Insular Romance Conference 2024 / Romance in Medieval Britain : Beyond Borders.
Université de Strasbourg, France. 9-11 April 2024.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 20 Dec. 2023.
Event organised by
Fanny Moghaddassi, Université de Strasbourg, SEARCH 2325 and Morgan Dickson, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne, TRAME
Proposals for the 2024 Medieval Insular Romance conference are now warmly encouraged.
Plenary talks will given by
- Raluca Radulescu (Bangor University) and Síf Rikharðsdóttir (University of Iceland)
- Guillemette Bolens (University of Geneva)
- Sofia Lodén (Stockholm University)
Papers may address any aspect of romance composed in any of the languages of medieval Britain and Ireland, as well as insular romance’s engagement with continental texts and traditions. The focus of this conference series has traditionally been on non-Arthurian, non-Chaucerian romances that have tended to receive less exposure elsewhere.
Papers addressing connections between Insular romance and European romance or inter-generic affinities or overlap are particularly welcome, in line with the theme of this conference.
Proposals for 20-minute papers, complete sessions, or roundtables should be sent to Morgan Dickson and Fanny Moghaddassi.
Proposals should include: name, affiliation, email address, title of paper or roundtable, and an abstract of no more than 250 words. The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 December 2023.
Contact details
Original CFP
(Posted 2 December 2023)
Queen Elizabeth II: Life, Times, Legacies.
NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Campus de Campolide. 17-19 April 2024.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 October 2023.
Event organised by
Department of Languages, Cultures and Literatures, NOVA University, Lisbon
Rationale / Presentation of the event
The reign of the late Queen Elizabeth II (1952-2022) was the longest so far in the history of the British monarchy. Partly due, without doubt, to its exceptional duration, her seventy-year reign witnessed momentous events with far-reaching consequences, such as the end of the Empire; the decline of Britain on the international political scene; the ‘troubles’ and unrest within the British Isles and the prospect of a DisUnited Kingdom; the emergence and consolidation of popular and youth cultures and the relationship between the Crown and the media, to name but a few. The period is also of particular interest for Anglo-Portuguese Studies, as it raises issues such as the political relations between the two oldest allies during the Salazar/Caetano regime, the official visits, the impact of World War II, decolonisation, and the Revolution of the 25th April 1974, amongst others. This International Conference seeks to analyse and assess Elizabeth’s life, times, and legacies across a broad range of disciplines, themes and topics, such as 2
- The British Monarchy
- The British and Other European Monarchies
- Monarchy and National Identity(ies)
- Monarchy and Republic
- British Institutions
- Britain and the Emergence of Popular and Youth Cultures
- Britain and the Welfare State
- Britain in/and Europe
- Britain and Brexit
- Britain and Portugal: The Alliance during Elizabeth II’s Reign
- Britain in/and the World
- Britain and the USA: A Special Relationship?
- The Queen and the European Monarchies
- The Queen: Biographies and Chronicles
- The Queen in Literature
- The Queen in/and the Visual Arts
- The Queen in/and the Media
- Screening the Queen: Cinema and Television
- Staging and Singing the Queen: Theatre and Music
- The Queen and the (Re)Invention of Tradition(s)
- The Queen, Memorabilia, and Merchandising
- The Queen in/and Fashion
- Royal Spaces and Geographies
- The Queen in and out of doors: Sport, Animals, and Pets
- The Queen and her Royal Residences
- The Royal Family: Past, Present (and Future?)
Confirmed keynote speakers:
- João Carlos Espada (IEP, Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
- John Darwin (Nuffield College, University of Oxford)
- Martin Dale (University of Minho)
- Pedro Aires de Oliveira (NOVA FCSH)
- Philip Murphy (University of London)
- Steve Marsh (University of Cardiff)
- Teresa Pinto Coelho (NOVA FCSH)
The organisers will welcome proposals for 20-minute papers. Submissions should be sent by email to including the title of the paper, an abstract (250-300 words), the author’s data (name, affiliation, contact address) and the author’s bio-note (150 words).
- Deadline for proposals: 15 October 2023
- Notification of acceptance: 30 November 2023
- Deadline for registration: 31 December 2023
- Registration details will be posted online in October 2023
All delegates are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation.
Contact details
Further details in the attached CFP.
(Posted 12 September 2023)
Shakespeare-Seminar 2024. “Who’s In, Who’s Out”: Community And Diversity In Shakespeare.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany). 19–21 April 2024.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 01.12.2023.
Event organised by: Marlene Dirschauer, Jonas Kellermann
Presentation of the event
Please see the attached file for a detailed description of the event
Contact details
(Posted 10 October 2023)
IASEMS Graduate Conference: Shakespeare and his Contemporaries – The Italian Brand: Re-evaluating Italian Influence in Early Modern English Culture.
