership of The James Joyce Italian Foundation:
• STUDENT MEMBERSHIP: € 20,00 (undergraduate, graduate and PhD students and similar caregories)
• INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP: € 50,00 (departments, libraries, foundations)
Please visit the James Joyce Italian Foundation website for information about the “Giorgio Melchiori Grants”.
(posted 3 July 2015)
Going North: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Travel and Intercultural Communication (ENTICE 2016)
Halden, Norway – 4-5 February 2016
New extended deadline for abstract submission: 3 January 2016
Visit the Conference webpage.
Travel to the city of Halden, Norway, for an international conference on travel and/as intercultural communication. Explore an exciting interdisciplinary topic in a welcoming intercultural environment.
We live in a global network where spatial, linguistic and cultural mobility is reshaping our identities. This mobility is unprecedented in its scope, and caused by a multitude of reasons from pure leisurely travel to desperate flight. This international conference aims to explore mobility from an interdisciplinary perspective, addressing the roleof travel — past and present — and intercultural communication connected to travel.
We welcome theoretical and applied research papers in English dealing with travel texts focusing on going North. All types of texts are of interest — a non-exhaustive list would include films, internet blogs, travel guides, political reports, historical accounts, migrant literature and visual art. We invite contributions from a number of disciplines such as literature, languages, media studies, culture and anthropological studies, and political and historical studies.
Please submit a 200-word abstract for peer review at by by January 3rd, 2016 (new extended deadline).
Participants will have 20 minutes for their presentations.
Notice of acceptance will be sent out by December 1st, and accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website prior to the conference.
This conference is organised by Østfold University College, Norway and the Department of English at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania as part of the project “East-North Travel and Intercultural Communication in Europe” (ENTICE) funded from the EEA and Norway Grants. It follows the First ENTICE International Conference on Travel and Intercultural Communication in Europe “Going East”, which took place in Iasi, Romania in 2015.
(posted 25 September 2015, updated 28 September 2015, updated 12 December 2015)
Animal Spirits
The Hardt Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-6 February 2016
Deadline for proposals: 22 May 2015
International conference organised by Micheline Louis-Courvoisier (UNIGE) and Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon (Université Paris 8)
4-5-6 February 2016, .
In the opening chapter of The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne presents the animal spirits as a biological inheritance passed on from father to son. Because of their movements and activity, they are responsible for all the events — successes or failures — of human existence. Almost two centuries later, John Maynard Keynes used the same concept in his General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936), and attributed the irrational behaviour of economic operations to the animal spirits: they are the driving force behind the actions of homo economicus, inciting action despite the uncertainties and risks inherent to the profession.
Before becoming a metaphor, animal spirits were conceived of as minute and subtle bodies by philosophers, theologists and physicians. Invisible but real, they were thought to be a pneumatic link between body and soul, matter and spirit. They replaced the pneuma of the Ancients and became an indefinable and vaporous substance: air or fire for Francis Bacon, a bright, mobile and pure flame for Descartes, an oily fluid for John Quincy and comparable to air or wind for Willis, who defined them as infinitesimal particles circulating through the nervous system, while for Mandeville they evolved in our blood vessels and digestive system. Responsible for our movements and sensations, they were also thought to influence our imagination and understanding. Their behaviour and their texture were directly determined by their environment (sleep, physical exercise, food, intellectual activity and even breathing) and they, in turn, influenced the good health of the body and mind (in Ficino, Montaigne, Bacon, Du Laurens, Purcell or Kinneir). In epistolary consultations, English-speaking patients often referred to the animal spirits to describe their conditions to their physicians, while this was rarely the case in the medical correspondence of French-speaking patients.
Much discussed through the end of the eighteenth century, they quickly disappeared from the general economy of the body as they failed to fit into an increasingly rational scientific discourse. Largely ignored by twentieth-century historians, they have recently attracted the attention of researchers and are now considered as transversal objects of study in a renewed scientific approach to the history of the body, of passions, and of the organic link between physiology and psychology (see, for example, the work of Elena Carrera, Heather Beatty, Clark Lawlor or Richard Sugg).
