Princes, Monsters, Heroes, Saints: Power, Identity, and the Shining Other in Early English Texts (Working Title).
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 January 2024.
Issue edited by Jan Blaschak
Issue theme presentation
This book idea came from my panel “All that Glitters: Gold, God and the Shining Other in the Beowulf Manuscript and Other Early English Texts,” presented at this year’s Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo. In this panel, Alexa Gall, of Cornell University and Kevin Jackson of the University of New Mexico presented exceptional papers which intersected in interesting ways and sparked a lively and productive discussion with the audience.
In this volume, I intend to bring together chapters from a wide range of scholars, from early career and independent scholars to those who are well established in the field. The focus will be to explore how tropes of gold and shining connected with ideas about power and identity in Early English texts. Ideally, these chapters will include everything from material considerations of how gold establishes standing and provides agency, to how this imagery contributes to identity construction from the saintly or heroic to the monstrous other in Early English Texts.
Any theoretical approach, including Thing theory or Affect theory, which may not often have been applied to these tropes, would be welcome. I especially invite papers exploring women’s status, identity and “otherness,” which speaks to ongoing issues, both in understanding Early English culture and literature as well as understanding similar issues today.
We’d like chapter drafts during the summer of 2024.
Contact details
Please email chapter proposals in abstract form to Jan at Blaschak at:
Original PDF
(Posted 18 November 2023)
InScriptum: A Journal of Language and Literary Studies. Issue 5.
Extended proposal submission deadline: 15 June 2024.
Issue edited by
Magdalena Ożarska (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce) and Marina Bianchi (University of Bergamo)
Issue theme presentation
Studies in the literatures of English-speaking countries
- Article submission: June 15, 2024
- Review: September 15, 2024
- Resubmission (if applicable): October 1, 2024
- Publication: November 15, 2024
Contact details:
(Posted 21 December 2023. Updated 27 January 2024)
Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia. Special Issue 4/2024: Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes.
Deadline: 15 February 2024.
Special issue information:
This special issue focuses on Languages for Specific Purposes and welcomes papers taking a research, pedagogical or theoretical perspective on the topic.
Language for specific purposes (LSP) is an approach to language education based on identifying the specific language features, discourse practices, and communicative skills of target academic groups, and which recognizes the subject-matter needs and expertise of learners. It sees itself as sensitive to contexts of discourse and action and seeks to develop research-based pedagogies to assist study, research or publication in English. It requires teachers to identify the diversity of disciplinary languages used in the workplace or academy and encourage students to engage analytically with target discourses and develop a critical understanding of the contexts in which they are used. This is probably the most widely adopted approach to language instruction in higher education today, involving thousands of teachers and students across the world.
Students now take a broader and more heterogeneous mix of academic subjects, some of which involve modular or joint degrees and emergent ‘practice-based’ courses such as nursing, management and social work. Further, they now have to deal with a broad range of modalities and presentational forms beyond written texts, and must learn to negotiate a complex web of disciplinary specific text-types, assessment tasks and presentational modes in order first to graduate, and then to operate effectively in the workplace.
This special issue of Studia addresses research on LSP or the application of understandings from it in the classroom. We are not only interested in empirical research but also classroom practices, and theoretical discussions. A point of central importance is that each chapter is directly about specific language instruction, either using English or another language. We are aware that LSP instruction occurs in a wide range of settings, is aimed at learners with various backgrounds (immigrant, foreign language, 3rd language, etc.), operates in various contexts (e.g., genre-based pedagogy, teaching for general or specific academic/occupational purposes), focuses on different modalities (print-based, digital, multimodal, oral), and encompasses a host of teacher activities (e.g., syllabus design, materials development, instructional delivery, provision of feedback, assessment). We are interested in papers covering any topical aspects in these diverse academic contexts.
Manuscript submission information:
You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline.
In this Special Issue we are interested in publishing full-length articles (6,000-7,000 words including references). All submissions should be in English and relate to the topic of the Special Issue. Please send your papers to the following email addresses:
Please include the following with your submission:
- Name(s) of author(s), institutional affiliation and bionote
- Type of submission
- Working title
For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact:
Please refer to the Instructions for Authors to prepare your manuscript:
Submission deadline: 15 February 2024
More details in the original CFP below:
(Posted 19 November 2023)
Cahiers Victoriens & Edouardiens. Issue 102: Through a Lens, Mechanically : The Birth of Photography & the Genesis of a Radically New Vision. Penser (comme) l’appareil : la naissance de la photographie ou l’étincelle disjonctive.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 16 February 2024.