Villa Il Palmerino, Florence. 19 April 2024.
Deadline for abstracts: Sunday 14 January 2024.
The 2024 IASEMS Graduate Conference, which will be held at Villa Il Palmerino – Vernon Lee’s House in Florence – is a one-day interdisciplinary forum open to PhD students and researchers who have obtained their doctorate within the past 5 years.
For the 2024 edition, the Graduate Conference will encourage reflection on the movement of texts, language, customs, and people from Italy to early modern England, seeking to re-evaluate the ‘Anglo Italian connection’ in the light of novel research projects from early career researchers. Specifically, starting from a reassessment of the great number of scholarly contributions that have investigated the issue (to mention only a few, Chaney 1998; Quondam 2006; Severi 2009; Tomita 2009; Wyatt 2012; Marrapodi 2014 and 2016; Fulton and Campopiano 2018) we would like to think about defining a distinct Italian ‘brand’ – in both the current sense linked to identity construction and the marketplace and the negative sense of being marked with infamy, which began to prevail after the break of England from Rome.
The graduate conference intends to explore such interactions in texts, performances, emergent literary criticism and aesthetic, translation practices and cultural models, and we welcome papers adopting a variety of approaches to textual and non-textual sources. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The Italian cultural heritage and its remediation in early modern English cultural practices Anglo-Italian exchanges, contact zones and forms of hybridisation
- Landscapes, cities, houses, and ruins as sites of memory and Anglo-Italian cultural heritage / cultural pilgrimage
- Linguistic encounters: teaching Italian in England
- Learned travellers: itineraries and discoveries
- Receptions / Transformations of Roman cultural heritage and classical authority The printed word as a medium of cultural heritage
- Italy in the Isles: voices from/in Scotland and Ireland
- Changing perceptions of Italian culture and Italians across space (i.e. different Anglophone areas) and across time
Candidates are invited to send a description of their proposed contribution according to the following guidelines:
- the candidate should provide name, institution, contact info, title and a short abstract of the proposed contribution (300 words for a maximum 20-minute paper), explaining the content and intended structure of the paper; please include both a short bibliography and a short biographical note; abstracts are to be submitted by Sunday 14 January 2024 by email to <> and <>;
- notification of acceptance will be sent by Sunday 28 January 2024;
- each finished contribution should not exceed 20 minutes and is to be presented in English (an exception will be made for Italian candidates of departments other than English, who can give their papers in Italian);
- participants will be asked to present a final draft of the paper ten days before the Conference.
Speakers who are IASEMS members can apply for a mini-grant to go towards travel expenses: ( For further information, please contact Luca Baratta: <>.
Original CFP
(Posted 6 December 2023)
Recentring Form(s) in and of the Margins: The Politics of Self-Reflexivity in Contemporary Artistic Media.
Kaaistudio’s, Brussels, Belgium. 24-26 April 2024.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 December 2023.
In recent years, self-reflexivity has become increasingly widespread in both ‘highbrow’ and popular arts and across different media, where it has been used especially to emphasize a strong sociopolitical engagement and the non-hegemonic positionalities of their characters or creators. Since self-reflexive forms, such as metafiction or metadrama, have long been associated primarily with white European or North American male artists (Fenstermaker 2008), the proliferation of these forms and the often topical issues that they help to discuss deserve further attention. Testament to this decidedly political interest in self-reflexivity are, for instance, the prize-winning novels There There (Orange 2018) and Girl, Woman, Other (Evaristo 2019), plays by Young Jean Lee and Jeremy O. Harris, stage productions by Anta Helena Recke, feminist or Afro-surrealist TV-series such as Fleabag (2016) and Atlanta (2016), or films like Get Out (2017). While most of these works have received much critical praise, scholarly attention for their self-reflexive forms so far has been scarce. Even though academic studies on metafiction and/or metareference (cf. Hutcheon 1980; Wolf 2009, 2011) have developed and systematized the field, they rarely reflect on self-reflexivity in and of the margins (see, however, Mwangi 2009) and remain largely apolitical in their theorizing.
Taking inspiration from new formalist thinking on the intricate entanglements of the politics of form (Levine 2015; Fawaz 2022), this conference attends to the de- and re-centring of form(s) and aims to further develop the theorizing of and criticism on politically engaged self-reflexive artworks. We invite scholars to explore self-reflexivity across media and across geographical and linguistic areas, in artworks from the 1990s onwards that inextricably link it to political engagement.
Topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:
- self-reflexivity in prose, poetry, drama, performance, film, comics, video games, digital/social
- media, etc., that engages with the politics of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, etc.
