11th International Conference on Meaning and Knowledge Representation.
Location and dates: Universidad de Almería, Spain. 3-5 July 2024.
Deadline for submissions: 12 May 2024.
Following the success of previous editions, the 11th International Conference on Meaning and Knowledge Representation (MKR 2024) will take place in Almería (Spain), July 3, 4 5, 2024,
Organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Almería University.
Natural language understanding systems require a knowledge base provided with formal representations reflecting the structure of human beings’ cognitive system. Although surface semantics can be sufficient in some other systems, the construction of a robust knowledge base guarantees its use in most natural language processing applications, thus consolidating the concept of resource reuse. This conference deals with meaning and knowledge representation in the context of natural language understanding from the perspective of theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, cognitive science, knowledge engineering, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, text analytics or linked data and semantic web technologies.
We invite 20-minute (plus 10-minute discussion) presentation proposals on the following general and/or specific topics, in English or Spanish. The MKR 2024 conference is a hybrid event, although face-to-face proposals will be prioritized. Authors may submit more than one abstract, but each conference participant will only be allowed to present once. Co-authored works may be presented by any of the participating co-authors.
General topics
- At the crossroads between functionalist, cognitivist and/or constructionist approaches
- Division of labour of lexical semantics and constructional semantics
- Role of metaphor and metonymy and other cognitive operations in meaning construction and grammar
- Relationship between semantics, pragmatics and discourse in meaning construction and/or meaning representation
- Cognitive modelling and construal
- Linked data and semantic web technologies
- Knowledge representation and conversational agents
- Artificial Intelligence and natural language processing (NLP)
- Functional-cognitive approaches to language aware software
- Human Language Technologies
Text analytics, mining, and NLP
- Sentiment Analysis
- Social-Media Text Processing
- Web Content Mining
- Information Extraction
- Linked Data Development/Applications
- Parsing, NER, POS tagging
- Deep Learning on Unstructured Data
- Topic Modelling and Detection
- Lexicon Application and Generation
- Natural Language Generation
Lexical Constructional Model (LCM) and FunGramKB specific topics
- Meaning construction and meaning representation in the LCM
- Methodological tools in the LCM (e.g. equipollence)
- Syntactic representation in the LCM
- The form of lexical and constructional templates in the LCM
- Connections between the LCM and FunGramKB
- Lexico-grammatical knowledge in FunGramKB
- Terminology in FunGramKB
- Conceptual representation in FunGramKB
- Reasoning in FunGramKB
- NLP applications of FunGramKB
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: May 12, 2024
- Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2024
- Early-bird registration: until June 3, 2024
- Registration deadline: June 14, 2024
Submissions should include the following information:
- Author’s name
- Affiliation
- E-mail address
- Paper title
- An abstract with a maximum of 500 words, excluding references
The official language of the conference is English. All paper proposals are assumed to represent original and unpublished work.
Abstracts must conform to the following guidelines:
MKR 2024 Almería – ABSTRACT FORMAT GUIDELINES Abstracts must be submitted via e-mail
Email for abstract submission: mkr2024@ual.es
Website: MKR 2024
(Posted 27 April 2024)
Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD) Conference: Borders and boundaries in/across discourses.
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland). 10-12 July 2024.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2023.
This year’s conference theme is Borders and boundaries in/across discourses. With the invasion of Ukraine, Europe has yet again seen people moving across borders in search for security and new life from yet another direction. Around the world, state borders are being fought over and people are more mobile than ever, including war, climate change, poverty, and post-COVID mobility.
The conference theme understands borders in a much broader way, including identity (self/other, us/them), time (past/present), politics (left/right, mainstream/extreme), and society (public/private), as well as borders within and between academic fields (quantitative/qualitative, interdisciplinarity) and those that exist between research and praxis.
As with previous CADAAD conferences, we are also happy to see abstracts of discourse analytical work from any field that looks at, among others:
- Post/de/anti-Colonialism
- Corporate and organisational communication
- Culture, cultural studies, and cultural promotion
- Education
- Environment and environmentalism
- Mental or physical health
- Gender & sexuality
- News and (social) media analysis
- Protest and social movements
Plenary speakers
- Audrey Alejandro (London School of Economics)
- Zohar Kampf (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Witold Klaus (Migration Consortium)
- Michał Krzyżanowski (Uppsala University)
- Anna Marchi (University of Bologna)
- Viviane de Melo Resende (University of Brasília)
The conference will be in-person only and online presentations will not be possible. Papers can be individually or co-presented. Presentations should be no more than 20 minutes. Abstracts for presentations should be 300 words (including references).
Extended deadline for abstracts: 15th December
To submit an abstract: https://tinyurl.com/OxfordAbstractsCADAAD
Thematic panels
We welcome proposals for thematic panels. Panels should include 6 individual presentations. If you are interested in organising one, please write to cadaad2024@amu.edu.pl for an initial chat.
Extended deadline for completed panel proposals: 27th November
For details, please visit: https://cadaad2024.amu.edu.pl/ .
To keep up to date follow us on Twitter: @CADAAD_conf.
For information about the Faculty of English: https://anglistyka.amu.edu.pl/en.
