Calls for papers for conferences taking place in February 2026

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4th International Conference of the Edgar Allan Poe Spanish Association – “Poe and Popular Culture”.
Location and dates: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. 18-20 February 2026.
Deadline for proposal submissions: 1 June 2025.

Few authors have been as decisively influential in contemporary popular culture as Edgar Allan Poe. His influx can be seen, explicitly or implicitly, in different media, such as comic, music, drama, cinema, and TV; but he is also present in amusement parks, “escape rooms,” video games, board games, and more, all of which are supported by a thriving market built around these activities. While many of these products are targeted at younger audiences, who have been captivated by Poe for decades, the appeal of his work now spans a much broader demographic in terms of age and social background. Furthermore, Poe’s presence in popular culture transcends English-speaking countries, a phenomenon that, while facilitated by the globalization characteristic of our times, is largely due to the author’s worldwide fame. Poe’s influence in our modern world offers a compelling example of multilayered cultural reception. Some Poesque adaptations strive to faithfully recreate his original works, while others engage in complex reinterpretations that aim to preserve his distinctive aesthetics and themes. These products, whether deeply developed or more loosely inspired, all share a common goal: to honor Poe’s legacy. It is evident that Poe’s Gothic sensibilities have had the most significant influence on modern adaptations—a trend already evident in Charles Baudelaire’s romanticized and idealized vision of the American poet. However, Poe’s contributions to poetry, philosophy, satire, science fiction, and detective fiction have also played a vital role in shaping his reception. These diverse appropriations of Poe not only offer an opportunity to deepen our understanding of his work but also to reflect on the aspirations and desires of contemporary society, which continues to find guidance in his oeuvre. 

The 4th International Conference of the EAPSA (Edgar Allan Poe Spanish Association) aims to explore Poe’s reception in contemporary mass media. The conference will take place at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (February 18th-20th, 2026). The conference invites proposals from a wide range of academic disciplines and perspectives, including Comparative Literature, Reception Studies, Adaptation Studies, Intermediality, Film Studies, and Cultural Studies. Contributors are encouraged to submit proposals addressing, but not limited to, the following research lines:  

  • Poe and Reception Studies.
  • Poe and cinema.
  • Poe and television.
  • Poe and comic.
  • Poe and music.
  • Poe and amusement activities.
  • Poe and videogames.
  • Poe and tourism.
  • Poe and contemporary aesthetics.
  • Poe and YA literature.
  • Poe and weird fiction.

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For further details, please check the original call inserted below.

(Posted 3 February 2025)