We invite proposals for 20mn papers, in English or French, on a wide range of topics related to the animal spirits, without any chronological constraint. Topics might include:
- Animal spirits and the passions
- Animal spirits, experience, and the writing of the self
- Animal spirits and literature
- Animal spirits and philosophy
- Animal spirits and rhetoric
- Animal spirits as metaphor
- Animal spirits and bodily economy (digestion, the nervous system, sexuality, diseases)
- Animal spirits and economic theory
- Animal spirits and music
Proposals should be sent before May 22, 2015, with a short resume and a list of recent publications, to both:
Micheline Louis-Courvoisier
Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon
Tags: animal spirits, philosophy, literature, medical history, bodily economy, psychology, economy, rhetoric, music.
(posted 13 March 2015)
Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance: 22nd Annual ACMRS Conference
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA – 4-6 February 2016
Deadline for proposals: 4 December 2015
ACMRS invites session and paper proposals for its annual interdisciplinary conference to be held February 4-6, 2016 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Scottsdale. We welcome papers that explore any topic related to the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance and especially those that focus on the general theme of “Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance.”
Conference Publication: Selected papers focused on “Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance” will be considered for publication in the conference volume of the Arizona Studies in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance series, published by Brepols Publishers (Belgium).
Keynote Speaker: To Be Announced
Pre-Conference Workshop: ACMRS will host a workshop on manuscript studies led by Professor Timothy Graham, Director of the Institute for Medieval Studies at the University of New Mexico. The workshop will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, February 4, and participation will be limited to the first 25 individuals to register. Email <> with “Pre-Conference Workshop” in the subject line to be added to the list. The cost of the workshop is $50 ($25 for students) and is in addition to the regular conference registration fee.
Pre-Conference EMIT Meeting: “Globalization and the Fourth Centennial of the Inca Garcilaso, Cervantes, Shakespeare 2016” will meet Thursday, February 4, 2016 with keynote speaker Frederick de Armas, Andrew Mellon Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities, University of Chicago.
Pre-Conference ReKN, MESA, Iter Meetings: The 2016 gathering will also feature workshops sponsored by the Medieval Electronic Scholarly Alliance (MESA) and Renaissance Knowledge Network (ReKN), working in conjunction with the Advanced Research Consortium (ARC). Both MESA and ReKN are also sponsoring a small number of panels during the gathering, and ReKN will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, February 3-4, 2016. To have your work considered for presentation on the MESA and ReKN conference panels, please send your proposals to Daniel Powell (ReKN: <>) and Dot Porter (MESA: <>).
Deadlines: Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis until midnight, MST on December 4, 2015. Responses will be given within a week of submission. Please submit an abstract of 250 words and a brief CV to <>. Proposals must include audio/visual requirements and any other special requests; late requests may not be accommodated.
Visit our web page for further details on submissions.
Questions? Call 480-965-5900 or email
(posted 31 March 2015)
Translating Petrarch’s sonnets
Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France – 19 February 2015
Deadline for proposals: 15 December 2015
The PRISMES research team in Anglophone Studies at the Sorbonne nouvelle/ Sorbonne Paris Cité University is pleased to announce the launch of a Young Researchers’ programme on Translating and adapting the sonnet from the Renaissance to the present day. The programme is set to organise two study days in 2016 and two further events in 2017.
Our first study day will take place on Friday February 19 at the Sorbonne Nouvelle. We will focus on translations, re-translations and adaptations of Petrarch’s Canzoniere in a transhistorical perspective. We will be joined by the poet Tim Atkins, translator and adaptor of Petrarch. The second day will take place in June wand will be exclusively focused on Renaissance translations and adaptations of the sonnet.
The European sonnet can be said to originate with Clément Marot or Thomas Wyatt’s translations of the Canzoniere : indeed, from its inception in other European languages, the form has been associated with Petrarch. Du Bellay and Spenser can also be credited for making intrinsic the link between Petrarchism and the sonnet. Elsewhere in Europe, with Garcilaso de la Vega, Juan Boscán, Francisco de Sá de Miranda or Georg Rodolf Weckherlin, once again it is Petrarchan imitation or adaptation that anchors the sonnet in European poetic practice.