Issue edited by Pr Lawrence GASQUET
Issue theme presentation
What if the story crafted by photography was one of distortion, of a technological recasting of the world? What if the ease with which photographs have been accepted as reflections of reality was a conditioned response? What if we have taught ourselves to forget that photography is a source of discontinuity, mediating between the viewer and the world? What if we have become blind to the fact that, by encoding what it captures and presents, photography is a source of rupture rather than of continuity?
We aim to provide an in-depth assessment of the first century of photography (1823-1910), when it was still an experimental technology in France and Great-Britain. This initial period of radical innovation stands in stark contrast with what came after, the period that Vilém Flusser has described as the age of the “redundant image” – a mass visual culture endlessly churning out what are essentially the same images for the same purposes. Our aim will be to highlight the epistemological revolution that photography created, and to sort out the theoretical issues that ensued.
To be published in 2025
Contact details:
(Posted 10 November 2024)
Women’s Writing (Taylor & Francis) Special Issue: Unveiling Untold Narratives: Rediscovering the Literary Legacy of Jewish Female Writers and Representations of Jewish Women by Female Writers from the 1700s to the 1920s.
Abstract submission deadline: 28 February 2024.
Guest Edited by Irina Rabinovich and Brygida Gasztold
Description: This compilation seeks to shed light on the often-overlooked voices and hidden gems within the vast tapestry of Jewish women’s writing, as crafted by female authors during a transformative period in history.
Delving into the rich and diverse literary landscape spanning the 18th to the early 20th centuries, this special issue aims to rectify the historical oversight of significant contributions made by Jewish women writers. From the Enlightenment era through the Victorian age and into the early waves of feminism, these women defied societal expectations and challenged the status quo, using the power of the written word to articulate their experiences, dreams, and challenges.
One of the primary goals of this special issue is not only to highlight neglected voices but also to critically examine the representations of Jewish women by female writers during this pivotal period. By doing so, we aim to foster a nuanced understanding of how these representations have shaped and been shaped by cultural, social, and historical contexts. Through a careful exploration of the ways in which Jewish women writers portrayed their own identities, as well as the characters they created, we seek to unravel the complexities of gender, religion, and ethnicity in the literary landscape.
This special issue serves as a scholarly platform to reexamine familiar texts and to unearth hidden treasures, fostering a renewed appreciation for the resilience, creativity, and intellectual prowess of Jewish women writers. We aim to challenge conventional literary canons and invite our readers to join us in reevaluating the historical and cultural significance of these works. As we embark on this exploration, “Unveiling Untold Narratives” becomes a catalyst for reshaping our understanding of the literary contributions of Jewish women, both as authors and as the subjects of representation. Join us in this intellectual excavation, as we illuminate the pages that, for too long, have remained in the shadows, and celebrate the voices that deserve their rightful place in the literary canon.
We welcome essays on:
- Periodical Culture
- Poetry
- All types of fiction and non-fiction
We also welcome suggestions for reviews and reviewers for this special issue of the journal.
Please submit 300-400-word abstracts + up to 6 keywords, and a brief biography for consideration to Irina Rabinovich (Holon Institute of Technology, Israel) and Brygida Gasztold (Koszalin University of Technology Poland) by 28 February 2024. Completed articles are expected to be between 6500–8000 words and will be due 31 October 2024.
Contributors should follow the journal’s house style details of which are to be found on the Women’s Writing web site This is the new MLA. Do note that instead of footnotes, we use endnotes with NO bibliography. All bibliographical information is included in the endnotes i.e., place of publication, publisher, and date of publication in brackets on first citation of a book.
(Posted 8 December 2023)
Zealos: Studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts & Design. Volume 2, 2024.
Proposal submission deadline: 29 February 2024.
Zealos: Studies in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts & Design is an annual peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Nicosia (UNIC).