- self-reflexivity as a tool for the socio-political mediation of contemporary (planetary) crises
- the potential of self-reflexivity to interrogate cultural, medial and/or generic legacies
- the circulation and reception of self-reflexive artworks in and of the margins
- the transposition of self-reflexive forms between and across media (e.g. film adaptations of
- novels, plays or video games, performances of a dramatic text, intermedial artworks, etc.)
- the biases in current theories of self-reflexivity, pertaining to Eurocentrism, gendered scholarly
- discourse (cf. Ommundsen 1992), etc.
- methodologies for researching self-reflexivity and/or reflections on research positionality
Proposals for 20-minute papers (ca. 300 words) and a biographical note (ca. 100 words) may be sent to by 15 December 2023. Contributions can take the form of classic papers or adopt a creative-critical approach to the conference’s topic. Selected contributions will be considered for a peer-reviewed volume. This conference is planned as an on-site event to foster discussion and exchange. For more information, visit
Confirmed keynote speakers are:
- Nicola Abram (University of Reading, UK),
- Suzanne Scafe (University of Brighton, UK), and
- Josh Toth (MacEwan University, CA).
- 15 December 2023: submission of paper proposals
- January/February 2024: (tentative): notification of acceptance
- 24-26 April 2024: conference
Contact details
Original CFP
(Posted 17 November 2023)
B.A.S: 33rd Conference on British and American Studies.
West University of Timişoara, Romania. 25-27 April 2024. On site.
Deadline for proposals: 15 February 2024.
The English Department of the Faculty of Letters, West University of Timișoara, is pleased to announce its 33rd international conference on British and American Studies, which will be held on April 25-27, 2024.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
- Prof. Jorge Diaz-Cintas, University College, London
- Prof. Ruth Amossy, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Rareș Moldovan, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Presentations (20 min) and workshops (60 min) are invited in the following sections:
- Language Studies
- Translation Studies
- British and Commonwealth Literature
- American Literature
- Cultural Studies
- Gender Studies
- English Language Teaching
Discourse and civic engagement. Sites, modalities, methods of analysis
Against the backdrop of polarization, disinformation and mistrust, how we engage and are engaged on issues of public concern, in everyday and public discourse(s), are questions of utmost significance in current research. This panel seeks contributions from the field of discourse studies, or from related fields, that explore civic engagement in a range of domains, including, but not limited to, politics, media and communication, culture, translation, education. Our goals will be to identify recent developments in civic participation practices and to discuss how they can be meaningfully studied from discourse-based perspectives.
Convenor: Dr. Irina Diana Mădroane (, West University of Timișoara
At the intersection of corpus linguistics and British and American Studies: language, literature and culture
The panel fosters a scholarly forum for multidisciplinary exchange of ideas between the corpus linguistics approaches and British and American literature and cultural studies. Interdisciplinary dialogues, such as those encompassing political sciences and history, and the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies at the confluence of these disciplines, also fall within the scope of this symposium. Theoretical, experimental and computational contributions are welcome.
Convenor: Dr. habil. Mădălina Chitez (, West University of Timișoara
Research trends and priorities in Translation Studies
Coordinator: Prof. dr. habil. Daniel Dejica, Politehnica University, Timișoara
Translating for social inclusion: the case for easy-to-read translation (E2R)
The workshop aims to offer answers to questions like: What exactly is E2R translation? What are its main features and underlying principles? Is it even translation ՙproper՚? Who is involved in E2R translation and whom is it for? Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in an E2R translation assignment.
Coordinators: Prof. dr. habil. Simona Șimon, Assoc. prof. dr. Anamaria Kilyeni, Assoc. prof. dr. Marcela Fărcașiu, Politehnica University, Timișoara
Untangling the ropes of audio description
The workshop aims to raise awareness of the importance of audio description as a key mode of intralingual audiovisual translation and to give participants a hands-on approach to its formal constraints.
Coordinator: Assoc. prof. dr. Eliza Filimon, West University of Timișoara
Participants should indicate whether they would like their papers to be included in one of the two panels and whether they would like to attend the workshop(s) and the round table.
Abstract submission
Please submit 150-word abstracts, which will be included in the conference programme:
- to our registration form:
- or to Dr Reghina Dascăl,;;
Deadline: 15 February 2024
Conference participation fees
- The conference registration fee is EUR 120 or RON 600.
- For RSEAS members the fee is RON 400.
- For PhD students there is a 25% discount, i. e. EUR 90 or RON 450.
- For PhD students who are also RSEAS members, the fee is RON 300.
Conference website:
Event website:
For additional information, please contact:
- Luminiţa Frenţiu,, tel + 40 744792238;
- Loredana Pungă,, tel + 40 763691704
Original CFP
(Posted 21 November 2021)