Yet, translating Petrarch is a practice that has extended well into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In the twentieth century, many — often partial translations — of the Canzoniere (for instance those by Fernand Brisset, Jacques Langlois or Pierre Poirier) show how much this work remained relevant to French poets, down to Louis Aragon, who translated Petrarch in the aftermath of the second world war. More recently other poets such as Yves Bonnefoy in France, or Peter Hughes and Tim Atkins in Britain have adapted Petrarch’s sonnets, which seem to remain apposite, even seven centuries after they were composed.
The 19 February study day will aim at exploring the various modalities, meanings and scope of translations, adaptations and imitations of Petrarch, especially in English and French language poetries but also in other languages. The study day is open primarily to young researchers and one of its outcomes will be a collective publication
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Histories of Canzoniere translations
- Translation or Imitation? Defining Petrarchism
- Faithful translations vs reappropriating Petrarchism
- Translation in verse or prose
- Hostility to Petrarchism
- Subversions of Petrarchism
- Petrarchism and literary genres
- The role of translations in the development of a ‘Petrarch mania’
- Petrarch and contemporary poets
- Petrarchism and ideology
- Translating, adapting or imitating Petrarch today
- Pop Petrarch?
- Constructing feminity in various translations of the Canzoniere.
Please send proposals (up to 300 words) to and before December 15, 2015.
(posted 21 November 2015)
Wrestling with the Angels: Exploring Stuart Hall’s Theoretical Legacy
TU Dortmund University, IBZ (Internationales Begegnungszentrum), Germany – 25-27 February 2016
Deadline for proposals: 31 July 2015
Stuart Hall, who passed away in February 2014, was one of the founding figures of what is known today as ‘Cultural Studies’ and long-time director of the renowned Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham. Besides that, he was a central figure of the British New Left, founding editor of the journal New Left Review, and one of England’s most charismatic public intellectuals.
Crucially, for Hall, intellectual practice was a politics, and questions of culture were political questions. His was a thinking that was questioning, flexible and open-ended, regularly moving across disciplinary boundaries and synthesizing different theoretical outlooks. It was rigorously contextual, extremely attentive to complexity, dedicated to the concrete, activist, committed and practical, and driven by a curiosity that constantly led unto new (and frequently largely uncharted) theoretical terrain. The subjects covered by Hall’s work include topics as diverse as popular culture and mass media, representation and signifying practices, subcultures, questions of power, ideology and resistance, ‘race’ and ethnicity, globalisation, multiculturalism and diaspora, cultural and personal identity, Thatcherism, New Labour, and neoliberalism.
This conference takes Hall’s recent death as an occasion to explore the legacy of his highly influential and multi-faceted work. For this, it takes its cue from Hall himself, who once said that theoretical work meant ‘wrestling with the angels’ and that the only theory worth having was the one one had to fight and struggle with. This, precisely, is what this conference aims to do: to engage with, examine, use, question, criticise, develop and transform Hall’s many concepts and ideas.
We thus invite contributions that
• reread his texts in innovative ways, pursue hitherto overlooked or neglected aspects and dimensions, open up entirely new lines of inquiry, etc.;
• utilise Hall’s work for the analysis of contemporary cultural and political phenomena;
• investigate the range, and, possibly, the limits, of his thought, particularly with regards to more recent developments such as the rise of new technologies, emerging or shifting forms of power, new discourses and movements, etc.;
• read Hall’s work in relation to other thinkers and theories;
• discuss the implications of his thinking — both in terms of its content and its distinct form or ‘mode’ — (as well as his teaching/pedagogy) for the future of Cultural Studies as an academic discipline and political project;
• etc.