For information about the university: https://amu.edu.pl/en
Original CFP
(Posted 23 November 2023)
The 29th Annual Dickens Society Symposium: “Dickens, Context and Co-occurrence”.
University of Birmingham, UK. 15 – 18 July 2024.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 January 2024.
Event organised by
- Michaela Mahlberg at m.a.mahlberg@bham.ac.uk and
- Caroline Radcliffe at c.radcliffe@bham.ac.uk
Presentation of the event
The theme of the 2024 symposium will be “Dickens, Context and Co-occurrence”. We invite you think of the various contexts that Dickens’s works are set in, connect to, and imagine. Contexts are where things co-occur – with various effects. Topics of papers can cover Dickens and the context of theatre, the world of fashion, or the natural environment; Dickens and changing contexts through travel, translation, and time; contexts of family and friends; you may also want to think about the relationship between real world contexts and the textual contexts of the words on the page. As is the case every year, proposals on other aspects of Dickens’s life and works are welcome, too.
Please submit your abstract of 300 words (maximum) and bio of 150 words (maximum) to dickens2024@contacts.bham.ac.uk. Deadline: 15 January 2024.
Please note that you need to be a member of the Dickens Society to present at the annual symposium. Membership is conferred by subscription to the Dickens Quarterly. Find out more here.
Details about travel, accommodation, and the conference programme will be posted and updated on the Dickens Society website.
For any questions, please contact dickens2024@contacts.bham.ac.uk
- Symposium 15 – 18 July 2024;
- Abstracts by 15 January 2024.
Contact details
- Caroline Radcliffe at c.radcliffe@bham.ac.uk &
- Michaela Mahlberg at m.a.mahlberg@bham.ac.uk
(Posted 10 November 2023)
“Alternative Visions of The Past: Reimagining History” Seminar.
University of Oviedo, Faculty of Humanities. 18-19 July 2024.
Proposal submission deadline: 29 February 2024.
The “Alternative Visions of the Past: Reimagining History” Seminar – which will be held at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Oviedo on 18-19 July 2024 – is a two-day interdisciplinary forum open to PhD students and researchers who are working on uchronias.
In his critically acclaimed book The World Hitler Never Made (2005), Gavriel Rosenfeld reminds his readers of how, ever since antiquity, historians such as Herodotus and Livy have resorted to the “what if?” question, toying with the idea of different outcomes for historical events, with the aim of finding causal connections as well as interpreting the past from a moral perspective (5). This practice of revisiting and reimagining the past, at first instance attainable for every person, has spread to all sorts of areas of study and entertainment over the years —most notably historiography and literature. Consequently, the “what if?” question has manifested in several literary genres, ranging from the divergences from history as we know it in alternate histories — exploring alternative aftermaths of major events such as World War II, just like Philip K. Dick did in The Man in the High Castle (1962)— to the postmodern reproduction of past eras that is to be found in Neo-Victorian novels like John Fowles’ The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1969), occasionally incorporating retrofuturistic elements while giving rise to what we nowadays identify as steampunk narratives.
And it is precisely through literature that these re-imaginings of the past have found their mainstream breakthrough, producing stories that have become part of the popular imagination and enabling them to take part in more contemporary media such as films, television series, videogames and various internet culture phenomena. Therefore, this seminar seeks to establish a space for scholars belonging to a wide variety of research areas who share a common goal: to introduce, discuss and expand new critical perspectives on the study of these alternative visions of the past.
Confirmed speakers:
- Dr. Javier García Rodríguez (Universidad de Oviedo)
- Dr. Juan Francisco Elices Agudo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares).
We invite submissions for papers pertaining (but not limited) to the following topics and approaches:
- What-if narratives, alternate histories and counterfactual histories.
- Neo-Victorian and Steampunk narratives.
- Utopian and dystopian narratives in alternative visions of the past.
- Alternative visions of the past in popular culture and fan studies.
- Representations of science and technology in alternative visions of the past. Notions (and/or lack) of agency in alternative visions of the past.
- Emotional processes and affects in alternative visions of the past.
- Women’s passions and affections in reimagined history.
- Representations of race, class, gender and sexuality in alternative visions of the past. Memory studies in alternative visions of the past.
- Fashion studies in alternative visions of the past.
Proposals (200-250 words, plus a brief bibliography) for 20-minute papers in English (an exception will be made for Spanish candidates of departments other than English, who can give their papers in Spanish), must be submitted alongside with a short biographical note (50 words) via email to reimagininghistory@uniovi.es before 29 February, 2024. Abstracts (Time New Roman, 12pt, single-spaced, following APA reference style) are expected to include the title for the paper, the speaker’s name, institution and email address.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by Friday, 15 March 2024.
Registration details will be posted online at the end of March 2024.
Deadline for registration: 31 May 2024. No registration charges.
All delegates are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation.
After the conference, selected papers will be published in a forthcoming, peer-reviewed academic monograph.
For further information, please contact the organisers, María José Álvarez Faedo and Alexia Sarasúa Gutiérrez: reimagininghistory@uniovi.es.
Original CFP
(Posted 21 December 2023)