Books and special issues of journals – Deadlines July-September 2017

Women’s work: an ongoing (r)evolution (19th-21st centuries)?
Deadline for proposals: 15 July 2017

Following our international workshop on 16th/17th June this year organised by CRINI (EA1162) at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures of the University of Nantes (France) we are interested in receiving articles with a view to publication on the theme of changes in women’s work in a historical and European context, from an agrarian-based economy through the upheaval of the industrial revolution and later of the digital revolution has affected women’s employment and work opportunities since the 19th century.

The issues raised, for women and more specifically mothers, are multifaceted and complex. In the context of the (work) landscape and environment, one might consider first of all the issue of travel to and from work/commuting, the shift in the relationship between home and work, the restructuration of families’ and women’s lives around these changes and over those three centuries.

What impact have these changes had on the use and perception of production tools, which started as specific and traditional/iconic items (such as the spinning wheel or the weaving loom) and have, in some cases, become dematerialised or virtual.

Other possible thematics could include the way in which women, at various times in history, have claimed or reclaimed ownership of these tools through arts and crafts activities and working from home; the possession (or lack of possession) of tools and the control (or lack of control) over working conditions and hours.

Last but not least, there are some interesting comparisons to be made between different working environments, in the context of globalisation, growing competition, flexibility or lack thereof begging the question whether the workplace has become more or less woman- and even more so, mother-friendly.

Articles in English between 6,000 and 10,000 words together with a 300-word abstract and a short biographical note should be sent to and by July 15th, 2017 for publication early 2018.

Publications in French

BUSSY GENEVOIS Danièle, «Propos féminins sur le travail (1860-1933)», Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, 40-2, 2010, p.117-134.

FINDING Susan et KOBER-SMITH Anémone (dir.), Politiques familiales et politiques d’emploi “genrées” au Royaume-Uni et en Europe, Observatoire de la société britannique, No 14, juin 2013.

KNITTEL Fabien et RAGGI Pascal (dirs.), Genre et Techniques. XIXe – XXIe siècle, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, collection « Histoire », 2012.

PERROT, Michelle, Mélancolie ouvrière : « Je suis entrée comme apprentie, j’avais alors douze ans », Lucie Baud, 1908, Paris, Grasset, coll. « Héroïnes », 2012.

Publications in English

GLOVER Judith and KIRTON Jill, Women, Employment and Organizations, London, Routledge, 2006.

GLUCKSMANN Miriam, Cottons and Casuals: the Gendered organization of Labour in Time and Space, Durham, Sociologypress, 2000.

HAKIM Catherine, Key Issues in Women’s Work: Female Diversity and the polarization of women’s employment, London, Routledge, 2004.

PFAU-EFFINGER Birgit , FLAQUER Lluis and JENSEN Per, Formal and Informal Work: the Hiddden work regime in Europe, London, Routledge, 2012.

Publications in Spanish

BORDERÍAS MONDEJAR Cristina (ed.), Género y políticas del trabajo en la España contemporánea 1836-1936, Icaria Editorial, Universitat de Barcelona, 2007.

CARRASCO Cristina, (ed.), Tiempos, trabajos y flexibilidad: una cuestión de género, Serie Estudios n°. 78, Madrid, Instituto de la Mujer, 2003.

ORTEGA María Teresa (ed.), Jornaleras, campesinas y agricultoras. La historia agraria desde una perspectiva de género, Zaragoza, SEHA, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2015.

MUÑOZ ABELEDO Luisa, Género, trabajo y niveles de vida en la industria conservera de Galicia, 1870-1970, Icaria Editorial, Universitat de Barcelona, 2010.

(posted 18 January 2017)

Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf
Volume 10 of Katherine Mansfield Studies
Deadline for submissions: 31 August 2017

The Katherine Mansfield Society is pleased to announce its Call for Papers for volume 10 of Katherine Mansfield Studies, as well as its annual essay prize. Our theme for this year is Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf.  Alongside the permanent editors, Professor Todd Martin and Dr Gerri Kimber, the volume will be guest-edited by Professor Christine Froula of Northwestern University, USA, who is also Chair of the specialist judging panel for the essay prize. The other judges are: Professor Christine Reynier, Stuart N. Clarke, and Dr Kathryn Simpson.

The deadline for submissions is 31 August 2017. All details can be found by going to the following web pages of the Katherine Mansfield Society, where PDFs of the CFPs can be downloaded:

General CFP for Volume 10:
Essay Prize CFP:

All essays submitted for publication will be considered for the Essay Prize, unless we are advised alternatively. (Contributors whose essays are subsequently selected for publication must be members of the Katherine Mansfield Society.)

(posted 2 February)

(Re)Defining Gender in Early Modern British Drama (1550-1700): Power, Sexualities and Ideologies in Text and Performance (tentative title)
A collection of essays
New extended deadline for proposals: 15 September 2017

The focus of this collection of essays will be the construction, performance and circulation of gender
ideologies in Early Modern (1550-1700) British drama. The aim of the volume will be to explore the
enactment of both normative and transgressive gender identities in Early Modern dramatic texts and
performances. We are particularly interested in the intersections between drama, literature, history,
culture and material practices and how power is exerted, reaffirmed and/or subverted.
Possible areas of interest may include, but are not limited to:

  • Constructions and meanings of masculinities and femininities
  • Gendering the stage: entrances, exits, stage directions, prologues and epilogues; spatial
    representations of the public/private, masculine/feminine, outdoors/indoors…
  • The gendered body on and off stage: characters and performers
  • Gendered activities, behaviours and objetcs: banqueting, dancing, courting, gossiping,
    costumes, props…
  • Sexual violence, (ab)use and power relations; representing desire
  • Family, kinship, marriage, homosocial relations, friendship
  • Female and male authorship, the playwright’s dramatic persona
  • Politics and drama: representations of the Soverign, ideologies on stage, relations between
    the Monarch, Courtiers, audiences, performers and playwrights
  • 18th- to 21st-century adaptations, appropiations and emulations; transnational rewritings of
    Early Modern British drama

Abstracts (max 500 words) on any of the above mentioned topics, together with a short bio (around
100 words) and 5-6 keywords should be sent to by September 25th (new extended deadline)
2017. Applicants can expect to hear back about their proposals by mid-October. If accepted, the final
draft version of your chapter (6,000 – 8,000 words, MLA style) would most likely be due by February
2018; acceptance and modifications will be notified by April 2018 and final versions of chapters will
be required by May 2018. Note that these deadlines may be subject to change.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email.

(posted 19 June 2017)