We are now accepting contributions for the second volume of Zealos due to be published in Fall 2024. Zealos welcomes original and previously unpublished articles that fall within the scope of the journal and follow internationally sanctioned scientific standards. Submissions are free of charge. We welcome contributions in Greek or English.
Zealos is a fully open access journal issued annually. Each volume is published electronically as a PDF file. All papers are available on the Internet to all users immediately upon publication and free of charge, according to the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Under this license, authors agree that others can copy and distribute the article for free as long as appropriate credit is given and the article is not modified and not used for commercial purposes.
Aims and Scope
The journal’s aim is to showcase empirical, theoretical and practice-based research work by scholars and practitioners in the humanities, social sciences, arts and design. Zealos intends to leave its mark on these fields through the publication of research papers, essays and creative work, conference and book reviews. By taking a multi-disciplinary perspective, we hope to contribute to both local and international literature and showcase some of the work conducted by academics and practitioners. The journal particularly welcomes submissions on issues related to Cyprus. Special Issues focusing on a specific theme acting as a connecting point between the various disciplines are also planned. Papers in English and Greek will be accepted. All manuscripts will be double-blind peer-reviewed by two experts in the area of the submission.
- Deadline for submission: 29 February 2024.
- Where to submit:
- For more information:
- Web:
For further details and stylesheet, please check the original CFP attached below.
Original CFP
(Posted: 30 December 2024)
Metamodernist Fiction: Literary Manifestations of the Ongoing Cultural Shift.
Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2024.
Volume edited by Magdalena Sawa and Joanna Klara Teske
Recent years have witnessed an impressive expansion of the debate on metamodernism and its place in contemporary culture, which started for good after Robin van den Akker and Timotheus Vermeulen published in 2010 their “Notes on Metamodernism”. Among the most important publications up to date we can list Irmtraud Huber’s Literature after Postmodernism: Reconstructive Fantasies (2014), Supplanting the Postmodern: An Anthology of Writings on the Arts and Culture of the Early 21st Century (2015) edited by David Rudrum and Nicholas Stavris, Wolfgang Funk’s The Literature of Reconstruction: Authentic Fiction in the New Millenium (2016), Metamodernism. Historicity, Affect, and Depth After Postmodernism (2017) edited by Robin Van den Akker, Alison Gibbons and Timotheus Vermeulen, New Directions in Philosophy and Literature (2019) edited by David Rudrum, Ridvan Askin and Frieda Beckman or Josh Toth’s The Passing of Postmodernism (2010) or Truth and Metafiction (2020). Much discussion is conducted on websites, podcasts and youtube channels, which often host important theoreticians of metamodernism. Apart from the vitality of the cultural trend, what is striking is the diversity of its interpretations. Various authors come up with quite different construals of the phenomenon, indeed, at times the same authors over the years substantially modify their interpretation.
Metamodernism is not simply about literature. Metamodernist tendencies have been identified in visual arts, music, architecture, but also in social life and politics. As regards English-language fiction, there are authors who have already been identified as metamodernist – Jennifer Egan, Jonathan Franzen, David Foster Wallace, Ali Smith, Elif Batuman or Dave Eggers. Still, arguably, if metamodernism has replaced postmodernism as the currently dominant aesthetics, we might expect that in one way or another, the metamodernist convention will be manifest in the works of many other authors, who have not yet been identified as metamodernist.
We would like to collect research papers combining reflection on various models/conceptualizations of metamodernism with analyses of contemporary (21st century) English-language fiction. We hope the resulting collection might contribute to our understanding of the change that is currently at work in our experience and conceptualization of ourselves and the world in which we live.
We welcome submissions offering analyses and interpretations of English-language 21st c. novels and shorter fiction that would consider their metamodernist character, examining any of the following issues but by no means limited to them:
- moral considerations in metamodernist fiction,
- spiritual experience in metamodernist fiction, the status of supernatural phenomena in metamodernist texts, metamodernism and postsecularism, metamodernism and rationality,
- the reconstructive work of the metamodernist reader,
- metamodernist response to ecological crisis, the digitalisation of social life, current political crises; metamodernist social commitment,
- metamodernist search for life’s meaning,
- the shape of metamodernist fiction (its use of metafiction, irony, playful language, intertextuality etc.),
- metamodernist dialogue with postmodernism and pre-postmodern movements,
- the complex relationship between metamodernism and other contemporary artistic and cultural movements such as transmodernity, digimodernism, performatism, postsecularity,
- metamodernist view on humans (self, individual, subjectivity) and human relations with each other and with non-human beings,
- metamodernist focus on experience (as contrasted with abstract speculations),
- metamodernist self-reflexivity (how it differs from postmodern self-reflexivity),
- metamodernist sensibility – the sense of hope, optimism, enthusiasm, “as if” engagement, sincerity, authenticity.