Abstracts of 300 words for 30-minute papers should be submitted by 31 July 2015 to
• Gerold Sedlmayr,
• Florian Cord
• and Marie Hologa
(posted 20 May 2015)
Self Commentary in Early Modern European Literature
The Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Durham University, UK, 26 – 27 February 2016
Deadine for proposals: 15 October 2015
Friday 26 February
10.30: Registration, coffee and tea
11:00-12:45: Opening remarks: Francesco Venturi
Introduction and Chair: Carlo Caruso
Keynote: Martin McLaughlin (University of Oxford), Alberti’s ‘Commentarium’ to his First Literary Work: Self-Commentary as Self-Presentation
Jeroen De Keyser (KU Leuven), Elucidation and Self-Explanation in Filelfo’s Marginalia
12:45-2:15pm: Catered lunch
2:15-4pm: Chair: Patrick Gray
Ian Johnson (University of St Andrews), Self-Commentary during Medieval Early Modernity: Reginald Pecock and Gavin Douglas
Harriet Archer (Newcastle University), Framing Creative Practice: Fictive Narratives of Poetic Invention in Elizabethan Prose-Verse Hybrids
Gilles Bertheau (Université François Rabelais – Tours), George Chapman and the ‘Andromeda Liberata’ Affair (1614): can a Poet be ‘master of [his] own meaning’?
4:00-4:30pm: Coffee and tea
4:30-6:00pm: Chair: Dario Tessicini
Keynote: Federica Pich (University of Leeds), On the Threshold of Poems: Lyric as/vs Narrative in Italian Renaissance Poetry
Magdalena Ożarska (Jan Kochanowski – Kielce), The Uses of Authorial Side Glosses in Anna Stanisławska’s ‘Transaction’ (1685)
Saturday 27 February
9:30-10:30: Chair: Marc Schachter
Keynote: John O’Brien (Durham University), ‘All outward and on show’: Montaigne’s External Glosses
10:30-11:00: Coffee and tea
11:00-12:50: Chair and concluding remarks: Richard Maber
Russel Ganim (University of Iowa), Blood, Sweat, and Tears: Annotation and Self-Exegesis in La Ceppède
Joseph Harris (Royal Holloway – London), Critical Failures: Corneille Observes his Spectators
Carlo Caruso (Durham University), Mock and Erudition: Alessandro Tassoni and Francesco Redi
For further information, please contact the event organiser or visit:
(posted 16 August 2015, updated 10 December 2015)
Gender, Translocality and the City
Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen, Hungary – 26-27 February 2016
Deadline for proposals: 21 December 2015
The Gender, Translocality and the City Research Group at the University of Debrecen is pleased to announce its annual workshop, which is going to explore the intersections of gender, location and emotion in post-1945 literary and visual texts. The primary aim of the workshop is to investigate the production of metropolitan spaces in a comparative theoretical framework, focusing on iconic cities such as London, New York, Budapest, Berlin, among other locations.
The main theoretical questions we intend to address are the following: what is the role of literature in mapping the intersection of emotion and contemporary urban spatialities? How do literary and filmic portrayals of urban life and displacement contribute to sociological analyses of migration? Does an affective approach to urban studies redefine the terms the discourse relies on, such as flânerie (Walter Benjamin), concept city, metaphorical city (Michel de Certeau)?
Though a number of scholars have explored the function of affect and emotion in literature, culture and social life, few critics have investigated the intersections of emotion and location, particularly, urban space, in literary and visual texts. Henri Lefebvre has famously claimed that space expresses social relations, but does it also express emotional geographies? Can we talk about an urban sensitivity, as Heiko Schmid assumes, which provides a more sophisticated framework for city studies than Georg Simmel’s famous notion of the blasé attitude, for instance? Can we read the moving image as a map that connects affects and space?
We invite submission of abstracts for 20-minute talks. Papers on the following themes will be particularly welcomed:
- East-Central Europe as textual and spatial boundary
- Translocal empathy
- The place of trauma and aggression
- Urban geographies of sexuality
- Desire, utopia and the city
- Emotional border crossings
- Crime, guilt and the city
- Emotional geography of eating practices
- Obsession, addiction and city life
- Nostalgia and urban memory
- Marginalisation, exclusion and the city
Please send abstracts of no more than 400 words by December 21, 2015 to the organisers at
Details will follow in due course on the research group homepage and at the Workshop Facebook Event: Gender, Translocality and the City.
There is no registration fee. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Ágnes Györke, Senior Lecturer, Department of British Studies, University of Debrecen,
Imola Bülgözdi, Senior Lecturer, North American Department, University of Debrecen,
(posted 27 November 2015)