Please send your questions and proposals (250-word abstracts) to
by March 1, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by April 01, 2024. Final papers will be expected by September 31, 2024. We hope to be able to publish the collection in a first-rate academic publishing house by the end of 2025.
We would like to ask the authors to follow the MLA stylesheet (8th edition) and use British English spelling. Please attach a brief biographical note to your abstract.
More details in the CFP below.
(Posted 17 November 2023)
Confluențe. Texts and Contexts Reloaded. : Issue 2024.
Deadline for proposal submissions: 15 March 2024.
Editor-in-chief: Ioana Cistelecan
Issue theme: Coping with Reality through Storytelling as a Performative Act
In Somebody Telling Somebody Else: A Rhetorical Poetics of Narrative (2017), James Phelan suggests a transformative approach to narrative theory, shifting the focus from seeing narrative as a mere structural entity to understanding it as a rhetorical act. In this act, the narrator strategically utilizes storytelling tools to achieve specific goals for specific audiences. Inspired by Phelan’s exploration of narrative as a rhetorical process, the 2024 issue of Confluențe. Texts and Contexts Reloaded invites submissions on the theme “Coping with Reality through Storytelling as a Performative Act”. We invite an interdisciplinary dialogue at the intersection of narrative theory, identity narratives in literature and cultural studies, performative teaching techniques, and challenges of storytelling by cultural performance.
Contributions may focus on, but are not limited to:
- the role of rhetorical and narrative strategies in storytelling as a coping mechanism.
- Aristotelian diegesis-mimesis-opposition or/and the structuralist showing and telling problems.
- audience engagement and response in the face of transformative narratives.
- the impact of narrative structure on perception and understanding of reality.
- comparative studies of narrative techniques in different cultural contexts as a means of coping.
- the influence of digital media and technology on the rhetorical aspects of storytelling.
- Deadline for submission proposals (200-300 words): March 15th 2024
- Deadline for full articles (6000-8000 words): June 1st 2024
Website address
Contact details:
More in the original CFP inserted below.
(Posted 10 February 2024)
Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin: Monographic issue on medicine and drama.
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 March 2024.
The International Journal Jahrbuch Literatur und Medizin, edited by Florian Steger, Chair of the Institute of the History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine at the University of Ulm (Germany), explores the possibilities and challenges of research at the intersection of human and empirical sciences by bringing together contributions that focus on the interaction be-tween medicine and the humanities.
Volume 15/2024, co-edited by Vincenzo Damiani and Florian Steger, is planned as a monographic issue on the subject:
Healing Scenes: The Interplay of Medicine and Drama Through the Ages
The volume aims to explore the complex relationship between the fields of medicine and drama, tracing their intertwined paths through history from ancient times to the present day. Scholars, practitioners, and students from a wide range of disciplines including, but not limited to, classics, his-tory, literature, theatre studies, medical humanities, and medicine are in-vited to submit abstracts for consideration.
We welcome submissions that address, among others, the following themes:
- The portrayal of medical professionals and practices in drama and their socio-cultural implications.
- The use of drama as a tool for medical education and the communication of medical knowledge in historical and contemporary contexts.
- The representation of illness, healing, and the human condition in theatrical works across different cultures and epochs.
- The therapeutic aspects of drama and their evolution into modern psychotherapeutic practices.
- Ethical considerations at the junction of medicine and drama, including consent, representation, and the impact on public perceptions of health and illness.
The volume will be published in English. Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words to:
- Deadline for abstract submission: March 30th, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: April 15th, 2024
- Deadline for final paper submission: July 30th, 2024
Read more in the original CFP below.
(Posted 27 February 2024)